
What are we doing here?!


Boss used my PTO on my call off days without telling me.

Throwaway account. I've been working in this manufacturing job as a machinist for a year and a half now, but I've been in the trade for almost 5 years. Today, when going to schedule PTO for the holidays, I learned I only have one day. In this whole year I called off four times, and they were for absolute emergencies. I don't like to call off of work unless necessary. Anywho, I guess my foreman decided to take away a PTO day each time I did and he never told me that he was doing that. I didn't use any of my PTO all year so I could take the week of Christmas off, and now I can only take a day. I don't understand how he's allowed to do that and not even inform me about it. I'm so frustrated.


What does “Team & Office Culture” even mean?

I am currently employed (+2yrs) in a permanent position, however have a relatively new manager (6 ish months). Over covid, our entire office shifted from 100% face to face to 100% online and gradually transitioned back to 60 f2f/40 remote, although I managed to negotiate 40/60 for a vertiaty of reasons, and there's been no issue with these arrangements. My role requires me to be relatively flexible with hours as there's alot of potential for things to go wrong outside office hours (we operate in multipule timezones). I'm not paid extra for this but the WFH flexibility means I can shuffle home responsibilities around to make it work, and we've made it work. In the recent annual review my new manager (who was not present for the prior negotiations/arrangements, and return to office from covid) has now proposed to “consider returning to the office 60/40 so that we can continue…


Pushed back on Management so now they’re taking our chairs

Vent/rant incoming. So I don't necessarily want to get into all the back story and lead up, but we got a new GM and front manager in the last 6-9 months. I work nights and we do quite a lot here compared to the same position at other places but we get paid a bit more so whatever. Every time we get a new manager, we go thru the same BS of pushing back when the new manager decides to flex their authority by turning night shift into the dump shift for all the jobs no one during the day wants to do, cuz apparently if they can't see us cuz they're not here at night, we're obviously not working We just got thru this process with our new front manager. It was a bit more trying than usual bc front manager implied that we didn't do as much as…


“The Office” transporting me back to uninformed, anti-labor times

I just rewatched the episode of the U.S. version of “The Office” where the warehouse workers discuss unionizing, and Jan promptly threatens to lay everyone off and also misleads the workers about their legal fees and union dues. This is so wildly illegal I was borderline yelling at my television. I'm old enough that I remember our attitudes toward unions in the early 2000s, and I know this was absolutely par for the course. But it still frustrates me to be transported back to that time. No wonder we all have colleagues who still view unions as “outside entities” that jeopardize their job security. I look forward to hopefully more realistic and favorable portrayals of unions following the labor movement's resurgence. Every television writer must know now — from experience — that you can't threaten unionizing workers without eventually getting hit with an unfair labor practice charge!!


I was sold lies and now I’m at breaking point

I’m almost 25 and live in London. I was born here and lived here until I went to a good red brick university and then moved back home after I graduated. I have a BSc in Biochemistry – I don’t really regret this because I found it interesting but it wasn’t really my choice. I come from an ethnic family who were kind of guiding my life towards academic pursuits my whole life even though I wasn’t that sort of person. I’ve always been an outside person rather than inside person and I’ve never been able to do desk work properly due to ADHD. Regardless I’m pretty smart so I got top grades and graduated despite the fact I’d party 5 nights a week and do drugs and spent all my time out meeting people. I don’t really see a career for myself in science as I don’t have a…


Where’s the labor shortage at?

Because I can't even get an entry level retail job. Every job I apply to on indeed ends up getting 40+ applicants.


Outside of Work Activities

Hey Team, I guess I am just venting a little bit, but does your work throw these outside or work activities, sometimes being on the weekend? I really don’t want to attend anything connected to my work outside of work, but because so many people go it’s like your expected to now. I also assume the people that go would be in the better books for going to these things though.


Feel a bit bad about faking family death to get off work for days

I’m freshly graduated from university and I start working a job isn’t related to my field at all which is teaching kids , im an immigrant in European country so it’s very more like impossible to get a job with work visa permit and a contract So basically I’m working illegally no health insurance 0 righty while earning 500$ per month lol , the country living expenses is cheap but not that cheap It’s been 2 months so far at work it’s my 3rd month , lately I don’t want to go to work I feel depressed so I fake death family member who’s actually dead , I sent a text to my boss and she literally didn’t respond back like what if it was actually true , why would you ignore your employee death family She could have at least said “ may his soul rest in peace “…


thinking of stealing laptop from work from home job after they fired me while i was recovering from surgery.

this is petty i know but it was pretty shit of them, so I just kinda of wanna be a dick. think i’m gonna keep the macbook. i already have my final paycheck so they can’t take anything from me. if they just call the cops, cops in my town will literally laugh at them so they will have to deal with filing a case for the value or to compel me to return and i just kinda feel like making them have to do that. Just wondering if anyone thinks they could hit me with anything more than this. I don’t think so.