
Baseless fear mongering against remote work


Why am I given a 15 year old laptop that freezes frequently and I have to restart, but am expected to finish the same work as fast as others with more experience and functional laptops?

I'm a fresh hire in an Internal Audit department of a bank. Not a small bank. First corporate job. It's important to mention that it's an Islamic bank and the documentation in Islamic banking is 5 times more than conventional banking. So as an auditor I have to check many documents but my laptop is very old. Dell E6400. (Upgraded RAM to 3.45 gb) Initially I thought it was an initiation ritual where, junior employees are given shitty laptops to work. However after 2 months I insisted that laptop be changed IT guy said I can replace it with some other laptop in IT junkyard. But IT Head made excuses even to that. Our Head of Department is a big thing and he mailed that a new laptop be given. Budgeting side said that right now it's not in the budget of Audit department, new laptop will be sent in…


Lost my new job after one shift?

On December 1, 2023, I started a new job. I had been unemployed for almost four years by then. It had nothing to do with my degree, but I didn’t care. It’s in a kitchen at a Latin restaurant. I have Latino parents, so I reached out to this place when I saw that they were hiring, saying I had never worked in a restaurant before, but that I had a lot of experience cooking Latin food and that I knew/could speak a decent amount of Spanish. She emailed back saying they would love to add somebody who knows and understands Latin culture to the family, and to come in for an interview. All of those emails were in Spanish. Just to be sure, I would put them through translate to make sure I was saying things properly LOL. Otherwise, I wrote and read everything myself, including the interview date…


Retro Pay denied

I just came back from family leave before I left I was supposed to have my yearly review and raise that didn’t happen our HR is always late with everything. I come back and ask HR about my review and she tells me since I was gone roughly 2 months my yearly review got pushed back 2 months and won’t give me any retro pay. Another thing is I was also using vacation time doing those 2 months in order to keep my insurance so technically I was never off their payroll. Am I wrong for being angry and demanding retro pay ? Or is HR correct. Anybody ever deal with this ? Even my boss said it was BS they were doing that.


Danish pension fund to sell its Tesla shares over union dispute


Woman who threw bowl of food at Chipotle worker sentenced to work 2 months in fast food job


working in the US as a french person was eye opening

2 years ago I started my first full time job in the US, I was so excited as it was my first “real” job. After 2 years of being overworked, verbally abused, made fun of, a burnout, I sent them a 2 days resignation letter yesterday. They were pissed but I'm free! At first the job was great, but slowly I got given more and more work. My pay never increased even tho I was doing the job of two people. I was lied to, promised a promotion 6 months ago, promised to work with a team I requested to work with 9 months ago. It was just all lies and games. I was their top performer with 100% of positive reviews and clients asking for me when they called. Good riddance!


New employee got a name plate way before i did!

throwaway account. long story short, i have almost worked at this company for 2 years, they made me wait almost 6 month to get a name plate for my office! “to make sure i was staying” in bosses words. New employee started Oct 31, he has missed 15 days of work ALREADY and he's still employed. ( my first call out date was after 6 months when i got covid) I walk into the office, and I see this morning he has called out sick, again, but his office already has his name plate on it. What the actual fuck???


Using the last of my paid sick days and feeling guilty

I’m in BC Canada and just passed my three month mark and am off probation. Today I am using 3 of my paid sick days to take some time off and actually use them to get paid. There’s a corpo staff Christmas party going on today and I was going to go but honestly fuck that. I feel bad because my manager is probably going to have to cover for me and she’s a family friend. I feel like I’m screwing people over but they got me covering shifts all week next week and I’m working Christmas Eve and Boxing Day. I just want to use my sick days and not feel guilty. Any advice?


Objective Setting and Development Plans

Every year we have to go through this exercise where we set objectives for the year and update our development plans. The whole process feels hollow and pointless. When I score myself on how my objectives went throughout the year, it is not in my best interest to give an accurate assessment; especially considering that merit increases are tied to this. So this is the question: what happens if I simply refuse to fill it out next year?