
The Blue Cross (Michigan) strike has now ended


My employer is trying to screw me out of OT pay.

Context is pretty much all in the screenshot. They scheduled me for Thurs-Thurs and are now trying to tell me that I don't rate overtime pay, claiming the company's work week starts on Sunday. Is there some loophole in CA law they're exploiting in order to be in the “right” here?


Pre-Majority Unionism


what else to do when you’re bored at work?

after 4 months of struggling running an entire department on my own despite only having exactly one year experience in my career field, we have slowed down SO much to where i no longer have much of any work. i graduated from college last spring and landed an in-house graphic design role. i was hired under a girl who had been working here for several years now. she was threatening to quit if they didn’t hire anyone else to help her out with the extreme workload she was dealing with. so they hired me, fresh out of college and with very minimal print knowledge. that’s fine, i learned, got fast at my job, and eventually had to take over the department early February as our printer resigned and the girl i was hired under was moving into the printer’s job. so, i was basically on my own for the rest…


Unsure of what to do about my situation…

Hello all, I need some insight or advice on how I should approach this kind of problem I'm facing. I'm currently 29 and recently accepted a new job offer two months ago that I thought would be a change for the better. Unfortunately, I was dead wrong. I've never felt so drained in my life. From the first day onward, I found myself arriving home from work, completely unable to unwind and have fun. I'm already at my wit's end and it's two months in. This has never happened to me before, and I've held multiple full-time jobs before where this was not the case for me. I'm just looking for insight and advice if possible. I really don't want this to reach my management, so I'm going to be as vague as possible about the job's industry. It's an industry I am new to, and management was made aware…


The hard truth: If we want less work then we will have to happily live with less comforts

People on this sub want their cake and eat it too. Our capitalist lifestyle of extreme comforts of delivery, wastage of energy, big houses etc. is not possible unless people work the amount they do now. If people want less work then we’ll have to accept living a more simple life. Which I personally am totally down for. For people who want more pay that will also mean more exploitation of third world countries or the extreme lower class of the population. Elites could get taxed more and paid less, but that means they work less exploit less and so some other douchebag will pick up their exploitation slack. More pay=more inflation. Rich gonna find tax evasions and lobby politicians. Elite rich cant be stopped, never has. Also, many people on this sub still worship captalisms other goons like sex, status, money, individualism, technology and power. You guys hate the…


Should I send this to the department of labor


Just called out and I feel guilty and I hate it

I work in a pharmacy, we recently just got caught up from thanksgiving but I know it won’t last long. I got a root canal yesterday and my manager gave me her cold bc she won’t ever wear a mask again, so yeah I called out today and I’m feeling guilty while still knowing it’s stupid. I work just under 40 hours at 13.60 an hour (full time at my job is 30 hours) but I’m still classified as a part time employee so I don’t accrue vacation or sick days, my overtime is only 50 cents not time and a half, for all these reasons I feel like I shouldn’t feel guilty at all if I’m truly sick and in pain but here I am with my misplaced guilt and fear I’m disappointing someone. I’m so tired of this, I am a good employee I should be allowed a…


If you’ve applied for a job and are asked to answer specific pre-interview “scenario” questions before being granted an interview … DO NOT answer them and run away as fast as you can.

TL:DR – rogue employers facing specific issues will pretend to hire and ask candidates to answer pre-interview questions that are identical to their own problems (in real life). Once they have an answer, they ghost the potential candidates. The rogue never had any intention of hiring anyone. This happens more often to people applying for jobs that require specific training, credentials, etc., such as programmers, IT specialists, accounting, legal, etc. Unfortunately, it's becoming a trend, where employers facing X problems, be it program coding, accounting or even legal, in real life pretend they are hiring. Once they have sufficient candidates that have applied, they will send out a pre-interview “questionnaire.” It contains the SAME problems they are facing, albeit in a hypothetical scenario manner. Once enough candidates have answered them, the rogue employer will review all to see if there's a “consensus” of what they should be doing in real…


Well Reddit, this is awkward