
Just left my job

12 and a half years. I never took a full week off until this summer. Still worked on vacation. Even when I was on vacation expected to be on call – construction project management. Worked every weekend. Finally got tired of being micromanaged and generally abused. Last straw was, received an email from owner asking a question, I was in the middle of closing a deal and then received a call from a customer on a job start, 10 minutes tops – received another email from owner still waiting??? Sent an email resigning and handed in my keys. Last 2 months I almost quit 6 or 7 times. Finally did. I have never felt calmer in my life. All my fault – it's been this way for a long time and never spoke up. Pretty small construction community and I have great contacts, I am not too worried moving forward.


2 weeks into new job and I’m already done

It's a job in finance in a Silly-con Valley-esque company that sells…earplugs. And every single one of my coworkers is this peppy, over the top Zoloft vessel. They're all also under the delusion that these earplugs are the greatest thing since sliced bread. They keep praising the founders for their “genius” of developping negligblely “better” earplugs than the ones you find at CVS. They all “work” 10-12 hours a day and proudly mention it when they've only slept 3-4 hours last night… I'm only a temp there and I do need the money but what use is money when you're driving to work day dreaming of ending it all? I wish I could fake that peppy thing but I just can't. I'd rather be homeless again.


Currently crying: First Sales Rep at Start Up

So I was hired 3 months ago for a 8 year old company that stopped getting inbound/recommendations leads and realized they needed to generate meetings somehow. This is an offshoring company and of course they searched for someone in Latin America (me). I have proven track record of being the first SDR at companies with successful results. Everything went well at first and when I got my offer letter it had a lower base salary than what I asked – this salary is for someone that has less experience and doesn’t know how to figure out what a company needs, because of my financial situation I accepted. What I had to do is request the tools needed for q successful sales department to have, I suggested multiple domains and to warm them up first, also I crafted all email sequences from scratch depending on the vertical and company size I…


Might lose my job for being 30 minutes late

For context: I used to be 5-15 minutes late consistently for about 2 weeks and was given a written warning (which I completely understand). I have since then improved and have not been late since until 3 months later this past Wednesday. I overslept and was unfortunately 30 minutes late. I haven’t gotten spoken to yet, but I can’t help but feel almost jaded. I have pictures of my other coworkers consistently being 30 minutes-1 hour late but I am the only one who received a warning. I have picture evidence and am unsure whether it will even help me in this situation. I’m also not sure if I should write an email saying that I feel like I’m getting unfair treatment for being the only one disciplined. Thoughts?


Forgot to complete a task instructed verbally

In my company, people prefer making calls, occupying others’ time, instead of providing instructions or tasks through emails or messages. It’s not just audio calls. It’s those annoying video calls. I was assigned a task during one of those lengthy calls and forgot about it. The next day, my senior left a negative comment, accusing me of trying to avoid work. He was the one who gave verbal instructions without a follow-up note. He was clearly the lazy mf.


Getting fired from toxic AF company tomorrow. Send me affirmations!

I have never worked someplace this toxic in my life. And I have worked for some real doosies. I wasn't supposed to know, but figured it out earlier this week and my manager confirmed. (He is a horrible micromanager, but not a bad guy.) He was cool with me basically doing nothing the rest of the week while the paperwork got done. I am pissed though because I was never given a chance in this job. At least I had some advanced warning it is coming, so I am not shocked when it happens. But I am still dreading this. I have never been fired in my life. I was trying to find another job and leave. It would have felt amazing to flip off the company and tell them to sod off. But I am getting a severance and I don't want to jeopardize it by bad behavior now.…


Options? Besides quitting. Because duh.

I work for a nonprofit, I love what I do and who I work with, we all do. We’re a team of 50ish in a tough field (domestic/sexual violence) but genuinely none of us want to leave. We got a new CEO earlier this year and things are not going well. A few examples… The CEO hired a new HR director and in the past 6 weeks at least a dozen people have been paid incorrectly (over and under) or not paid at all. We also haven’t received our mileage in at least 4 months. I have coworkers crying to me scared they won’t be able to eat this weekend if their paycheck is wrong. No one who has been paid wrong has reported to the dept of labor even at my urging. I personally haven’t had any paycheck errors, I would not hesitate to walk out and report them…


Found out a child molester is working at my job

Found out a child molester is working at my job from a few co workers and searched him up online sure enough he molested a young girl how would you guys feel about this?


Should i quit on the spot or two weeks notice?

I work as a hostess at a restaurant. My reasons for quitting is the manager. He constantly gets on me or accuses me of things that I didnt do and when he realizes he was wrong he never apologizes just moves on. It makes me so anxious and I have to defend myself for no reason when he knows how dependable I am. He is toxic. He has his nice moments but its like he doesnt see me fully as a person. Im a woman and he sometimes gets close to me or will touch my arm or hand and it makes me very uncomfortable. The last shift I worked he sat on my lap. I cringed so hard. Once he held my hand when i was walking to my station. The list goes on. He is very disturbing to me and the other girls have told me that he…


Fire for “theft”??

So this is mostly just a rant. Cause I'm in a shit mood cause of my work(we no longer). I worked in a retail job, as a keyholder. Well Monday I had a shift from 2pm-1015pm. I was asked to put a bunch of stuff into the system so I spend nearly all of my shift doing that. I got to one item and wasn't told where they would be so, I opened a box, and realized it wasn't the correct box. So I closed the box and put it back without moving anything it. I then texted my boss asking where these other things I need to put in are, it was in a box way away from the others. So I grab that box, and the items I need from inside of it, then put then in the inventory. Finish my work for the day, clean up, and…