
Does my work know when I’m shiddin?


Never underestimate the power of just saying no



One time in college I wanted to quit my pizza delivery job so I requested 2 weeks off from work and once it was approved I put in my 2 weeks notice lol


Owning a business without worker rights is the new way to own slaves.

Power to the people!


What to do after a bad argument with a boss?

Hi all! Don't know if this is a rant or if I am looking for some reassurance from strangers on reddit… but anyway… I started a new role in a company I've been with for nearly 10 years. A lot more complex work, loads to learn. It was difficult but I was actually doing great, had a perfect start, felt like I finally got a THE role I was going to be great at, I was like a shining new star, kicking ass already only after couple of months! 3 or 4 months passed and my manager started doubling my work. The more I worked trying to get get things done the more he would add. I mean it was bizzare how unrealist it was, an experienced team member would not have handled it. If I said something he got agressive tone with me saying I am difficult. In the…


Got my hours cut for 2 weeks straight

ok period


Employer Stealing Wages in Florida!

Hey guys, I’m looking for some pragmatic insight on a situation I recently encountered in the wild. For context this is in the U.S. and Florida. The situation is, I have a liquor store that I will frequent. There were two employees there for the night. I went in yesterday night to find the cashier distraught over some shrink that had happened earlier in the night. After further inquiry, I discovered that the employer was deducting loss from the employee’s paycheck to compensate for shrink. I immediately declared that this is a violation of labor law under current US laws. The more senior employee (Gen X) immediately challenged me, and said that because this was “a small family business” they had the right to dock employee pay for shrink. I reaffirmed my position, and left as to not create a scene. I went to the store later today to talk…


If you only get paid enough to pay for food and shelter, and that money goes right back to the capitalists who employee you, how is that any different from slavery?

I’m genuinely looking to be freed from this thought. If we see capitalists as one group and laborers as another, then consider that many laborers are only paid enough to pay for basic necessities to live, how is that any different than being an unpaid worker who is also minimally fed and sheltered? To be clear, I’m not comparing the modern day system to the one used against African Americans. It seems to me that the system has evolved, grown clever, given us all the illusions of choice to make us believe we’re free. We can choose what we eat, to some extent where we live, and which capitalist we work for. Occasionally we make enough money to afford some entertainment and we thank them. Right below the surface, whatever money we spend goes right back to the capitalist class. Not working means living on the streets and starving. They…


Work not paying my hours and I have proof

Hello, I'm a hardworking cleaner at a secondary school in the UK, worked this job over a year now. I am seeking advice on what I can do such as potentially taking this employment tribunal and receiving a payout as the amount of stress and time I have to endure as well as unlawfully not being paid the hours I worked including times where they asked me to work In my summer holidays and they haven't paid me the full amount. On three occasions now I haven't been paid correctly, first occasion I came in to work overtime I worked 3.5hours and I didn't get paid for this at all. I chased up this up with senior management, I proved I didn't get paid, they first said you got paid without investigating, then just completely ignored my communications until I got tired n stop chasing. I know I didn't get…


One of the requirement

Was reading some job announcements and saw this in requirement list.