

I’ve (f24) been working seasonally at a locally owned store for about a month. 3 weeks to go but I’m not sure I can take it anymore. It should be the most simple job, but the management/owners make it insane. It’s a super boring, 8 1/2 hour day, $13/hr job that’s super busy at Christmas. You’d think they’d be a little nicer to staff. Here’s the crazy part. My boss (owner) has knocked on the bathroom door while I’m shitting TWICE! First time in staff bathroom I had been in there maybe 7 minutes and heard someone walking around outside the door which of course makes it harder to go. She didn’t see me go in so I don’t know how she knew I was in there, but randomly she blurts “ARE YOU OKAY IN THERE? JUST MAKING SURE YOU DIDNT FALL IN.” I explained I had stomach problems due…


Are there any retail jobs that still train?

Got my first 2 jobs this year. I felt very unprepared to actually do the work at either due to a lack of training. From operating the register properly, how to properly engage with guest, health protocols, understanding whos above me etc. + I'm constantly pushed into areas I'm unfamiliar with. I constantly have to explain to guest “I'm not over here often.” Or I have to call for help when I was supposed to be support 🙁 I could handle all the unwritten social rules if only I had the basics of my job down… I'm so stressed. I'm under the impression that theres no retail jobs left that offer proper training or theyre are not consistent across stores. Im afraid I might be job hoping forever due to this. If there are any that REALLY train, please list them.


My manager is obsessed with me and Im starting to get worried

Two years ago I started a new job. My new manager was overly friendly and quickly made me uncomfortable, but her being my manager, I did not say anything and just went with the flow. She would call me multiple times a day, even on her days off. She would call from her car, from her doctor office, from the dog park. She would mostly talk about non work stuff and it would last hours. She would also call me right before I would clock out and kinda keep me “hostage” for up to 2 hours after. ​ Things of course got that bad slowly and she knew I needed this job very bad so she took advantage of it. ​ She lied to me a lot and was incredibly manipulative. She also scared me saying multiple times “you will never get rid of me”, “you're my only best friend”,…


bitch manager keeping my bonus

so got hired at a seasonal job at a little cooking store, they were looking for one person, but hired two because they liked both of us, but really probably only need one for next year. My manager is really weird and has preference to pretty people (she even does this with coustamers when they come in the store) . The other girl is beautiful and I don't really compare, however that is not her fault at all and I really think she is really sweet and love working with her, she is kind and I love to work with her. My Manager keeps looking over my shoulder and blaming me for things I can not help, we have about 15 soups that we carry, but only 3 in stock, and she will bitch at me for the soups not being in stock, and the display not being full. I…


What’s the consequences of Bankruptcy if I don’t own a capital and I live paycheck to paycheck anyways?

Like seriously, if a person can't buy a home, can't buy a car, can't buy anything nor own anything while working paycheck to paycheck while paying off student loans and other debts. What's the consequences of going bankrupt? Not saying to do it, nor am I doing it. Just something that ran across my mind.


Job requirements for a part time job. Obviously not taking this.


Can upper management reduce raise/bonus last minute?

At the company that I work at, end of year raise/bonus is determined mid October. We are told what would be our new comp for 2024 on the second week of December. Lets say you mess up to the point of being written up, can management go back and reduce the raise/bonus?


Oppenheimer & Company employees earn 40k a year salary and struggle while C.E.O earns 7.7 million a year


How do I get my coworker to resign?

My coworker is a pain to deal with and after years they finally resigned. I tried to be kind and thank them for all they taught me and I wish them well in all their endeavors. Apparently they’re reconsidering their resignation and considering taking a leave of absence instead based on what I said. How or what do I say to get them to continue to want to resign rather than fight for a leave of absence….?!? FYI, tomorrow is their original last day. But they want to speak with me about possibly converting to a leave of absence…


Fuck the private club industry

Got fired with no notice, bc I couldn’t make a shift due to a family emergency. Told me “we’re removing you from the schedule until further notice”. That was 4 weeks ago.