
Am I lazy…or in the wrong? Someone tell me, I want to improve.

I work at Taco Hell. The job application put me under the impression that I would be working service, and not line, as there were multiple job applications entailing that there were strictly different positions. Once I started working, they started throwing me on tasks that were not in the description. I dared to question it, asking why I was doing food work when I was hired on service/host work. They stated that everyone had to be cross trained and do all jobs, insinuating the application meant that. This left me bitter and feeling lied to, and I naively confided in my coworkers about having to do things that weren't fit in my description. They tattled to the managers, and now they're all convinced I don't want to do my job and that I have an attitude, and that I'm a pain to work with. Now on top of all…


How much salary can a person make without degree in India?

I am in big trouble getting used and stuffs so based on comments i will edit and tell the stuffs happened so, please tell me how much can a person make with no degree in India.


Would I have a case

So I work for a thrift store company I had a couple of incidents between me and my manager all of which the manager was the aggressor I reported the manager and after one incident I quit.After reporting her I was given my job back and she was moved to another store and promoted.The day before my manager came in late due to jury duty And the other manager came back in not to my knowledge at the time.A employee that rents a house from her bumped into me trying to start a altercation.Would I have a legit case ?????


My employer keeps making me go on longer unpaid breaks than what I’m rostered for.

Hi all. I work in NSW, Australia under the Fast Food level 1 award. When I check my roster before work, I usually have a 6+ hour shift with a 10min paid break and a 30 or 45min unpaid break. However, my employer keeps telling me to go for hour-long unpaid breaks right before I go on break. The fair work ombudsman says that I must be informed on my break times on my roster, but I can't find anything about whether my employer can make me go on a longer unpaid break, completely unannounced. Is this legal? Should I ignore what my employer says and take the unpaid break time on my roster? Thanks.


7 Years…

I've been at my current company for 7 years as of Nov. During that tenure, I've seen the company grow from about 20 employees in an old warehouse to over 500 employees nationwide with an office in Canada as now as well, two mergers, and at least three acquisitions. I've seen so many employees come and go, I'm one of the few who are from the original company that are still around. Needless to say, a 7 year tenure is nothing to scoff at with this company, or even the tech industry as a whole. The HR department does a lot of the fake “we're family” BS that a lot of companies like to throw around. One of these things is a small announcement on Slack that just congratulates you on your number of years at the company. As I said, I hit 7 years and no one said a…


Tired of pretending like conspiracy theory talk is okay

I work for state government in a small compliance team. It’s a boring position, but nonetheless it’s a job. However, I’m the youngest in my division by about 20 years, and many of the daily conversations center around, “This generation doesn’t know how to do physical things.” or that we’re lazy and don’t want to work hard, or peddle conspiracy theories related to the government, or social media brainwashing, etc. This time, I listened for almost an hour to a colleague talk to another about how she actively avoids cameras, to the point where she doesn’t go through self checkouts because of the cameras. Proceeded to then complain about people using FaceTime as an alternative to calling, then complained about the same people using AirPods, and how she purposefully tries to get their attention just because they wore AirPods. Then concluded on how it doesn’t make sense how teenagers and…


I’m being harassed at work and my boss does nothing

This is a really toxic workplace. I'm at my wits end. I love my clients, I love all my coworkers besides the one that constantly picks on me, and I like the familiarity and stability of my job. But the bullying from one coworker is getting too much. She will make jabs here and there, and it's never been a secret that she doesn't like me and actively makes my job harder for her amusement. It's made my coworkers and now my clients uncomfortable. Today, a client began asking for me, and when I went out to greet them they asked if my coworker was new. Coworker flipped out and told hers been here for ten years and I'm brand new (I've been there a year) and doesn't understand what she's talking about. It was very rude to both the client and myself, and unprofessional besides. I said nothing and…


Does anyone else avoid work events on principle?

I just skipped a free company holiday dinner at a 5-star restaurant. When you aren't getting reasonable pay and working hours, then I feel like you are being placated with these events, not appreciated. Am I just being an angsty prick or does anyone agree with me?


Owner forced into bankruptcy & can’t pay final check.

The owner of this weed dispensary I used to work at was forced into filing for bankruptcy. Basically, weed suppliers were fronting him products, and he never paid anyone. Or he did, but he was running it like a Ponzi scheme. Now, he’s out of money and has to shut the company down. All the employees received layoff notices, but the head boss went MIA, and nobody received their final check. When someone finally got ahold of him, he said he was dead broke, and there was no money left to pay anyone. So now everyone is laid off, AND they didn’t even receive their final paycheck. The word on the street is that the owner might flee the country as he’s not even from here. What advice can I give to my old colleagues that got stiffed by this guy? They’re super upset and shocked that this is all…


Sigh. I quit on October 2nd.