
Job Posting today

Just saw this on a job posting on LinkedIn looking for online math tutors. Minimum 6 months of experience in math tutoring, demonstrating proficiency. Capability to teach diverse class types, including K-12, exam preparation, and standardized tests. Essential tools: Windows 7, 8 and 10; Mac OS 10.X or higher operating system. Intel i5 processor or higher. 8GB RAM or higher., noise cancellation headsets, and a graphics tablet for effective teaching. Strong internet connectivity: A wired connection with a minimum internet speed of ≥ 25Mbps is highly recommended. Proficient with a minimum of 4G internet speed for backup connectivity. Qualifications: Completed a bachelor's degree or currently enrolled in a bachelor's degree program. Teaching certifications or relevant credentials are advantageous. Compensation: Teachers start with a base fee within the range of $3 to $5 per hour. Pay range: $3 to $10 per hour, with the potential to increase based on accumulated hours…



Just use a generator and be done with it!


I Got fired for the first time.

My boss added extra work on my schedule at 2 o’clock on a Friday for this weekend because SHE decided she didn’t want to work. She took on last minute clients, but took the day off because even when she doesn’t work she gets 50% of what I make. I was a DANG good employee. I didn’t even miss when I had the flu. I took my kids when I didn’t have a sitter. The “few weekends” I had off was ONE weekend. which was LAST weekend for my daughters birthday! I worked thanksgiving, the day after, that Saturday, AND my birthday. I’ve worked almost every weekend since September.


Can anything be done? Need opinions

My friend recently got into an accident where he had injuries on his face. It had mostly healed, but still had a wound/scab on the side of his face near his eye. He went to an interview, and the manager had asked him what happened to his face. My friend told him about the accident and the interview went well. He’s very much qualified for the position. A couple weeks later, after not hearing back from the manager, my friend ran into someone they know that is currently employed by the business my friend interviewed for. They told my friend that they heard the manager telling someone that he didn’t want to hire him because of the scab on his face. Wtf? My friend was understandably angry and I thought this was crazy, I’m super curious to know if there’s any action that can be taken? Im guessing Probably not…


Where to go from here? (neurodivergent struggle)

So I'm neurodivergent. I have only ever been formally diagnosed with a pretty severe anxiety disorder/panic disorder as well as major depressive disorder and ADHD. If I'm being honest a lot of my symptoms mirror being on the spectrum ie. struggling to make eye contact, poor social skills, going non verbal when stressed, not picking up on social cues etc. Though I can't say for certain without a diagnosis. Because speaking to people feels like solving some weird puzzle. I tend to become agoraphobic. I have a laundry list of triggers and thus, working is extremely difficult. I usually can't stay at a job longer than about 2 months and it makes me so upset with myself and contributes to my depressive episodes. I was working at a restaurant that was perfect. It was the best job I'd ever found. If customer's got upset management told us to just walk…


Is anyone else letting unemployment affect their health?

I was fired from my job in November after just 6 months on the job. My father died 2 months earlier and I was struggling to keep up with the long hours. I also made the decision to cut my mentally ill mother off because her whole family has been harassing me to give up my share of the estate so that she could buy a new house (she thinks the old house is haunted by my father’s ghost). So I gave up a good $300k worth of inheritance to be free… at the worst time possible. So my manager decided I was “unmotivated” instead of, you know, depressed from losing a parent. I know I should take some time to process my trauma and come to terms with the fact that very little (if at all) of this is my fault. But I just cannot stop feeling like a…


Denied application all at once at 1am? Yeah go ahead and tell me this isn’t AI making decisions.

Getting a job is becoming a real joke. I am applying for ANYTHING. I figure Walmart would be a great bet. They are hiring a lot for the holidays. So I hear back from 5 jobs as rejections all at once. Like smh!


Can my employer legally dock $5 off my pay for every minute I’m late?

In Colorado, my colleague has just informed me that our boss said we will be docked $5 for every minute we are late. This sounds illegal, but I'm having a hard time finding a definitive answer on google.


UB Residents Overworked, Underpaid, Exploited


Oh, you want a cover letter? Here’s my resume a second time.

Oops. What an un unfortunate mistake.