
Boss will not respond to me about whether or not I still have my job!

It as been almost one week since I was formally written up for being late for a shift. I work and reside in California, and am currently (??) employed at a restaurant for the past 7/8 years. I have had written warnings in the past for being late (I know, I suck) and as it is in the “fire at will” state of CA, they have every right to fire me after this instance and I assumed that was the case. I was late on Friday, worked shifts Saturday and Sunday, figuring I would hear on Monday whether or not I was being let go. Monday came and my boss texted asking me what happened. I explained the situation (that I forgot I picked up a shift however had someone cover me until I got there which was a half hour max after the shift started.) He responded basically accusing…


Toxic coworkers are bringing back my anxiety

Recently started a new job and immediately on the first day I can sense the type of work culture the place has. People who act like friends, but would throw each other under the bus any chance they get. Gossip. Talking behind people's back. Micromanaging. 80% of meetings are people literally yelling at each other. No one respects one another. Managers installing fear. I don't know what to do. I feel miserable. I would apply to another job, but I've only started and I wouldn't know what to tell my parents. They won't be understanding and will most likely say I am the issue because I should be able to get along with everyone.


After 24 years – retrenched

My wife after giving 24 years of her life to a company was fired along with all her team. They even took her long service leave without asking her – this was a clear breach of the long service leave act. She has a disability and was in no way able to agree to take long service leave. I am absolutely devastated and really worried for the future.


I used to spit in shoes that I sold to rude customers

I know it’s wrong. I was immature and stupid. I really do feel bad about it (even if the other person was in the wrong). I used to work at a shoe store, and if a customer wanted a shoe in the back, and they gave me attitude, I would go to the back and find the shoe. I’d spit in the shoe and rub my saliva all over it. I spread it enough so that the shoe wouldn’t feel wet. I’d go out and give them the shoe, and smile as they immersed their feet in my saliva.




Anybody else’s work serve Cadillac Coffee because they’re cheap?

We had Keurigs and the company never kept coffee supplies stocked up. People are “stealing” but then they don't stock enough for the size of the company. Walked in today and they've got the nastiest most vile tasting coffee I've ever had. I'm gonna start bringing my own because my God is it a death threat during working hours and midnights.


Do you guys set boundaries and strictly work 8-5 and leave whatever problems you have to tackle for the next working day regardless of your short deadline or do you do overtime?

I've been working for a small tech company as a graphic designer for almost a year now (graduated last year). I'm too tired to even get into too detail cause I'm just so tired from the day and burnt out, but my small team and I wear a lot of different hats and work with a lot of mediums (print, layout design, packaging, web design, motion graphics, photography, video editing, ux/ui, 3D — I can keep going lol) I feel like a lot of the tasks handed off to me have unrealistic deadlines to be able to digest the content or even new platform and I've voiced out my concerns on the workload amongst other unrealistic expectations. I've worked so much overtime, I've lost my weekends just to meet deadlines or get extra time during working hours to catch up and it feels like it's still not enough. I'm so…


Remote Work Advice

I have experience in communication specifically, as well as public affairs and politics. I saw that resources haven’t been communicated for remote work in a while so even if you have other resources for jobs that don’t align with my experience, I’d really appreciate you sharing them. Are there job boards we should be looking at, are there companies we should be looking at, where the fuck should I be looking? Haha! (I’m dying.)


3 years I’ve tried for the position, it’s cruel

I have been at my job for 3 years. It’s been my whole life. It’s a restaurant job, and I know to most people it’s “just a job” but it’s truly been the only thing I look forward to. I have been begging for a year now to be promoted from my current position of assisting to a to go worker. Better pay, better hours, less stress and people are nicer. Every time it’s been a different excuse from my manager “once your attitude improves I’ll move you” ( I am kind, respectful and calm) “once you can go faster I will move you” (I can run circles around anyone in my position, I’ve been told I am the best) and most recently “once you can prove you won’t take days off I’ll move you” (I was sick, only time I’ve taken off in two years) and I finally get…


It pisses me off how every tutoring company I’ve worked for tries to get free hours out of me

So my hourly tutoring rate is good. But outside of the hours that I bill, I don't get to charge for 1) Unpaid meetings that I have to attend with management 2) Driving to and from the student's house 3) Unpaid training sessions I have to attend It's such bullshit lol.