
Hounded by job recruiters

Delete if not allowed – I’ve been consistently hounded by recruiters as of late. One in particular sent me an email, then seconds later called me. Then, texted me past 7pm. Then this morning, I started doing my daily morning routine, etc. I get a phone call. It’s barely 8am. It’s the recruiter. She is talking over me, proceeds to insult me because I haven’t sent her the acknowledgement of the job yet, mind you, when she gave me all this info, it was past 7pm yesterday. I just simply didn’t get to it yet. Then low and behold, she sent me an email half an hour before calling me. I told her that because of this experience with her, it left a bad taste in my mouth and I didn’t want to proceed. I just honestly didn’t want to continue having to converse with her. It’s insane how much…


People want to work, they just don’t want to spend two hours registering and signing up for an account on your website/App

Weird Personality questions, numerous I am not a robot tests, 'what would you do in this situation?' type questions, having to repeatedly input resume information, needing photos and Personal Information, Why do I have to do ALL THIS just to sign up and BEFORE even applying to a job!?!?


The ‘Jelly of the month bonus’ scene from National Lampoon’s Xmas vacation hits harder every year.

HALLELUJAH! And Holy SHIT where’s the Tylenol?!


Trying to find a position I can tolerate.

Hello all. I’m thinking about joining the corporate world again after taking some time off for my mental health. I’m looking for tips and or advice looking for my next position. The last company, I was there for 5 years before I had to leave. In hindsight I felt like I was pushed out. I was continuously asked to do tasks outside of my job description because I was always a team player, there was no communication etc. The final straw was when the company went to a hybrid schedule. I had to go to the office twice a week. Once I returned, the entire HR office were placed next to me in our open floor seating arrangement. I felt extremely uncomfortable and management did nothing. I have 10 years of experience as a data analyst and a BA degree. For the majority of the 10 years I communicated with…


Subaru of Indiana Automotive Anti-Union Communication


Today’s the day!

(This is a vent, but any advice about working with the DOL on something like this is welcome. State is Ohio) I’m finally going to report my employer to the Department of Labor 🥳 I help with payroll and we use their own “made up” rounding rule that is nothing remotely close to the 7/8 rule and frequently fucks over the employees. This is on top of making new employees sign (unenforceable) documents that if they don’t work a minimum of 6 months, they will have $275 deducted from their pay to pay for required pre employment drug testing! They’ve charged back probably 10 employees in the last year alone. Today was finally the straw that broke the camels back. I’ve been trying to find another job but this is the WORST time of year to look and I was really trying to wait until I was able to have…


Quitting by Ghosting FTW


What Are Your Thoughts About This Company ?

I recently left a long time job that I was at for almost 10 years. I applied to a company for a senior management role and had an initial phone screen with the recruiter, then a separate interview with the hiring manager a couple days after. A week after the second interview, the recruiter contacted me for a third interview with a different senior manager. At the beginning of the interview, the person introduced themselves as a senior manager who is a close colleague of the hiring manager. They explained that I would not be reporting to them but they would like to know details about my previous employer and the names and titles of people I worked with. They asked How I felt about my previous company, why I left etc. the entire interview was about that last employer and nothing about my skills. The conversation was very cold…


New employer is asking me to train out of state for longer than initially agreed.

I just started with a new employer on Monday. I live in Alabama, and the job site won't be open until late March. The company flew me out to Ohio to train. I will be here until the 20th training. When I signed my contract we discussed me coming back from January 4th-the end of January. Well, they just now told me that they want me here until March 15th until the site opens. I'm pretty upset about this news. My wife and I struggled with the idea of being gone for 1 month. I need the job, but this really sucks.


Hubstaff – half the work done, 3 times more exhausted

Just ranting I guess, as I'm just so mentally (and physically) exhausted. Left previous job because of the mobbing, micromanaging and 3 years without a raise despite consistently performing above any KPIs and increasing sales by over 60% with pretty much no marketing budget. Landed a job that seemed like a godsend, as they're hybrid, small company with flat-ish structure, nice team etc. Forcing people to do 43h / week as “full time”, but that's unfortunately common in Ireland due to no legal regulations. They also want to keep me when I will be moving abroad in a year, so I really NEED that job, especially with the really shite job market now. Been there for 6 weeks and they keep on going oh and ah about how I have massive work output, great ideas etc.etc. And yet…the management is obsessed with Hubstaff. Allegedly it's only to make sure people…