
do i HAVE to contribute money for a gift that my COWORKER came up with for our boss?

got an email stating that “hey so Joe (coworker) brought up a great idea to get [boss’s name] this item for christmas!! we need everyone to pay $10!” why do I even have to help pay for a gift that wasn’t even my idea? am i just being a petty, piece of shit employee?


Just wanted to share a quote with everyone on this subreddit from the play Death of a Salesman.

“Well, I spent six or seven years after high school trying to work myself up. Shipping clerk, salesman, business of one kind or another. And it's a measly manner of existence. To suffer fifty weeks of the year making phone calls, or selling or buying for the sake of a two-week vacation, when all you really desire is to be outdoors, with your shirt off. And still — that's how you build a future.” -Biff, Death of a Salesman.


“Knowledge transfer” is such a dystopian phrase

It's so corporate and weirdly dehumanizing. In any other context we'd just say “teaching” but in the corporate world we talk about it like we're 2 robots who can just directly upload information that will allow us to do our jobs


I can’t believe the professional ghosting now

A few weeks ago, a Mexican restaurant that was close to where I live posted they were hiring. I messaged them saying that I was interested, I am also Latino (it said in the post that they were wanting people who could speak Spanish or came from similar areas – I am both), and I sent them my resume. We went back and forth (all in Spanish, proving I knew the language) and set up an interview. We had our initial conversation in Spanish, she complimented and said that she was happy with how much I knew, and then said we'd do the interview in English. It went well and I was so pleased that I could both do English and Spanish with her right away. She got me to come in the next day and do a trial shift. Honestly, it wasn't the best shift. It was very very…


Manager lied and threatened me

I'm gonna make up the names since this isn't resolved yet. I work a deli inside a larger chain. I have years of food experience, I've managed restaurants. I've managed orders anywhere from 10 to 75k, years of experience running kitchens while cooking. TLDR manager blamed broken equipment and lied about failed audit when I was aggressively short staffed. Made up the audit timing and outcome. She's under investigation for that and other things. Holiday time is nuts for my deli. Nothing out of the ordinary. The other day I was scheduled for 7 hours alone so I prepped as soon as I got there. I did the work of the cook for all the rotisserie, fried and baked chicken, all the sides too for the hot bar and managed to prepped party trays that had been ordered short notice. It was an insanely busy day, I finished just an…


How far ahead should time off requests in?

K so for some context to this question, I recently put in a time off request and it was ignored. They said it is because management requests have to be a month in advance (I've worked barely a month now) our schedules, however, don't get hung up till the week beforehand. Is it too much to ask that they have 3 weeks worth 9f management schedules hanging up then? Instead it doesn't hit the wall till 4 days before it goes in to effect? Just me, but I think it's absolute BS. I've had that request in for probably 2.5-3 weeks. Didn't even find out til today that the requests need to be in a month in advance, til today.


Boss made me read her dad’s erotic writings as a “work assignment”

I’ve been working as an assistant for a year and a half at a Fortune 500 company. I’ve had to report my boss to HR previously for verbal harassment and they claim to still be investigating. The other day, my boss approached me and told me she had a work assignment for me. When I asked for details, she informed me that her elderly father was writing a book and that she’d like me to read it and provide feedback. I felt this was a little strange, since that isn’t the scope of my job/the company I work for, but I agreed mostly because she’s my boss and I didn’t think it was a choice. She airdrops it to me (was very reluctant to email it) and when I begin reading, it’s a non-fiction story about her father’s ex wife “whoring” around the city. There was some incredibly offensive things…


Manager says my on call hours do not count as time worked.. uhh can I get some feedback here?

Like the title says. I work as a salaried program manager for a residential facility. We operate 24/7 and it requires us in operations to be on call every 3 weeks for 7 days. On call usually consists of staffing issues (call outs, updating schedules, finding coverage for shifts, and occasional covering extra shifts if needed), facility emergencies, and issues with residents and providing guidance and support for our staff. Now I don't get paid extra when I go on call, which seems unfair as it is, but thats not the issue today. My boss texted me that I needed to work 9 and a half hours today to “make up my time.” I have been on call for the last 7 days taking calls throughout the day and night. Even this morning, I spent an hour contacting all our relief staff to cover a shift for tonight from home…


Glassdoor deleted my review, but the other “inflated” positive ones that aren’t mine are kept.

So much for “transparency”. I'm done with this website and their double standards.


I got told off by my supervisor for not contributing to a co-worker’s going away party. I’m going to donate plasma tomorrow just to pay off past due bills.

Hi, it's me again, the gal who got screwed out of a bonus anywhere between $500-$1500 after being told for months on end by my supervisor (and the director, their boss) that we would get this bonus on the 15th. I make $18 an hour, in a state where the minimum wage is $12. My co-workers have told me that I make “good” money for my age/position in customer service. I make “too much” for SNAP or any type of government help and some weeks I am straight up relying on food banks and church pantries to keep my child and myself fed. A co-worker of mine in a different department is leaving this company after 30+ years and is retiring. Good for them! An email went out last week that anyone who wanted to attend the going away party today, needed to contribute “at least $20” towards a gift…