
I have no willingness to apply for jobs

I living life paycheck to paycheck like many people but it's soul sucking when you realize and estimate like your next paycheck and how much you'll make annually. It feels very disheartening for some reason because you don't get any satisfaction out of life. It feels like I'm just another employee like some slave working for a company that doesn't care about me. I punch in and punch out. Not learning any valuable skill that I can create passive side income or use that skill to leverage more opportunities. I feel like an idiot in this world. Every time I open up insta or tiktok, I see this young people in their 20s making a bank even I'm in my 20s also but I just feel so lost like many people. I thought that beginner jobs are fine for a beginner joining the workforce but 5 years in and still…


Boss told me I’m replaceable while dealing with mental health problems, so now I’m ghosting them

I was dealing with a pretty intense bout of depression during October mostly due to work, and I told my boss about it and she said “work is medicine, but if you need to quit it's ok i'll just find someone else the next day.” horrible thing to say to someone who is thinking about attempting to take their life. I stuck with the job for two more months, completely dreading it. I finally got an offer from another company that was willing to provide a lot of flexibility, and the second I knew that I was confirmed to have the job I mentally quit. ​ I am supposed to work in about 30 minutes, and instead of going into a place where everyone calls me lazy for working part time, not going above and beyond, and is openly talks shit about me right in front of me, I am…


I’m so over it and I can’t wait to leave this hell hole.

I've been a loyal slave at this company for 5 years. I work in quality and have to collaborate with engineers and upper management. It can be stressful at times, but the issue has always been how toxic the people are. Especially in production. They're disrespectful because I have my own office/lab and say I don't do much because of it. That's part of the problem The bigger issue is my team. I work 12 hour shifts and do everything that's assigned to me. I double and triple check everything because at my company we manufacter credit cards with all the customers info on them. Lately, my boss has been making fun of me for being a “over achiever” and jokingly say I'm a quick learner. Sarcasm. My other coworker, meanwhile, is condescending. A few months ago, I called her out on it. This is a woman that's never been…


Can my employer require me to come to work for 1 hour of overtime and only pay me for one hour?

I live in NY and I have to go into today to prep for a snowstorm tomorrow. Seems kinda bull that I have to drive 30 minutes both ways for an hour of pay.


If you’re skeptical of the Peter Principle, try hitting a few reqs

The Peter Principle basically said that people are promoted to their level of incompetence. Now myself, I'm lucky to have been able to use my experience to work for myself essentially as a contractor, because I'm good at what I do. But out of curiosity, I applied to several jobs online, and for the most part, these HR people and “hiring managers” have no clue. Most of them are going down a list of canned questions, I'm not sure if they're writing things down or not, and then just a general “I'll pass this along”. You might get lucky and get an invite for a “personality” test. I look some of these people up on LinkedIn and they're full of themselves – they're exceedingly proud of their “leadership” experience managing KPI's etc. But how much do they actually know the job? Do they even know a an actual qualified candidate…


Ghosted by my own employer

Job posted for the supervisor position in my division. I'm more than qualified. I meet all the job requirements, I have experience, and I have a record of success unparalleled by anyone where I work. So, I apply. Get the email verification that they received it. 2 months radio silence. Suddenly, one day HR sends out an email our new supervisor will start the following week. No one from HR even bothered to call or send me a fuck you, loser, we hired someone else.


I tried to donate plasma today and was turned away for being underweight. The woman at Biomat told me I need to “eat more”…why do you think I was trying to donate plasma?!

I'm just gobsmacked about this. I recently became a single mom to my son. You can look thru my post history to see the whole situation but long story short – his dad / biological father was abusive, a leech and a horrible person all around. He abused me and outright neglected my son because he was a “stay at home dad” while I worked two jobs to pay the bills and he was conning his parents into paying his “portion of the bills” and ended up spending it on only fans and league of legends. I ended up leaving him and bouncing between a woman's shelter and hotels when I got paid. I had some really really dark thoughts. My son is what kept me going through it all. I am literally scraping by with what I can. I had to rent a room from a practical stranger, I…


Is it worth jumping ship after a month?

Hey y’all, I just wanted some perspective. I finally landed a job that will start in January, paying 43k the day I accepted an offer I received an opportunity to apply for a job paying 55k basement in January. I am close with who’d I’d be working with and although I’d be a front runner, I’ve learned you can’t trust employers. If I received an offer I’d have a month under my belt with this new job. I love the job I got but I’m overqualified and my salary is fixed. I’m worried though about the long term implications of leaving a job so soon after committing. I’ve read you’re supposed to stay at-least a year. What are your thoughts, would you stay or go?


I work as customer service for a food delivery app, and it feels like sleeping with the enemy

Before anything, I have to clarify that I don't work for the app's company, but rather working with them as a client through an outsourcing company (Which means that I basically stole a job from someone's home country while probably not being paid enough for it). So, in this job, I would say that there are two types of customers, the actual customers who order food, and the delivery work-OOPS I MEAN “Independent Contractors”. The “home country” is a european country, but most people who work have Middle Eastern names, and some of them even use their immigration papers as a method of providing ID verification, which makes me believe that most “Independent Contractors” are immigrants, a group of people who are already vulnerable due to general bigotry from some customers. Now, legally speaking, I am not HR, but I am responsible of checking why the “Contractors” can't go online…


I built an AI tool that quickly rewrites your resume for each job description to save you time in your job search

As you may know, ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) can use AI to filter candidates. So fight AI with AI! I hope this may help you increase your callback rate and find a job much faster. Here is how it generally works: Go to Paste your resume. Paste the job description. Click “Write”. With POWER MODE activated, you can generate up to 10 resumes in parallel and have AI pick the best one based on your evaluation criterion. If you have any questions, feel free to message me, I am here to help. Give PowerDreamer a try and let me know what you think of it. I hope it makes your job search much more effective and at least a little bit less painful!