
buy me borger

plz for borger?$radix42


We are only really free if robots and AI take over all jobs

I hope that one day robots and AI can take over all jobs. Then we can all really live without the need for money. Unfortunately, we probably won't be alive anymore if and when this hapens. I think however that if that happens, humans can really live their lives in freedom. Every day waking up with no need for work, just all spare time. If you want to work hard on something you do that, without any consequences of doing a poor job. You also then don't work or learn because you must, but because you want to. To me going to school 5 days a week was wasting my life, because I only got two days back. It is basically stealing my life. I don't get any life profit out of it, only loss. Yes, I learn something, however I can also learn something with 3,5 days a week…


My boss mad at me after not communicating or scheduling me

I got this job in september. it took them weeks for me to finally get scheduled. i worked my first shift in late october. i was scheduled for another date that week but i was so sick i quite literally couldn’t get out of bed. soon after that i had plans to go out of state that was planned weeks before that i could not cancel and i told my boss this. after that he just stopped talking to me at all. i asked many many times when i was being scheduled and no answer. he then tells me i have to tell him my availability each week. i do that and he continues to not respond to me for weeks. i threaten to quit if he doesn’t communicate or schedule me and he gets mad at ME because “he can’t wait until i decide to work again weeks later”…


2023 Edelman Trust Barometer shows why working hard won’t make you successful: ‘We are living in a trust paradox’ –


Anyone have any opinions on USHA and the insurance they sell through freedom life?


Working Moderately is a form of AMBITION!

To all people who say that we may lack ambition for not wanting to work hard enough: According to chatgpt: “ambition” is not necessarily linked to professional aspirations. Although many people associate the word with career goals and success at work, ambition can also refer to aspirations in other areas of life, such as family, personal relationships, health, education, leisure, or even personal and spiritual goals. Ambition is often understood as a strong desire to succeed, achieve meaningful goals or realize one's dreams, whether professional or personal. This can encompass a wide range of areas, and each person can have unique aspirations and ambitions depending on their values, interests and priorities. So, although ambition can be expressed in a professional context, it's not limited to that and can be applied to many aspects of life. And I may add this: For instance, if my ambition is to stay fit and…


Demoted before I even started?

I’ve been training for a month or so as an ASM. My old ASM left to pursue another job that paid more money, which was understandable. Since then, I was asked to take her place so I’ve been doing the training to do so. Well, they pulled me into the office last night to tell me that the old ASM actually wants to come back and will get the spot she used to have. I got a whole conversation about it that ended with an “are you angry?” from my manager as if it was a joke. Is that really fair?


Told my boss i can’t work Christmas eve, she’s demanding we all work late on Christmas eve

Hiya everyone, this is my 1st post here. I work for a large UK sports retailer and made sure super early to tell my boss the days I wanted off over the holidays. Was the 1st person to message her, but she didn’t reply and like 2 days later sent a text to our groupchat saying we all have to work late on Christmas eve. This has fully disrupted my plans, I was meant to meet friends and see my grandparents, plus I’ll be exhausted on Christmas because I never sleep after a late shift (thanks anxiety), so IDK what to do. I can’t just up and quit, my last employer fired me for illness and I need the money and the job. Should I text her and tell her I can’t do the shift ? She’s a high ranking manager at 22 y/o, so she’s pretty cutthroat and will…


How does one imagine Sisyphus happy?

I don't have the ability to solve capitalism on my own, so how do I make myself less miserable about having to work my life away? I niched into a skillset that doesn't pay well, and everything else I can think of that sounds tolerable looks at high risk of being automated within 5 years, so FIRE isn't realistic. Just tolerating my job and living for the weekend doesn't work because on the weekend I'm too drained and busy dreading Monday. Given that I'm likely stuck working another 3-4 decades, how do I enjoy the ride a little more?


“…Capital shall control labor by controlling wages.”

How did it come to be that we should accept debt as payment instead of money? Clearly the politicians have made light of the oaths they took to our constitution. Slavery is alive and well everywhere. Do people just make the conscientious decision to not see it?