
Always has been…


What are y’all thoughts on co-workers contributing to buying the boss a Christmas gift?


Why layoffs happen in waves rather than at once?

Hello, I just experienced something that I believe is not very common. Layoffs at my company were announced 2 months ago. In the spawn of the first day, 2 departments were completely gone, with each week after that, targeting a mixture of employees from different departments. I was laid off in the last batch that was this week. Why not just laying off everyone all at once and spare the stress?


Three strike rule for supervisors/managers

As the title suggests. Do you have a hard three strikes rule? For me when a manager does something that is wrong – that's a strike. He gets three, I resign. He/She just doesn't know when and I pick the time. Strikes. 1. I injured my right hand so I couldn't use a mouse or keyboard and was off work for a week (with Dr certs and all). I get back to work, first day back he asks me if I've finished my report! 2. Questioning my integrity and timesheet hours. When travelling FOR WORK, its on the clock. I show him the taxi trip time stamps. 3. Yesterday – asking me to do other people's work. The difference here is that we work in a regulated and licenced industry. I outright said I'm not doing X because it's the job of a Structural Engineer. He persisted.


Let’s talk company Christmas parties.

My company has a Christmas party every year. For starters, it's after hours. I'm supposed to find a babysitter for my kids so that I can show up to the office after hours on my own time and without any additional pay. Second, it also gets super uncomfortable. For one, we have a company-wide gift exchange where the gifts are intentionally super gross. Third, the food is not even that good. The only good thing I can say about it is that it's not mandatory and I haven't attended in over 5 years. ​ Does your company have a Christmas party, is it mandatory? Do you go? ​ ​ ​


Presented without further comment. . .


Surprise firing one hour before office Christmas party

I work in a law firm and signed into Outlook yesterday morning to find I was scheduled for a 'HR Meeting' in a few hours with two senior staff members and a member of HR. I asked my boss about it and he pretended to be completely ignorant and just gave me a list of ‘urgent' tasks to do. Meanwhile, I frantically teams messaged and emailed the HR member who had scheduled it for any context about the agenda of the meeting. My messages were seen but left on read. I got to the meeting, and as there had been a wave of redundancies this month I assumed I would be culled as I'm the second-most junior person in the team. No. Instead… SUPRISE! You're being fired! The reason for my surprise firing was that my boss had told them he didn't think I was capable of the role. However,…


Is there any more corporate-speak job name than “line manager”?

What the heck does it even mean? Isn't it just a fancy way of saying “manager”? Just for a bit of fun: Are there any examples of corporate-speak buzzwords or job titles you guys can think of that literally make zero sense? I'm sure there are plenty.


Are cubicle workers just sisyphys personefied.

Making sure data is correct, filling in forms, endless meatings without the feeling of having any real impact. Is this gods punishment for modernity, a life of monoteny lacking any tanganle meaning?


Not invited to the company Christmas party even though I received an invitation

I am a full time high school teacher. This summer a family member of mine who works for a corp. staffing office asked if I would like to come work in the office 2x a week for extra money which I was happy to do as I am saving for a house with my husband. I basically do clerical work, along with other tasks around the office. The officer I work for is the main corp office for a large company, and my family member is the exec asst to the CEO. So I met all the higher ups this summer, all very nice, the overall company vibe was pretty decent. My family member has been there 3 years and always raves about how generous the boss is, how he gives great bonuses and he flies everyone in the company to a vacation 2x a year. So when back to…