
We will never mean anything to them

Fired a few weeks before Christmas and left to struggle. No severance pay or anything, insurance coverage only through the 31st. Now I have no way to get gifts for my kids or to pay my bills. How am I supposed to find a job right before Christmas?


Just say you only want rich, straight, white, males, Kubrick Group!


I just found out my boss is doing illegal stuff and I’m about to get fired

So I currently work at a restaurant. I've been working there for about 7 months. Recently I realized some of my tips were being skimmed off my paycheck. I'm not sure if this has happened before (it probably has but I didn't notice) I approached my manager and we looked at the total tips earned for two of the days I worked and did some calculations and he agreed I should've made more. that night I texted the owner and he told me that tips were just “really bad” that week. I told him what me and the manager had looked at and my boss just re explained how tip share worked. the next day I texted him back and told him I wanted to see the breakdown of the tips/hours. and asked how tip share was weighted between FOH and BOH. I found out that prep was getting the…


I thought y’all might appreciate this. Venting my workplace frustrations :)


My job booted us off our selected shift for seniority.

At my job they run 7 days a week. Because of this they have a weekend crew. You work three twelve hours shifts over the weekend with them get the rest of the week off. Wll me and several other people on this shift hired into the company this year for this shift, as that was the advertised hours. And have been working the weekends all year. Well we come back from Thanksgiving brake and are told that every one is getting to fill out a shift preference. Then they come back this weekend and tell about half of us we will no longer be on the weekend crew and be moved to a regular crew during the week, because other employees with more seniyrhen us decided they wanted to move to weekend crew. I told them i can't do it. I'm a single father who homeschools through out the…


I finally cracked.

I've been here for 5 years working along and loving my job. I've been doing engineering work for 3 of it with the promise of being absorbed into the engineering department I've been working hand in hand with. They asked me to come help a program. They waited till I had no other project to do and ripped the promotion away. Stuck on this shit doing work I am qualified to do without title and pay has become sickening. I cracked, had a meeting a few days ago asking me how to get two of the engineers off it quickly. And one just now where the they want me to take over the third ones duties. Followed by letting me know there is another project they want me to go to when this is done. I punched the floor. Good thing it's a video call with my camera off. I…


Husbands job talked him into coming back just to lay him off.

My husband found a job left his. They called and asked him to come back by giving him a big promotion. Talked some of his buddies out of putting in two week notices for other jobs just for them to file bankruptcy weeks later and escort everyone out. Right before Christmas what a great time for a job search. I’m also a stay at home mom because we have no childcare available around us or help. Fuck my life.


I was let go with no explanation

I was unexpectedly terminated from my first job. There was no explanation why but I have a feeling of what it was. They sent me an email about all the things they want resolved with me. I replied with a very detailed email that called out everyone since they didn’t train me much at all. I am assuming they did not like the email since facts were being spilled. People hate the truth and I don’t think they wanted to deal with it. Would I be able to have a chance to qualify for unemployment?


Forget retirement. Work will kill me first.

I should not be feeling such ungodly levels of stress at work over something as asinine and unimportant as SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING. Everything is a crisis! Everything is due within an hour! Everything requires overtime! Oh, the client wants something completely different and we can’t help but bend over and do anything the corporate gods ask of us!!!! But, here, we’ll pay you dimes!!!!!! Stress is a huge cause of so many illnesses and weak immune systems, but we’re just supposed to rot our bodies away for decades for the corporate overload to profit off. IM SO SICK OF THIS!!!!!


Boss doesn’t like that I will be late.

I asked every person that wasn’t working to cover a few hours for me and no one was able to. This is what I sent my boss, I was still planning on coming in for the bulk of my shift, and this is the response I got. I’m not sure if I’m being dramatic but I feel this is super disrespectful. I fucking hate this place.