
Boss wants me to work on Christmas because “I’m not Christian”.

My boss has it in his mind that the atheists, or anyone that isn’t Christian, should report to work on the 25th, and 26th, of December. I told him I’m not coming in for work on neither Christmas nor Boxing Day, because I plan on visiting and spending time with family. The mother fucker came at me with the argument that this holiday isn’t for the non-Christians, so it’s going to be treated like regular work days for the non-Christians. I told him clear as day that I’m not gonna report into work, and I’m not burning any of my PTO just because I am not Christian, I don’t care if I’m not getting paid. It just burns me that he doesn’t see the double standard, oh wait, he’s probably too busy thinking it’s a good idea to buy his 9 year old grandson a new Shotgun (that he has…


Boss wants me to work on Christmas because “I’m not Christian”.

My boss has it in his mind that the atheists, or anyone that isn’t Christian, should report to work on the 25th, and 26th, of December. I told him I’m not coming in for work on neither Christmas nor Boxing Day, because I plan on visiting and spending time with family. The mother fucker came at me with the argument that this holiday isn’t for the non-Christians, so it’s going to be treated like regular work days for the non-Christians. I told him clear as day that I’m not gonna report into work, and I’m not burning any of my PTO just because I am not Christian, I don’t care if I’m not getting paid. It just burns me that he doesn’t see the double standard, oh wait, he’s probably too busy thinking it’s a good idea to buy his 9 year old grandson a new Shotgun (that he has…


United Auto Workers going hard.


Exploited by management on a power trip

I end up bruising my bosses’ ego and then it doesn’t work well for me They always tell me I’m the most talented one in the team, but I can’t do my work properly if it’s too restrictive (micromanaging) or directions are plain dumb (what the boss wants/what’s possible) or they absolutely hate it when I’m right about something and proceed to fire me over that or here’s the last ridiculous issue i keep encountering: I refuse to date them because they accepted some job as a “manager” instead of “worker”. I want to iterate that I don’t like leadership positions or boss people around but end up getting exploited by people who are hungry to grab that power with massive egos and lot of people apply for that job not because they actually want that role and contribute, but to boss people around to compensate for whatever else they…


I feel like I’m being targeted

So, I work at [unnaMeD fastfood place], and I showed up to work today, in the wrong type of pants for my uniform (they were a whitish blue) becayse my only black jeans ripped in the wash. And my manager obviously sent me home, but here's the thing, she's apparently “already had complaints about me not wearing my uniform properly” such as having my shirt untucked (which, everyone else at the same time as me was doing as well, but thet decided to call me out specifically), wearing a jacket while working that didn't go with the uniform (I have raynaud's and will literally turn blue if exposed to cold temperatures for even brief periods of time, and I don't have enough of these stupid points to get the “proper” jacket, which is the only way to get it), having my hair down (it wasn't, it was tucked into my…


I feel like I’m being targeted

So, I work at [unnaMeD fastfood place], and I showed up to work today, in the wrong type of pants for my uniform (they were a whitish blue) becayse my only black jeans ripped in the wash. And my manager obviously sent me home, but here's the thing, she's apparently “already had complaints about me not wearing my uniform properly” such as having my shirt untucked (which, everyone else at the same time as me was doing as well, but thet decided to call me out specifically), wearing a jacket while working that didn't go with the uniform (I have raynaud's and will literally turn blue if exposed to cold temperatures for even brief periods of time, and I don't have enough of these stupid points to get the “proper” jacket, which is the only way to get it), having my hair down (it wasn't, it was tucked into my…


Bosses who reject sick leaves are the worst ones!

In this capitalist world, apparently one has to work even after their death!!!


Relaxing Games 2021 [Cozy, Calm & Comforting]


Quit my job ‼️

I liked my job 90% of time I stood on the tills middle management took a photo of me with another coworker pic: behind tills coworker sat on box and me on floor, both doing up laces reported for sitting down and not doing work aka laughing at mm bc we saw mm taking photos sat for 15 seconds to do laces sends picture when I sit aswell to do laces when problem is coworker on box for 5 mins manager posts pic in group chat manager calls and shouts down the phone manager comes into work calls into office lost £70 pay for that day + travel coworker had earlier shift and only lost £10 next day: asked manager if I can make it up bc I need money says no that’s your punishment realise my real punishment is working with mm again resign I have a right to…


sick again

a few weeks ago I call in sick because of the flu and now I maybe getting the cold. hope they don't think I am faking it to get time off.