
Coworkers leave 20 minutes early for lunch and one of them says to me “if so-and-so calls just tell him I’ll call him back at 1pm after lunch.”

Um, sweetheart? Wtf makes you think I’m going to continue working, answering the phone, when you both leave early for lunch? We all are supposed to have a one hour lunch from 12-1. I don’t care what time you leave, how long you’re gone. But, if you take your lunch from 11:40am-1pm, 11:30am-1pm, 12pm-1:30pm, whatever…. Newsflash! So the fuck am I. It’s that simple. They do this all the time, and even occasionally give me a “to-do” list of sorts when they leave. “If this person calls. If this person stops in. Can you call Susie and let her know about her payment?” What am I? Your personal secretary? I will when lunch is over. Right now, as you’re both heading to lunch early? Absolutely not. And these folks you talked to that are “possibly stopping in” or “calling”? You should have told them you were getting ready to leave…


Copy of email Being required to take an apostrophe test at work by an abusive and toxic supervisor

One year ago, I was in abusive and toxic work environment. My boss stated I kept writing emails using apostrophes and commas incorrectly (which I wasn’t, and even sent my emails to other people who clarified that my emails were perfectly fine). Therefore, one day she sent me this. Ultimately, this was the email I used to send to HR along with other abusive emails from her (and my director) that would lead to me filing a harassment complaint. Ultimately I quit the job, and found another one because it was so bad. Within a few months, my ex-boss (the one who wrote this email) was terminated.


Should I finish my 2 weeks or quit right now?

I work at a big name retailer, basically run their jewelry section, but I'm also “not” the manager. They've cut other positions in jewelry over the last year and had me take on all the work that would've normally been split bewteen 3 people. I gave my two weeks notice on Monday and since then the jewelry manager ( just one of many managers in the store) has been rude and mean to me. She messed up a certain protocol today in a huge way and yelled at me in front of other coworkers and customers because she told me to “forget the situation, its over with now.” I felt like crying and I feel like I should quit now instead of dealing with her tomorrow and next week, but I also feel bad about it. I still kind of feel like crying, I hate being yelled at, especially for…


‘Washington Post’ journalists stage daylong strike under threat of job cuts


What’s the deal with salaried employees taking my “tip opportunities”?

Hey y'all. I'm hourly, my bosses/managers are salaried. I'm retail so I'd be 'taking turns' every transaction with my bosses who make more money than me, just so they can get “tip opportunities.” I'm not making this up, I accidentally took one of these transactions from my boss and he looked at me angrily and said “I spent that whole time doing blah blah blah just for you to take my tip opportunity” orders from corporate, probably. Like, hold on- I wasn't informed of this until just then. My bosses are making tips now? This is wild. Is this something they can actually do??? ​ (Tip on pin pad before payment type thing, we got it some time this year so it's still relatively new) ​ Edit: got an answer: “clarified that managers and supervisors may only keep tips that they receive from customers directly for services that the manager…


Trying to unionize the store I work for but my boss keeps throwing out my pro-Union papers in the break room. Does anyone have a picture I could print out that informs them it is illegal for them to purposely throw away pro union papers/ any other advice?


Reminder: Nobody at work is your friend

Just your daily reminder that people aren't your friends at work. You can have fun, laugh, get through the day. You can have a work bestie or good crew. You can have the best shift and the best manager. But, these are just moments. They're not real. Not at work. I got a promotion at work. New title, new role, new career path. Very exciting. Been working towards this for a few years. And I just caught my biggest supporter telling another coworker that they plan to give me all of the awful jobs, terrible shifts and grunt work until the new role takes effect. They talked shit about my work ethic when just last week they gave me a kudos at the morning meeting about how much work we got done this week. Luckily, this isn't my first rodeo. But, it was a reminder that holding people at a…


Two party recording laws regarding employer

My current employer has now multiple times over the phone made threats that are blatantly against federal labor laws. I live in a two party consent state but would like to record all work related phone conversations from here on out, what's the legality of this if I were to hypothetically use these recordings in a case?


I got laid off at 7 months pregnant

I would have started my maternity leave in just a few weeks and now I’m no longer eligible for the state program either. This company is heartless. Working in the US is lame. One of my former international clients reached out and shared their outrage and disgust. For those who bug me about lawyers etc: yes I know I can look into discrimination as a protected class. Unfortunately I wasn’t the only one laid off so my chances getting a W there are slim. Still planning to pursue it though.


Should I decline this offer?

So, I went through a 4-stage interview process, provided and set up meetings for them to contact my references, all while balancing a full workday and other interviews that I had already confirmed my attendance. For context this job is decent not great in regard to benefits or pay, some of the other interested companies have better pay and better benefits but I do like the “Small team” dynamic of this one and see a lot of potential for growth there. Now, yesterday after describing to the benefits “off the top of their head” the CEO was like I need you to make a decision by Friday, I explained I have prior obligations and wouldn't be able to make a decision until the following Friday. They said that was unacceptable and that they'd need one by Wednesday, finally after more talking, I get them to agree to Thursday, while they…