
Disappointed in this sub.

I expected to see this sub full of actual NEETs or otherwise willfully unemployed people but all I see is people on here complaining about their jobs but not being truly anti work. I went to live back with my parents, quit my job, and have never looked back. Why haven’t you?


‘Competitive Salary’


They Say This Isn’t Possible

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My close friend killed herself, and my boss still hasn’t responded to my message asking for the weekend off to grieve and offer my condolences …

I work retail btw. Also I understand my boss doesn’t have to respond to texts off the clock, but what the fuck. I’m planning on just not going in at this point


What can I do to not get unfairly fired?

My manager has never trained me, never sends emails, or documents anything. recently out of the blue he let me know he is dissatisfied with my work. It feels out of the blue and I was never trained and expectations were never expressed to me. He said he contacted HR and will share a plan with me to improve my performance then test me at the end (this is the first time he has ever even made time to train me). For context, I am exempt and work for a provincial organization. I am also on probation (due to being new) which is over in a just few weeks. I also know he doesnt really do his job. He gets more senior staff under him to do his job while he spends his time doing other things (pursuing university degrees etc). My suspicion is that he wants to hire one…


An anti-work message from the workers of yesteryear to the bosses of today


“Please Remember life is short, take the time to appreciate it and spend time with those you care about.”

This is what our manager told us at the start of our shift, after announcing that one of the higher ups passed away the day before in a meeting from a massive heart attack. It was also that start of a mandatory Saturday OT shift. This was my 39th mandatory Saturday since January. My coworkers and I have spent over half the year with only a single day off per week. He saw absolutely no irony in his statement. Not that it would have changed anything, but he could have at least acknowledged how hard the company has been overworking us, give some bullshit corporate line about how they're working behind the scenes to come up with a plan to ease our workload…..but no. Nothing. He just unironically tells us life is short and spend time with our families on our 39th six day workweek of this year.


‘Greedflation’ study finds many companies were lying to you about inflation


1099 payment processor fails to payout

Not sure if this is antiwork work but a friend needs help. My friend accepeted a 6 month 1099 contract with a Fortune 100 company. The agreement was that he would be paid through a 3rd party payment processing company. F100co has had long relationship with the 3rd party company so everyone agrees to the following payment system. Payment steps: Submit 30 day invoice to F100 ► F100 approves invoice ► F100 pays payment processing company ► Payment processor pays out friend. Month 1 – Invoice submitted, F100co pays, processor pays out. No problems. Month 2 – Invoice submitted, F100co pays, processor pays out. No problems. Month 3 – Invoice submitted, F100co pays, processor fails to pay. Excuses and promises. Month 4 – Invoice submitted, F100co pays, processor fails to pay. Excuses and promises. 60 days no $. Month 5 – NO $ for 90 days Month 6 – NO…


Name listed on company website, but I quit

I quit my job in August after a year and a half of carrying the department on my back and doing everyone’s work with no increase in salary or benefits – with the added gift of a toxic micromanaging boss who stole credit for my work. Today I was googling my name to see what would come up and magically, for the first time, my name pops up on the company website as “current staff.” My entire tenure there my name was never on the website and I had to fight tooth and nail to get basic recognition for my work. I should note my ex boss was very angry when I quit (was very hostile during my notice period), and numerous times before I put in my notice, when I tried to come to a compromise with him about my role and responsibilities, he told me that I was…