
Coworker’s mother died, my boss didn’t give her a single day off

It's like the title. I am a doctor working in ICU and at the start of September I was tending one of my dearest coworker's mother who was on anticoagulant (because of atrium fibrillation) and fell accidentally resulting in subdural hematoma and coma. There was no hope but we wanted to try our best to make her gaining some consciousness. She was stable and could react to people around her and even lift her arms. But the COVID and flu season hit hard in October and November here in China. And she didn't make it through. Catching COVID in the wards was the last blow and we hadn't have any efficient meds to help her. So she died while my coworker was having flu-A. It was a gloomy Wednesday. She already took a day off that day to recover from flu but had to deal with all these in the…


My cowokers hours got cut because ge worked overtime after getting asked to come in for understaffing

So my co-worker got called in on Friday to come into work for third shift because 7 people called off. He was in the middle of sleeping. He already had to come in to work for his regular shift on Saturday at 2. He works from 10 to 6 and comes in the next day at 2. Turns out he was informed that his hours will be cut by 7 hours to make up for the overtime he received . This is one of the most evil things I have ever heard about. You're begging for people to come in because you're understaffed and when someone does come in you cut their hours to save money. Bitch, so you never actually needed him to come in??! If you actually needed him why cut his hours? How is this not illegal? Mine you his schedule was already released ahead of time.…


Get ready to be reviewed allows anonymous users to review any person they want. Customers colleagues and managers will be coming for us one and all


Profit sharing requirement. I think it would be helpful if all corporations were mandated to profit share with their employees

Hear me out. Profit sharing has been around for a long time in Alaska. Residents of Alaska fight for this. But let’s go a step further and mandate that businesses profit share with their employees. I think this could get even out things a little more and stop extreme CEO pay. It would also help with living wages.


I’m unable to hold down a job or internship because every manager I’ve ever had hates me for my autism

I'm in my 30s and have been trying to find a steady job because my rent is ridiculous. But I'm wondering if my autism makes people discriminate against me, because it's not severe enough to be really obvious – so people often just think I'm a bit socially awkward and don't present as what they want a typical female to be. I did a social work degree which typically involves doing TWO UNPAID PLACEMENTS for 6 MONTHS EACH. These placements are fake free labor camps where you don't learn a thing about social work; you just do filing and receptionist work for free. I ended up having to do FOUR placements! I FAILED my first placement because I apparently didn't look cheerful enough to be doing filing for 6 months. My supervisor even lied and said I had made racist comments that I have never even thought about a particular…


Join the General Strike

let us eat the rich or at least keep them awake at night.


Supporting our brothers in Ohio while in Chicago!!


I hate my colleague, appearance, personality, everything. What is the move here?

​ I have a colleague who's a dork. Conversations with him are ALWAYS him interrupting and talking too much. And the conversations often go where he starts something like “Did you know there is a snake in papua new guinea with three balls instead of two”..or some shit like this. I hate him to the core. He has absolutely no social skills, no friends, is frugal, and has a shitty life. He yawns every 2 minutes and is sleepy and red-eyed after 10 am, spreading low-energy vibes in the office. I have a lot more reasons to hate him. To add to this, he dresses like a woman while being straight(he said so). I don't mean some tasteful feminine additions for a well-balanced look. It is disgusting. He shows up with a two-day stubble on his face, long smooth hair, painted nails, and flip-flops. Unfortunately, there is no dress code…


Asking why I want part time hours only in an interview

I recently had a job interview for a sales assistant position that was advertised as both part time and full time. It was a paired interview, the other interviewee was going for a team lead position. The interviewer asked if we'd like part time or full time hours. Other interviewee said full time and I said part time, 24 hours. I didn't even want 24 and have since found a job that's around 14-20 a week. The interviewer specifically asked me why I want part time and if I have other commitments. Why not ask the person going full time? It puts you in an awkward position as some employees won't hire people who are studying, or parents or careers because they worry these other commitments will impact performance. This shouldn't have been a question right? I'm right to be pissed off?


Large company I worked for just shutdown our department and laid everyone off.

A big company where I'm from that has 10 big branches specializes in multiple cities selling premium office furniture and sets to organisations, agencies, governmental offices…etc etc. they're like mattress stores, if they sell one or two sets then they've made profit for the next 6 months. A year ago they started and created a new department where they'd sell small accessories, decorations, desk clocks…etc small stuff they can bundle with the big sets or sell individually. me and 4 other people worked in that department for the entire year, the department was created January this year and it was just shutdown and closed on the first week of December. We worked our asses off, made decent sales and were just about to get bigger and more popular but corporate scheduled a meeting a few days ago letting all of us know that they're shutting the department down due to…