
The company let me go a month ago, so i left them on read.

So basically, a month ago my company “laid off” over 100 employees. No warning, just people being called into HR one by one and being told they no longer are welcome in the building, and immediately escorting them out by security. No one was allowed to get their personal belongings from their desk (managers were allowed to grab a few small things for you but you weren't allowed to go back to your desk). Not the 1st time it happened this year, but this was the biggest yet. I didn't survive this time. I've spent the last month applying for halfway decent jobs but haven't had much luck. Today out of nowhere, a manager friend of mine (not my manager) messaged me asking to help an employee that needs my assistance. I worked closely with his group so not unusual he needs something from me i suppose. They didn't have…


How has remote working affected calling out sick for you?

One of my friends, apparently, is dealing with issues about being expected to do work remotely when she called out sick? Like her work has returned to being in person, but they want employees to work remotely when they call out sick, instead of spending it resting??


Viva La Dirt League telling it like it is.

How did these guys manage to get it so right in so many ways?


Redflag or no?

This was for a overnight shift at Walmart. I asked my dad about it and he agreed it was pretty strange. Did I dodge a bullet or am I overthinking it?


How to deal with a nosy manager? Crosspost from r/Work

*TLDR at the bottom. So let me start by saying that I have a medical condition, gastritis, that has me going to the bathroom often, and spending longer than necessary in there. I have no control over it. It just happens, and when I need to go, I need to go. I also take an antidepressant that causes dry mouth, so I drink more water and I have to go the washroom more often. I have two water bottles with me at work and I drink them frequently. In one shift, I usually go about three to four times in five hours. I should say that even as I do this, I’m still getting my work done in a timely manner. Nobody has complained about how long I’m taking with my work. When I first started working there one manager used to bully everyone, but after I spoke up about…


what does shaming people who call out sick accomplish

i work retail. had to call out sick. we’ve had multiple people calling out this week, i picked up like 16 hours worth of shifts the last three days. yesterday and today i was feeling off. chest pain & nausea & a feverish feeling (no fever tho?). i worked yesterday and it was awful. i mentioned to a manager i didn’t feel great and she was like “me either so you really gotta just do your best out there and get through that line!!” i was the only cashier there for hours. thought maybe it would go away today, ofc, it didn’t. im a cashier and it’s so much interacting with customers and i’m often ALWAYS placed on cashier (or the only cashier on shift period) and they never let me step away top put returns back or fulfill online orders. hell if i even breath between customers i get…


Joked with a coworker about doing adderall later and now they want to drug test me

Any advice


Why do managers treat their workers like crap when they have low staff?

I have a different job now from the one I'm talking about with much better pay and a much better manager. But back when I used to work in the restaurant business for five years I worked at the same place and location. I actually had a pretty great general manager when I first started, but he moved up to a better position in the company. Then every manager after completely sucked. Especially after COVID hit and our staff dropped. And the workers that were left including me were working two to three people's jobs for the same pay, more stress and more disrespect from management. First of all I wasn't allowed a break. And when I mean I wasn't allowed a break, I mean they highly discouraged and shamed me for wanting to take a break, even when I'd work 8 – 10 hour shifts. Their excuse was always…


My girlfriend and I both lost our jobs on the same day

So this has turned out to be pretty much the worst Friday of my life. It all started when I logged in to my remote job to find I was scheduled for a meeting with a senior vice president from my company that I'd never met before. I joined and braced myself as I started hearing the typical corporate speech, “Our company's new mission for 2024 has caused us to focus more on some parts of the company and less on others. Unfortunately, your position was among those selected to be removed…Blah Blah Blah”. I kind of disassociated for a little bit after that and only heard some parts of what she said next. Stuff involving a severance package, COBRA, and all that stuff. Apparently, I was part of some kind of layoff from the company that I wasn't expecting. After we hung up, I kinda panicked and started updating…


What the hell is even the point of obtaining skills anymore? I just watched my work generate entire pages of Python in 3 seconds.

I started brushing up on some programming literacy and cybersecurity skills, but companies (like the one I work at) now see this as “easy” and won't pay people accurate wages (or even consider raises anymore). This is like some dystopian nightmare (or a wet dream for companies/owners/corporations). The CEO is an arrogant buffoon who gaslights everyone and says everything is “easy,” manipulating the conversations to call us all “greedy” for wanting actual pay, yet exploits us for more and more productivity while he takes home millions. What the fuck is even the point anymore? I'm at a loss, and my motivation is almost completely cut at the knees. If I spend hours learning a new language or things that AI/ML is just going to do in 3 seconds now, for positions that are no longer valued, what am I even doing? I feel like I've lost all sense of reality.…