
Loca historia de amor

Me llamo César y desde que estába en sexto de primaria me enamore de una chica de mi salón, Todo ese año de sexto no tuvimos gran contacto, Cundo empezamos la secundaria tenía muy en claro que si o si le Hiba a decir que me gusta, un noviembre le Hiba a decir que si podia ser su novio, Cuando le Hiba a decir ella salió del salón y intenté detenerla para decirte por qué no me dió tiempo de decirle que me gusta, no me hizo caso y salió llorando y me dió un abrazo y me dijo “como amigos” Ese mismo día me dijo que si era verdad que yo le gustaba y le dije “Tu que crees” Me dejó de hablar y me evitaba a toda costa, ella se hablaba con mis amigos y cuando me hacercaba a ellos se hiba y ni me miraba Lo que…


Can I sue my previous employer?

Can I sue my previous employer for unsafe environment, wrongful termination and more? I was recently fired from my job without reasoning or warning except for my manager being overwhelmed, I've been attacked multiple times by their house dog that they continued to let in the office even after the fact and would let the dog still come near me and try to attack me, my manger would always use the “b” word when talking with me, I’ve seen multiple naked photos of previous employees on my work computer and I have gone home crying multiple times because of how my manager and the owner would treat me (ignoring me completely when speaking to them on purpose, shunning me, closed door conversations about me, name calling, rude comments to me and more) If the things I've talked about are liable for a lawsuit please lmkkk


I can’t envision my whole life like this.

This is my first ever post on reddit. I'm a 23-year-old software developer. When I was younger i wanted to join the army or air force and become an officer, it was my dream but as I grew older, I got to know more about the world. My dream changed into becoming a Software Engineer which was helped by the fact that I was a huge computer nerd. I strived to become a software engineer, did my bachelor's in computer science from a high ranked university and I got to say it was quite a tough ride because i spent 4 years of my bachelor in an existential crisis, but I made it through. I was known to be a very good programmer in my batch. My existential crisis has made me a sucker for slow bliss instead of fast entertainment and pleasure. I don't want lots of money but…


How do I report illegal activities from my old job without it looking like retaliation?

A co worker made accusations against me that caused a huge HR case that resulted in me resigning and then subsequently also getting a call that I was being “let go”. A lot of the employees at this company steal, do drug on the clock, vape in areas inside the location. I always kept my mouth shut, because I didn’t want to be that person, but since false accusations with no proof can get me “let go”, I figure I should get some revenge. I don’t want it to look like retaliation and I don’t think straight up reporting would do anything. Any ideas? Ever dealt with this?


Labor Can Win WFH!

Capitalist employers demanding return-to-office is a spectacular losing argument. The improved work/life balance of WFH is undeniably beneficial, and an unqualified win for labor! Why do you think your management is SO DETERMINED TO TAKE THIS AWAY FROM YOU?! Spoiler: capitalist imperative is to crush your autonomy as an employee and control your labor to the greatest extent they can force you. Can't say how much overlap exists between Unionized labor and WFH for corporate/professionalized labor, but at-will employees should leverage reasonable accommodation(s) to the fullest extent granted by ADA civil rights. If (diseased) corporate culture disregards your interests and irrationally demands you bend to their will, make the money men and their enablers face you! Because they say so, force them to expend their time, energy, resources to gain your compliance!


Boss got frustrated with me for trying to Jailbreak chat GPT

I'm a secretary at a real estate firm. We have increasingly utilized AI assistance with our operations. I joked with some coworkers about improvements in efficiency if we had access to the AI's full capabilities. He overheard us and told me if I actually did it and he found out about it he considered that legally liable behavior. The man had the gall to issue me a “warning” if I “Wanted to stay there.” That's bullshit, so, I'm planning to do it anyway. I still really need this job but out of pure spite I'm scouring Reddit trying to find a way to pull this off. It has been heavily patched since it could be done easily in the recent past. Furthermore, I feel like I could make a legal argument that he doesn't have the right to restrict me to do this, it's not like our company owns the…


“U.S. capitalists conclude ‘workers are losing control’ of job market”


What are you suppose to do when your employer lies about how much you start at?

This has been bothering me for awhile. I work at a fast food place, first job. My general manager at the time said I start at 11$ an hour. Okay great, it took me MONTHS to get my pay stubs. I got curious and I did the math when my ex-GM gave me my pay stubs. Turns out I make 10$ an hour, the new employees make about 11.50$ an hour. What do I do?


BREAKING: Speaker Johnson, Reps Claim ‘Evidence’ Biden Benefited From ‘C…



How to make work more enjoyable? Or fake it?

So we all have to work usually shit ass jobs sadly but what are some things you do to make the time more bearable? I'm stuck in that issue right now, I work at McDonald's and can't even talk to anyone because they don't speak English or at least not a ton of it to have time passing conversations. I work the grill/fryer so it's constant movement but even that isn't making the time go by any faster.