
How do I change the course?

I’ve been working nonstop since I was a 15 year old. President of all the clubs, top of my class, full time jobs. I’m finishing up my bachelor’s degree now with almost a 4.0. I have a full time marketing job. Before this, I managed an upscale restaurant, served, bartended, did sponsorship for a nonprofit, etc. I’m tired. I don’t care anymore. I was always supposed to be the one who would achieve great things. My parents are asking about when I’ll apply for grad schools. When I think about my life in the future, its not in a city or climbing any corporate ladders or even making much money. I’m unfulfilled, anxious, avoidant, and have nothing to show for anything i’ve done. Between 2 jobs and school, I usually work 70ish hours a week. How do I even begin to make this switch and change the course? Work has…


What do I do if my work has stopped giving me hours and ignores my text and call?

I'm a college student working at a dollar store, and I haven't worked in almost 3 weeks. I've been trying to reach my manager, but she ignores me. Should I just text her that I quit, or wait until I get fired? I'm really confused about what to do.


I fucking hate this system


Campaign to unionize automakers in America picks up pace rapidly; Honda starts anti-union campaign

Just a few days ago, the UAW announced a campaign to unionize over a dozen non-union automakers in America. Now it's reporting rapid progress, citing the example of 30% of workers at Volkswagen's only U.S. plant having signed up in less than a week. As fears spread among the companies that the effort to go union may quickly succeed, they have taken steps in response. Honda has set up its own anti-union campaign, distributing propaganda among the workers that encourages rejection of the union. The unionization campaign was announced just a few days after the UAW's strike victory against the “Big Three” auto companies amply demonstrated the benefits of unions, with raises expected to range from +33% to over +160% (after including forecasted COLA and CWIs) among other gains. The UAW has set up websites where employees of every targeted company can easily join the union online. If you're one,…


Work damages the consciousness making the mind submit to its trivia

Disturbing thing is how my coworkers used to talk only about work trivia. It's like their souls were damaged to perceive only the prison they are in. Meaning that the gossip about power games and work bullshit took over. When you go to the job they give you this big book of rules to learn. Like insidious overflow into your mind, so you will forget about your freedom. This overflow is what disturbs me the most – you are being made to forget. I used to tell my coworkers, why do you speak about the job on break? “Why not?” Probably there are some postmodern writings on this already: How system enslaves the people by overcrowding main discourse with the meaningless rules procedures and rituals. So slaves forget that there might be existence behind the systems walls. The prison becomes the identity and that's the scariest part of adulthood.


No bonus “for everyone”

Now, this story happened a few years ago when I was working for a German engineering company and I'm still mad as hell. I started my professional career as an engineer at this company and despite everyone always being busy, management kept telling us that business was merely okay. As a young professional you tend not to think too much about these things. You got your projects, there's no imminent risk of losing your job and the pay check comes on time – so don't worry. But when it was time for the bonus, it was the same story every year over and over again: Business is not great, there's no money left. But at least we're all in the same boat and even the company owners will waive any bonus payments, dividends or whatever. Well, I was slightly frustrated about this situation but the fairness of this situation seemed…


Do you feel it?

So this is going to be my second week staying in an isolated mountain area, away from Society. Something is going on and I don't really know how or what to explain it. The internal reflections we've read in books and movies over the past 50 years aren't mirroring what we're seeing today. Here's something interesting. I have no cell service in the mountains. The vibe is absolutely differnt. I don't know how else to put this to you guys. I've lived in California my entire life. When it comes down to it, everything is basically a “Vibe.” And no I'm not echoing that stupid, neo-hipster-yuppie slang term people are using this days. “LiKe OmG It'S a ViBe” – No. I'm saying something is different every time I drive down the mountain into society. Southern California, society. I won't say which mountain I'm staying at, or which city I'm driving…


2 weeks into a new job, boss has decided to trim my salary

Started a new job recently and has been going well. I was brought on to start working on some sales/managerial role and a salary was agreed on. Anyway, I'm 2 weeks in, everybody happy, boss tells me he's going to pay me 5k less than agreed because the product I was hired to sell won't actually be ready until the new year, so I'll be doing more menial stuff until then. WTF? Why would you piss a new employee off to save a few grand???


How should I get out of the team luncheon?

So, my company was recently bought by another company and my boss’s new boss has invited us all to a team luncheon to meet with the larger team. Problem is, my boss’s new boss is not very nice. I don’t like him at all. I don’t like the new environment, company, or management at all and I don’t get paid enough to put up with that shit. Also, I work remotely, but for this luncheon we’re required to be in the HQ which is about 1.5 hrs to get there and 2.5 hrs to get back, which sounds awful to me. Also, I already drove in to the closer office (still about 1hr away) once less than a month ago to meet the new boss and everyone, so I’ve already met all these people, I don’t really care to meet them again. I have a concert the weekend before the…


Last day / Christmas Party

Recently quit a job that I dedicated my life to for years. On my way to the Christmas party now. What mischief can I cause? 😀 F, 20S, Going to change careers.