
Electrician job advice

My husband is an electrician currently at a large national company is the US. He’s been there 12 years and worked his way into a top 5 earner as well as got his license for our state and an additional certification relevant to his job. The only real downside other than the usual BS like mid level management is he has to provide his own work vehicle. His truck just crapped out at the worst possible time. The economy is shite and while we can afford a car payment I’m scared of getting upside down in a loan and what if the engine or trans gives out right after. So he’s interviewed a couple places and one seems like a lateral move financially but it’s a smaller company, though still quite large and they provide the truck and gas. But because both positions are commission he can’t know for sure…


I (stupidly) accepted an under the table job and my boss doesn’t even want to pay minimum wage.

If you can’t afford to pay minimum wage, especially if you are already skirting taxes, insurance, and everything else, maybe you can’t afford to be in business. As an added bonus, I’m now told that my hours are being reduced. Getting out asap.


Happy Sunday

Is anyone else feeling the crippling effects of Monday creeping up on them? I’ve slept most of the weekend because last week was such sh*t. How is this sustainable? How does this end? I’m slowly dying inside. Anytime I “try harder” or “advocate for myself,” there are no rewards and I just get a target on my back. Employers view us all as replaceable and it’s impossible to find meaningful work that pays enough to support yourself.


You don’t pay me enough so it’s nap time


ADHD and working

To those of you with ADHD, how do you deal with being overwhelmed at work? Where do you guys work and see it as barable? Its the holidays and I can't concentrate at all with this damn Christmas music. I might look into a job that's not so overstimulating. Im in retail.


Got hired at a large retailer and I’m not on the schedule for the next 3 weeks.

Can anyone explain why these places are hiring knowing they don't have the hours to schedule anyone? I've been searching for a new job since mid September, received tons of rejection emails with 200+ places that ghosted me, and when I finally get hired I can't even work because there are no hours. I'm calling them tomorrow but I'm seriously at my wit's end. I'm so frustrated right now I want to cry.


How do I go about my second letter of resignation?

My situation is a bit strange, so it will require some context. I apologize if this is a lot to read. I worked as a regular bakery clerk for about 8 months. This was too physically demanding for me, as I'm chronically ill. The two most debilitating parts of my chronic illnesses are the pain (including a very stiff body as a result of being diagnosed with Lupus that is still not managed in full, and chronic migraines, alongside all of the comorbid symptoms that go with these two diseases), and the overwhelming fatigue that makes it so 8 hours of sleep is simply not enough for me. Unfortunately, it's all I can afford given that I'm a full-time student with a 40-hour work week, one of which is an overnight from 10pm to 7am. As a student, this shift in my sleep schedule throws off my entire week, and…


My wife is being transferred to a new shop without her consent. Can she do anything about this?

My wife has worked with this company for 7 years. It's a medium sized company that started locally in our area, and has since branched out to a handful of other states. She is the manager for her shop. My wife has been working at this location the whole time she's been employed by this company. This is the location she chose to apply to, and the location she was hired to work at. Now, the company has decided to “rotate” all of the managers in our area. Meaning, every manager within the company is being moved to a new location. This decision was made because they want to give the shop managers a challenge in order to “strengthen management skill At least two thirds of the managers are very upset about this, including my wife. Almost all them specifically chose to live in the area that they work in…


Work is too dominant in our lives

I think you can only be truly free if you don't have to work. If I work I am automatically wasting part of my life. If 100% of life could be spare time then I would be content. I would have no regrets afterwards when looking back as an old man. This is achievable in society by being rich. However that might take a lot of work and/or maybe luck too. It is too scary to try, so like most people I settled to study something and get a job. The deal now is that I work only 32 hours, never more. I can't be truly free, but it will be more eye for an eye I think. Technically, I could turn a profit on life with 32 hours. However it turns out even that is exhausting. It still feels unbalanced and this is really upsetting. On my spare day…


Signed offer letter. Now employer trying to get me to back out.

Public agency. I accepted an offer that is slightly below my current pay but with COLA in January, would have been equal to current pay. Lower cost of living area. Job title is same as current position (permit coordinator). They called me last week and said results of their pay and classification study did not support COLA and they could not get authorization to increase base pay. Then said I should not have reached out to engineering manager to discuss how my position coordinates with them (which it does with my current position), and asked if I had not spoken with guy who has vacated position (I did) who “should have explained things”. They say they “wouldn't blame” me for backing out. I'm disappointed, but said the growth prospects are strong enough to keep me interested. Truth is I am pissed. I have heard of people rescinding offers but never…