
Thinking of requesting a demotion . . .

After lobbying hard for an additional supervisor to take some tasks off my plate, I’ve learned that it will take at least a year (assuming they decide to add the position, which isn’t a given), and I’m not sure I can last until then. I’m a mid-level supervisor with 16-23 direct reports at any given time, and the job really is 24/7. I have to sign off on all district purchases, repairs, timesheets, workers comp, FMLA, HR issues, hiring, etc., and there’s not a day off goes by without a call or text about something that has to be handled more or less immediately. The organization is structured so no one else can do it. Its an untenable situation, and everyone in my organization is aware, but none of the higher-ups is willing to do anything about it, saying, “that’s just part of the job.” However, most of the other…


Just got laid off and severance seems off, are they allowed to do this?

Hi folks, just got the call two hours ago that my contract with the company I was working with has ended starting right now! Love corporate culture so much (deep, deep sarcasm). I was W2, contracted through another company, and they’re saying my two weeks of severance counts for THIS WEEK and NEXT and that’s it. Isn’t it supposed to be two weeks OUT from your end date? This seems super fishy to me but im not in a position to really fight for anything else. Thoughts?


Review tomorrow

Going to have a performance review tomorrow. What should I keep in mind?


What’s the latest on Return to Office?

My company is planning on announcing 3-4 days/week in 2024. So damn annoyed.


Can employers tell customers not to tip employees?

For context, this is within the US airline industry. Heard a story about my friend's company telling their customers they shouldn't tip their employees (although it's very common to tip the airplane crew for private jets). They also stated that they would fire any employees for talking about tipping at all. Is there any legality that would encompass this situation?


Being “poor” but being happy…

I’d love to hear from people who have quit their corporate jobs (or other full time soul sucking jobs) to live a more quiet life. Particularly want to hear from you if you feel more fulfilled and happier than when you were high earning. I had the opportunity to get out almost a year ago. I was offered a decent sum (about 8 months on my current high wage – but if I’d been smart I could have easily stretched that into surviving 18months without further income). Stupidly I turned it down and took redeployment thinking job security was more important. I also fear what my family and friends would think, letting go of such a high paying job knowing I’ll probably never have the opportunity to earn this much again (I’m not qualified for anything – fell into this job somehow) So fast forward and the job is hell.…


How do I submit immediate termination…?

I need some advice since asking people around me is useless. I literally can’t take my minimum wage toxic ass workplace anymore. I don’t know how to submit an immediate termination letter while still being professional. I don’t have a job 100% yet, but it’s either I quit and use what savings I have or literally do something that is irreversible. Should I just write a letter saying that due to my health issues that I need to resign immediately..? I’m just afraid that at the next place they’re going to call my boss too soon. I cannot stick out a 2 week period (which I know is out of courtesy). I’m so lost and having 0 support isn’t helping. 🫠


I’m quitting tomorrow and haven’t felt better in years!

I’ve been with my company almost three years. For the past year, they tossed me between different managers, managers who didn’t even talk to me (which I was okay with because freedom and autonomy to do what I needed for to get the job done) and now they’re forcing me to join a new team, same job essentially. After two months of not telling me about my pay or metrics, they gave me the offer today, putting me at entry level after being in this exact position for the past 2.5 years. There are three levels, which some of the higher positioned teammates come to me with questions and for help frequently. When my new manager told me the specifics, she mentioned if I didn’t want to accept the offer, I could get six weeks severance at my higher and current pay plus my laptop, a 2020 loaded MacBook Pro.…


A happy ending

I know this subreddit is often a place where we talk about the endless depressing chasm which is “work” – and often those discussions revolve around working for oppressive, narcissistic assholes, but today my friends – and against all odds, I have a victory to tell. Narcissists are rampant at the upper hierarchy in corporate America. And especially so within tech. And so most people at some point in their lives will have to deal with them. They might be a colleague, they might own the company, they might be the CEO and they might be your direct boss. And if you've ever dealt with one you know that it is virtually impossible to win against one. Their entire worldview is constructed around controlling narratives while ensuring that their image and ego are properly satiated. Anyone who has the potential to undermine those things in any way, whether legitimately or…


Return to work; what’s the latest?

Sounds like ours will be asking us back 3-4 days/week in 2024. So pissed.