
New subs incoming

The movement is crossing cultures, languages and boarders. Together we stand with our brothers in Taliban and welcome them to our sub to share in our lamenting about the corporate shills that runs our lives




just thinkin


Nursing is getting more petty by the day

Maybe this isn't the right sub to post in, but here it goes. I'm an RN working in an outpatient Endoscopy Center. I've worked in the ER, ICU, Interventional Radiology, Medical, Surgical, you name it!! We've conducted full resuscitations on patients wearing only gloves, so it's quite a luxury having gowns, masks, goggles, etc for this job which is rarely dirty. Now this tech who cleans scopes after the procedure is trying to find any little mistake I make and it's frustrating as fuck!! I've heard rumors she's gotten people fired after working there for 10+ years. I couldn't care less if I get something on my hands. I wash them off immediately, in the rare case it happens. The problem with this write up is that they are “concerned for the hygiene of the patient”, but it's their own bodily fluids we're talking about!!! She's just out to get…


Talk about leaving a bad first impression. It’s a hard nope for me if this is how they treat potential future employees lol.

Imagine wondering why nobody wants to work for your shitty company if this is the attitude they have towards applicants.


If you make more than 50k a year: drop in and tell us your job

I've seen how you guys love to drop your salary but never your job. I've actually never once seen someone say what their job is. So if you're making more than 50k a year I want to know what your job is. I only want to see your job title. As in, “I'm a Blank Blank at a Blank company making Blank.” Also if you're feeling extra helpful I'd love to know the jobs you've held to get to your current job. I.E blank->blank->blank. Until I see someone actually back up their claims I'll forever assume anyone that drops their salary is a bold faced liar. Love y'all, Merry Christmas! P.S. I know tone doesn't carry over text so I'd like to reassure the thin skinned that I'm genuinely curious and not really trying to troll. However, provocative language tends to get more replies.


How to actually find good work (this is a slightly different post, but please bear with me)

So, I know that this subreddit is about ending work and all, but I need to accept that I might have to work for at least some duration before I can settle in. So, my question is, how do I actually find good work? A place with good culture, or one that feels like a second home and you work there because you actually feel like you belong? How can I improve my chances of landing a such a job as compared to just rial and error, where I finally land one after 5 rounds of quitting or getting fired before I just burn out. Have any of you guys experienced that?


How to handle favoritism at work?

I work at this country club and all the servers were hired at the same time. The manager for some reason liked x new girl who is totally new in this kind of field and now he assigns her as a lead. She doesn't know a lot of things and the rest of servers correct her. Anyways she ends up being scheduled the most. Then the manager asks her who he should schedule with her. I don't know if they know each other from before but she talks to him a lot. How to deal with this?


Got an AI rejection letter for…being born on the wrong date.


Got fired. When do I file for unemployment?

I got fired because of “position restructuring.” Do I file on my last day or today? My last day isn't for a couple weeks.