
Thoughts on the general strike Monday 11th for Palestine?


Wage ratio

Where you work, be it a multinational corporation or small shop, wonder what your wage ratio is? From the lowest paid is equal to 1 compared to the highest paid, which is a multiple of the lowest. In the UK the average CEO is paid 386 to 1. Apparently in the US Navy, I've just read, the wage ratio is 8 to 1. The lowest get paid 25k the highest Admiral maximum is 200k. This seems reasonable and effective. There is good comradery and mutual respect in all of the Navy ranks, I hear. If the bare minimum wage was actually sustainable and a living wage, like it is in the Navy, as they get housing and food for free on top of that minimum 25k. Minimum Wages would have to increase to pay for housing & food, therefore maximum salaries would have to massively reduce. there would be a…


Please tell me I’m not crazy

My employer doesn’t pay over time. I have over 150 hours to recover, and I’ve only been there for six months. My contract is for 20hrs/week. My contract is also for the weekend, which means I get 70% more on Sundays. I’ve just found out that when I recover all those extra hours, I’m not paid the Sunday rate. At the end of the month, I made 250-350 less. My employer thinks this is normal, since I didn’t work on Sunday. I wasn’t physically there, so I shouldn’t get the Sunday rate. But I have NO CHOICE but to recover those hours on the weekends. So every time I recover the hours that I did to help them out, I’m losing money. I had a meeting with him, and was very firm that if he doesn’t pay me the Sunday rate when I’m recovering the hours I did because they…


Employer fired me out of the blue stating “disciplinary reasons” out of the blue with no solid backing. They asked me to sign a document in return for 2 weeks severance. Will this deny my unemployment?


I cant do this anymore

I'm going back to active military when I'm done with my college degree. Working in the civilian world isn't as easy as people think. I see my family less than I did when I was active duty. I don't get sleep. I don't get to see my wife. I don't get to see my family. People always say “oh but it will be worth it” or “you're doing so well you just bought a house!” Yeah a house I'm never in because I always have to be at work to pay for it. Then I never get to see my family. I'm so exhausted. I'm honestly thinking about ending it all I'm so miserable.


Holiday Party? More like child’s party.

Every year my company host a holiday party for associates and their family. One of the executives is huge on making it FAMILY friendly and not just for the parents. In the past there has been activities for the kids but also aspects for the associates themselves – like gift cards for local businesses and prizes such as PTO days or merchandise. This year, however, was an embarrassment. The food was bland, the only thing really for associates was bingo and had more kids toys on the prize table than adults, the activities were cookie decorating and reindeer food, and lastly, the big spectacle of a local business that sells flavored sodas, teas, etc. had a limited supply with teeny tiny cups. As one of the MANY childless employees, this was ridiculous and definitely is giving me a reason to walk out the door. It’s honestly embarrassing that the company…


Coworker I trained makes more because she’s been with our employer longer

I want to preface this by saying I absolutely do not think experience is less valuable than a degree. I fully understand that someone with more experience and no degree is more knowledgeable than me with a little experience and a Bachelors degree. I was hired as an accountant for a city right after I completed my Bachelors in Accounting 2.5 years ago. Obviously I have very little experience and I am still learning. I also did Payroll for the whole city (700-1000 employees) until about 8 months ago when they hired a Payroll Coordinator and I trained her for about 2 months before going on maternity leave. The lady they hired was actually an internal transfer; she was in Accounts Payable in the same department. She has been working for the city for 25 years but never in Payroll. She did Payroll for a small business 25 years ago…


Employer charges $5 to pay me correctly.

Title. My employer is currently charging $5 to submit a time clock edit. Their system is JACKED so sometimes it won't let us clock in and we have to submit a time clock edit to fix it because it won't allow us to clock in for another hour or more. Also, $5 is a half hour of pay for some employees, so fixing one days timesheet can cost an entire hour of labor! What do you guys think about this?


Currently at the beginning stages of trying to unionize a company and it fucking sucks.

I’m a driver for a one branch company. I’ve been there for 6 years. We are paid pretty well. Me and the drivers have always talked about unionizing because of the owners sociopathic behaviors. So I said fuck it. I contacted the local organizer and got the ball rolling. And it’s amazing to see how people’s true colors come out at the idea of someone actually attempting to do something instead of just talk about it. Since I have introduced/tried to get people on board I’ve had: People who were all on board completely turn their back on me and rat me out to management and owner. People who I liked and consider people I had respect for completely shut me out and not want to even talk socially with me anymore. People close to the owner who I’ve had friendly relationships with try tactics to intimidate me that aren’t…


Worked 220 hours in the last 3 weeks and got told I don’t take this job seriously enough.

I've had this job for 2 years, I've been working lots of OT in those 2 years, and I've given up my hobbies of mead brewing and D&D for it. In these 2 years ive been consistently told “we are going to get you help” when i bring up the worload, which they do give me, but then they give me more work immediately and the hours get worse. Sparing the details, I've previously only done 1 “project” at a time. We hired a new person and they asked me to do 2 at a time from now on. I agreed to this. Then in the middle of the 2, they crammed a 3rd in. They did not extend the due date, and I warned them this was impossible and was ignored. Then one of the 3 demonstrated issues that would take more time to resolved, I raised alarms again,…