
Fired For Being Upset

I’ll try to keep this short, even if it’s not. I ran a farm. The poultry caught an illness that meant they all had to die (one of those nightmare scenarios brought in by a wild bird, bit hard to avoid.) So, naturally I was upset. I spent $30k of my own money and 3 years of my life building up friendly, beautiful breeding stock. I raised every bird myself, most from eggs. I understood the need for culling on a professional level, but that didn’t stop the hurt of losing them. I was additionally upset, because the org lead and my coworker had been making big decisions without me— so overall, I was feeling burnt out and unwanted. I stayed professional though. I just wasn’t as cheerful as I had been. Then one morning I woke around 5 AM to a group text from the org lead (boss) that…


A little Christmas humor


Workplace Query

If you send something confidential to your boss, and he reads it out loud during a meeting with you and your fellow managers to prove a point, is this unprofessional behavior? Though he did not point out this was me, it was glaringly obvious because there were only four of us in the room. I need thoughts on this because I am seriously wondering whether my boss is blatantly unaware of these “power” moves and shame tactics.


Can I fight this?

I work at a unionized hotel and was fired without warning today. Our new GM is a major asshole and has fired four or five people since being hired two months ago. He fired our long-time front desk manager without warning and hired on his former colleague to replace her. He knew I was close with the FDM so he's never liked me. Besides that, his main issue with me has been using chairs at the front desk. We have an agreement with the union that we are allowed to sit at the front desk when we are not dealing with guests. He tried to take the chairs away so I called the union and he backed down. Then, in an attempt to bend the rules, he decided to only let us sit 10 minutes per 8 hour shift. He brought me into the office and told me I've been…


Coworker gets written up for leaving when he was told to go home.

A few months ago I got a friend (F) of mine a job at my company. I tried to get him on my team but we ended up putting him with a manager (M) I don’t really like. Yesterday M asked F to stay late. It was 5min before he was supposed to be off so he said he only had about half an hour but he would stay. M lost it and told F to just go home. F left and showed up this morning. I just found out F was written up for insubordination. I absolutely hate that I recommended this job to F and he is being treated this way. Luckily I have some authority as a part owner and I can probably get this dropped. But it makes me feel like an a$$ for putting my friend in that position.


Dystopian job market – the college con meets Black Mirror Barbie

I've been job hunting for months. I thought getting a bachelor's and graduating with highest honors would be my Willy Wonka ticket to the middle class; yet my $30k in student loan debt to the government hangs albatross style as I live on credit. Being bilingual is a plus, but apparently is too common among Millennials to be marketable, just like my 4-year degree. The application process is brutal. I've never struggled like this to find a job in the past; things have changed drastically since I entered the work force 15 years ago. Every job I apply to has dozens if not hundreds of applicants, and the resumes are filtered by AI that scans for keywords and phrases. If you manage to get an interview, be prepared to spend the next 1-3 months rigorously following up on them all, doing additional interviews, only to be told they filled the…


They want us to work in our sleep now


I’m sick and tired of being questioned for everything I do.

I may be suffering from slight PTSD from my previous role who would monitor and micromanage everything I did. I’m talking 2 meetings a day with my manager and going over the workload that is on my plate. Did this get done? Youre working on it right? Did you respond to my email yet? Share your screen I want to see your emails and workload. Your Outlook needs some cleaning so im assigning you a training for organization. Did you complete the training? We have a meeting in 5 min are you gonna join? Twice a day. Everyday. This experience has spilt over to my current role. I feel like anytime I’m asked a question, I’m being interrogated. I know work is work but damn I just wish people would have some faith in my ability to get tasks done. Anyone else going through this?


Got a write up for getting sick

Title pretty much says it. I started a new job last month and now I'm sick. I have a pretty bad cold so I can't do much right now plus I'm a biohazard. I called the store to let them know. And he said that since I'm new I'd be getting written up for it. Like sorry I'm immune system dropped the ball boss. Shout-out to 5 guys


Ready to quit my job but don’t know what to do next

I don’t have a job lined up & frankly don’t want to wait that long. It’s time to go like yesterday. I will take some time off to relax but then I have to get back to making money. I just don’t know what to do. Thankfully mine isn’t the only income in the house so that helps a little. I am so tired of working for & with terrible people that don’t recognize efforts. Why are people so terrible these days? They seem so disconnected & vindictive. I want peace. I don’t know what I’ll do & I can’t even say it’s going to be something better than this. But I can’t stay where I am now. I wish working didn’t have to be so draining. Feeling down & a little lost right now. If you’re in the same place I hope things work out for you soon.