
Rejection, then the company ‘suggests’ that I should pay $75 (discounted) for their own course to be reconsidered for the position. (throwaway)


Employer has to follow a regulation to record entry and exit to the room I work in. This year they upgraded the cameras.

The old cameras weren't too good and focused the doors mostly. This year the camera is a much better resolution and they have picked one with a fisheye lens. They can see all of us at our desk in hi def now. From what I read I have no expectation to privacy at my desk. How can I gently go about fighting this company's unhealthy need to surveil us? I can't damage anything and I must assume I will 100% be seen interfering with cameras but I do not want recorded like this. I've thought about an strategic indoor umbrella at the desk or maybe hang a holiday relevant sign from the ceiling between my desk and in LOS of the camera. Any better ideas? It bothers me because my job often leaves me just sitting here waiting for something to do when someone does decide to get nosey they…


Work: The Quiet Killer | Idler


My bad reputation no HR support

It's a cutthroat society I recently started a new job and have all ready got a bad reputation I work with food and reported a childrens sock which I thought was the right thing to do Maybe I just said to my supervisor over radio that I felt a bit uneasy about why there's a childrens sock here to me it just seemed bizarre and it did make me think about my co workers My supervisor has lied and said I panicked now I look like a wrong-un, seriously wtf, im in better shape than most people im working with and i don't need to rest as much but I mean come on.. What I have learnt is that boring jobs make entertainment wherever possible but to this extent it's just cruel


Capitalism is straight up slavery.

I do not mean to downplay what historical slavery is, of course that kind of slavery is something else entirely. But still, when you objectively look at how our society works, we are basically slaves. If you are born without any inheritance, your option is either to work or be homeless which basically means being an outlaw with no humans rights pretty much. The fact that loitering is an offense is the proof of it. If you do not have a home wtf are you supposee to do? You are not allowed to go into the wild and build your own house and have your own self sustaible farm, are you? In theory by being a citizen of a country the country is also yours, still you are not entitled to anything that country has to offer. If a fucking squirrel is allowed to be part of nature and not…


Good resources/info to learn how to union organize?

I asked my union to be an organizer. What are some good books or resources to learn union organizing? I would be trying to unionize retail type workers most likely. I'm going to reread How To Win Friends and Influence People but what else can I read to learn organizing effectively? I want to cause union elections by my actions not just play around.


new job, right in the stuff you gotta sign (that they so kindly emailed to me) is “Never discuss your pay rate with other employees, this is confidential information and it may be grounds for termination.”

Is it worth it to do anything to em, or will the NLRB just give them a slap to the wrist?


Why are so many people being fired/laid off right before Christmas????

I've seen countless posts on here of people being let go right before the holidays. Why?? Of all times to take away someone's means of earning money, this is the absolute worst time.


What’s best action to take here?

I need professional/lawyer advice on how to proceed with this level of harassment. I’ve already notified two of my supervisors and they told me to stay put. No harm, no foul YET. Just taking legal and logical precautions. I have a lawyer on stand by just in case. What does everyone naturally want to do as soon as they CLOCK OUT for work? Going home as soon as possible is my first instinct and always will be. Hanging around inside the building for happy hour, etc, after CLOCKING OUT isn’t something I care about nor is it a MANDATED obligation after being OFF THE CLOCK, and I’m unapologetic about it. Under ZERO circumstances I should be STOPPED by any co-worker or EMPLOYER from leaving the premise. 1. Either I call Chicago and report about the these constant (two separate occasions) unintentional but NOTICEABLE obvious mind games/harassment, which isn’t my style…



This card will really help me this holiday season!