
Family member needs help

I figured you knowledgeable folks may know more about this, at least that’s the opinion I get. First time posting, please excuse anything improper and lmk if edit or removal is needed. Family member works for Aldi, the food store, in NJ USA. Says mostly teens working there, having an issue with management overstepping bounds but since the teens are pushovers then it’s hard being the only one raising issues. So they knew lifting boxes was part of the work, as it was outlined in the hiring process, however they’re being told to do the box lifting for like 3 hours straight without breaks and in a refrigerated environment. I looked up the OSHA guidelines, and while I have found things suggesting frequent breaks in warm areas, I haven’t found any specific requirements. Notably they say even the break room is uncomfortably cold so they take their lunch break in…


The system isn’t broken, it was designed designed that way


Got laid off today and I’m pissed

I am at a complete loss for words right. My boss let me go today and I honestly have no idea why. He didn’t give me any good reasons and even said I was doing a great job and brought up all the good accomplishments I did with the company. (So why am I being let go?) I’ve been with this company for a year now and the person who was training me never wanted to show me how to do the harder projects of what was suppose to be my job. I’ve gone to this person multiple times asking for him to give me those projects but he just kept telling me it would be easier for him to do it since he knew how. He then went to my boss this week and complained how overwhelmed he was feeling and my boss asked him why he hasn’t been…


I have screencaps showing that my job is scheduling my shifts illegally close together. What can I do with this information?

As the title states, I have concrete proof that my job isn’t allowing the legally mandated amount of rest between my shifts. What can I do with this information to make sure this company stops doing it to me and anyone else?


Potentially getting laid off – can my employer garnish my wages if I owe money on a “lay away”?

This post is actually not about me. My partner works in a bike shop and he has a lay away account with money owed. His boss has advised him he has to pay it off ASAP before he lays him off in January or he will garnish it from his wages. Can he do this? Is this legal? Thank you in advance.


My supervisor had a word with me this afternoon

He said I was not doing something he told me to do. Basically, I did not intentionally make those mistakes but he was monitoring me on the system only in a daily basis while there are other staff in the office. I will report him if things got worse because he is not doing any work while monitoring me. As the matter of fact, he pushed the workload to me and my colleagues. The job is a customer service no progression shit job. I have been doing minimal since day 1. This new supervisor came 2 months ago and brought all those shits that pissed me off. But what he said at the end was quite funny. He said we are not here to do a 9-5 work and get paid. We are here to show the best version of you and help the customer success some shit like that.…


This is how labor relations should work to protect the workers

Multiple unions across Scandinavia defending Swedish labor rights. This was just too beautiful not to share. This is what it's like when labor unions aren't declawed and kneecapped, and when people fight for collective rights rather than just thinking about themselves.


current or former dogtopia employees

Were you paid for doing training videos? They want me to do them at home but I refuse to because that’s illegal. I’m quitting this week anyways but I wanted to know.


General Strike Call to Action

I'm so sick of our government not acting in the interest of the people. Harvard University professor Erica Chenoweth coined the 3.5% rule, which posits that a government cannot withstand a challenge from 3.5% of its population mobilized against it. Let's demand change by signing your strike card at Also, if you are able, contribute to the strike fund at Every dollar can make a difference.


Libertarians striking again