
Can you make a sticky covering the basics?

If you are sick, don't ask for sick leave. State that you aren't going in. If you want paid time off, don't ask for PTO time. State the dates that you aren't going in. If you get fired, great. Obviously be cautious pursuing this path if you cannot get a new job. Etc I just feel like these posts are a huge chunk of what I see on this sub “Omg my boss is asking me to come to work even though I'm bleeding out from an arterial puncture during my family vacation, what do I do?” So… maybe a sticky would help cover the basics?


School District is refusing raises if you use all your sick days


Does anyone work at a company that has competent, qualified leadership?

I feel like covid has somehow accelerated what was already happening in the world as far as leadership goes. It continues to amaze me how 9 out of 10 managers, directors, or higher simply aren't qualified for their roles. This is apparent when you witness countless screwups, the company hemorrhaging money, etc. I can point to 1 or 2 that I work with where I'd say they're really good. The rest? Fire them today and start over. What are you seeing?


Work environment has been negatively impacting my mental health

Hello! I’ve been working at this job for 5 years and been thinking of quitting. Long story short, I was assaulted at work by another employee back in September. I brought it up to HR but they did nothing about it saying I had no proof and even my own boss didn’t back me up. All he cared about was if I could continue my job. This is when I started having thoughts of leaving. Overall the place is a mess, upper management is a mess and I’m stuck doing the same tasks everyday. We have a “step up” program but I don’t see myself ever going higher because I’m stuck doing this one task that ONLY im assigned to do on a daily basis. I even had to take a 3 week vacation just as a fu*k you to the company. Trip was amazing and now that I’m back…


Someone sent a resume full of absurd nonsense and got interview requests anyway!

What does this say about the recruiting process? ​


The owner of my job is refusing to honor PTO. It’s on my bi-weekly check and have accumulated it over the time I’ve been there. What can I do legally? (Portland, OR)

I work at a small restaurant currently, but I got a new job and will be switching to part time soon (probably one day a week there, just for some extra cash). Before I went on a short vacation last week I requested to use my paid time off through my manager. When I got back I was informed that we “don’t get paid time off” and that it was not going to be honored. This is what the owner told us BOTH. The manager is just as upset as I am (they also have PTO they planned on using this month). Basically, the owner has mistakenly been letting us accumulate PTO and now is refusing to pay for his mistake. The paid time off is on my check. I have a screenshot of my most recent check showing said paid time off. It’s not even a lot. It’s just…


My company urged me to move with my family to the UK (at my own expense) for an exciting new position.

Three months in, and I’ve just been made redundant. Out of nowhere, after hitting every single target this year. The notice ended with “You should be proud of what you’ve built” The fucking audacity. My family have just settled in. We have just started feeling like we could do this thing. And now, in December, I need to try and find a new job in a country where I have no connections because I can’t afford to move us back home again so soon. We’re pretty much screwed, and I get to spend this holiday season stressed out of my damn mind in a foreign country. Your company does not care about you.


Husband’s ex boss refuses to pay him

My husband has been in between jobs for a little while. He was working doing whatever he could find until he found something stable. Well, he got hired on by a guy who delivers fitness bikes and my husband did that for about the last week until the job he’s been waiting for finally called him back and hired him full-time. He explained to his boss at the time that he’d be quitting and his boss told him he was going to take $175 out of his check because the cost of the drug test came out of his own pocket so my husband needs to pay it back. And he’s going to take more money out of his check because he gets charged for the route my husband was going to be on being dropped since he has nobody to run it. My husband never signed anything agreeing to…


Resumes feel so antiquated

Am I the only one that feels that way?


Incompetent colleagues

My wife and i work at a busy hotel in Norway, in the restaurant, as hosts. Company recently did a campus where they emphasized the importance of telling stories, and how it's done. What a bunch of nonsense. 95% of the work we do at the restaurant is setting tables for groups (like 10 different things per person), washing dishes, refilling fridges, cutting lemon, refilling coffee and hot water thermoses, etc. Only 5% is actual contact with customers, and that's just explaining what's where. We both hate this job, firstly because it goes against our values (we oppose animal exploitation) and secondly because of other staff. We're only here because we're having a baby and want to have him born in Norway. World of difference in healthcare than the country we're from. Anyway, we're both getting extremely exhausted and quite frustrated with the evening shift and how they leave things…