
Christmas Eve….let’s punish the staff!

Christmas Eve 2021, busy hospital dept, been flogged through covid. Management rosters as many staff on as possible for the 24th, way beyond clinical requirements, weeks in advance. Why, we ask on the day, as it becomes apparent we're tripping over each other? “To give us the opportunity to catch up on our outstanding online mandatory education” eg fire safety videos, cultural awareness etc etc. Hours and hours worth. Why is everyone behind on mandatory education? Cos management won't roster us time to do it during the year. So you have a whole lotta pissed off HCWs doing mandatory ed, while almost all the managers have given themselves time off. The absolute pettiness of this. Huge spike in sick leave throughout January.


Got asked in an interview if I was “sensitive”

Had a phone interview and the lady was hostile from the get-go. Towards the end, she asked me if I was “sensitive”, as the “team” like to “joke around”. I’m not what I’d consider a “sensitive person”, but this to me screams a work environment where management allows core staff to sort of shit on new staff — Driven by the fact that she also mentioned she didn’t really want to bring me on board as I’d “take work away from the main guys”. At least she made the decision for me 🤦‍️


Can you finish you work despite illness

Hi, all. I am a big corporate grind-harder who doesn't get the program. I figured my constant reliability would help with negotiating power if i was the best employee, but i was wrong. TLDR; was sick, went to work anyway and did a half-shift. 10 min before I'm scheduled to leave, sup gives me big stack of checks to mail out and i got thru 90% of checks, then gave rest stack back to sup, maybe 6 checks. Next day, sup gently tells me that if they assign me a task, to please finish. I said “I'm sorry but if i have a 100.88 fever and I wasn't even supposed to come in today, so if I have to leave at 12, I'm sorry but I have to leave at 12.” First time I stood up for myself. I might have said “sorry” like 3 different times, sup just said…


How hard would you work for an extra dollar?

Let's say coming into work, doing your job, hitting your goals, and being an overall average employee earns you a 50 cent raise every year. But if you really work hard, push those metrics and motivate your team to do better, you might be able to get up to a dollar. How hard would you fight for that dollar raise?


Work place training is near pointless

Today during my shift I caught up on some training that had either lapsed, or was about to lapse. Online training modules that are essentially scrolling through pages, watching videos, then taking a test. A test you can attempt multiple times until you get it right. Of the 4 modules I’ve done today none of them are directly about my job. Ethics, violence against women, inclusivity, cultural awareness. All important topics, sure, but the fact that I can ‘pass’ the course while multi screening, listening to a podcast and not even paying attention, shows how little they care about the topics themselves. They’re just getting boxes ticked, while my actual job builds up.


Lamborghini introduces four-day week for production workers


If you were fired for not being pretty enough, what would you do?

I am a 19 year old female, and I was recently fired from my job for not being “pretty enough”. Although this isn’t reason they gave me on why I was fired, the information was told to me by fellow coworkers. Here’s some background: I recently got hired at this restaurant as a server the 28th of November, and started training that same week. I did 5 complete days of training (30th-2nd: put into two doubles and morning shift), and then i worked a complete two days alone before being fired on December 6th. The reason the managers gave me on why i was fired was “you had to many comps and voids, amongst the rest”. mind you, i have only worked two days, so i must’ve racked up a lot of those in two days. which i know on my account that wasn’t possible. After being told i no…


I enjoy my job, but bosses make it harder than it should be.

This is more of a rant also I apologize for my grammar. I work at a family owned plant nursery, I am the store manager. There are two owners(my bosses). One is older in his 70s and the other is middle aged. We do not have any benefits at all. The plant nursery we work at is HUGE, but we have less than 10 people who take care of the plants. It feels like they expect 1000% out of us everyday. I am so tired of it. My bosses never trained me properly and expect me to read their minds and do things right the first time. Whenever I make a mistake they like to hold it over my head. The way they talk to me is exhuasting. Always talking to me like I am stupid and belittle me. The boss that is middle aged he can be a bit…


advice for negotiating a job offer?

for context i’ve been unemployed (happily) for 9 months. I really needed a long break after my last job as I had extreme burnout and was suffering mentally and physically because of it. so I took a good chunk of time to get my mental health better and enjoy some time off. for the last couple months though I have been applying to tons of jobs, and finally these last couple weeks i’ve finally gotten some interviews. today, I got an offer email for a job that is similar to my last role in terms of the position itself (mid-level marketing position), but the company, fortunately, seems like a much better situation. the offer was also $30k more than I was making at my last place, so suffice to say I’m very pleased with the salary offered. buuut it’s also a hybrid role (3 days in office) when I had…


Work didn’t tell me I lost my job

Superannuation – Australian retirement fund for those who don't know. I had a casual job and started not getting shifts for a while. That can be quite normal for casual workers so I wasnt too worried and decided to look for another job as well. After about three weeks, I get a letter from my superannuation saying that the company I worked for told them I'm not working for them anymore (for the purpose of reminding me to take my super with me to my next job). And I was like RLLY confused because I didn't get a call, or email or text about losing my job. I checked everywhere. Not to mention the job wasnt even that great. Had some really sweet customers which was the only highlight of it but apart from that the management team was pretty bad, even though they liked to pretend to be your…