
Terminated pero ako pa magbabayad sa employer ko

Hello! Ask lang ako ng opinion regarding what is happening in my case I have a 2 year ban with my former employer, nakaindicate sa contract na if the employee decides to resign during the duration sa return of service, may right ang employer to deduct ang mga need ideduct sa magiging backpay (Unproductive days, training fee, review fee, etc.) So ang nangyari nman sakin is terminated, i’m not the who decided to end the contract. Tama po ba ang employer ko na need ko sila bayaran and hindi ko makukuha ang backpay ko since idededuct yung backpay sa need bayaran? Thanks


This is that BS!

I am so f@cking done with my job! Work today, was a shit show! I walk in and see that there's only 4 of us working at the pharmacy. The pharmacist (The one that we all like, respect and love to have there), 2 technicians and then me, for a total of 4 people. The kicker of all of this, is the fact that we were supposed to have 2 pharmacists at work today, but one wasn't there because she had Jury Duty, and didn't let anyone know!!! For those of you who don't know what Jury Duty is, its basically a summons of sorts to act as a member of the jury in court. Failure to show up will reault in a fine. You get a letter for Jury Duty, weeks or months in advance. This fucking woman didn't tell HR, Corporate or ANYONE that she wasn't going to…


Moving from a well payed toxic job to another one

To start I don't live in USA but in Germany. Here the social things like insurance, pension, etc are covered. I earn a good salary for Germany but my boss is a witch. Many people even nickname her the Devil, Satan, etc lol. Like one time we were joking that our company is a world and our department is North Korea lol. Since last year, in my department 4 full time colleagues left, one of them just stayed like 4 months. 4 interns also left. Just to clarify here in Germany a person enters to a company and stays there forever,the culture here is different,. So many people leaving is a red flag. My problem is I'm a foreigner so my visa is attached to this company. I might be able to get a residence permit but still in at least 6 months to 1 year. And companies here are…


Compensation for certifications?

My job requires us to complete several certifications. They are all online courses, and take a few hours to complete. We are expected to do them at home. 1 course has a fee and we are reimbursed for it. However, we are not paid for the hours worked at home to complete these certs. Are employers required to pay their employees for their hours worked on these certs? I see that hours worked at home need to be compensated for, but training/certifications seems to be a gray area so I'm looking for some clarity on that. I'm in the US.


customer service has completely drained me

customer service has actually ruined me in the worst possible ways. I used to have so much patience with strangers and wasn’t quick to annoy. now I’m constantly irritable and angry. I work in food and am constantly multitasking. I have to take orders, make the orders, run to the kitchen to grab the food orders. And I still have to prep and stock things constantly. It doesn’t sound like much but it becomes a lot when I’m frequently scheduled ALONE. how can I possibly ever give good service and do things in a timely manner when I’m running around doing the job that two people minimum should be doing. my manager doesn’t understand why I complain about working by myself when he says he helps, but he only helps so much. only when the orders and influx in customers become actually impossible to handle on my own. most of…


Write up refusal

I work in a retail store in Washington state and I was just called into the office to sign a write-up saying I acknowledge and accept a customer complained about sexual harassment and that me talking about some anime was sexual harassment I laughed and was like I'm not signing this are you crazy? What did I say and they wouldn't tell me and just told me to sign it I refused and went back to work I'm very stressed and concerned about losing this job and I would like to stress in no way this was me I don't watch shows like that or talk about them at work so what should I do next besides look for a new job. I honestly could have reported the management for so much shit and they have always been outwardly rude to me but for real I don't want this following…


What would America look like if CEO’s/ presidents weren’t allowed to collect any bonus exceeding 500K? And instead those funds went to the workers

Like if there were a cap on a CEO’s bonuses and or salary ?? So you’re telling me a CEO can receive a 5 million dollar bonus and earn 30million a year but they gotta cut out jobs due to budget cuts or failed quota profit margins even though the companies have recorded record profits ? Why is America built this way where the workers always get the end of the stick. will it ever end perhaps no………


Work is making travel weeks mandatory. What are some ways to get out of it?

Throwaway account. Got hired on as a remote worker for a company in Colorado while I live on the East Coast. We've had voluntary “collaboration weeks” where they want folks to fly out to CO to the main office to work for a week, but these are now being announced as mandatory. My position is one that does not really benefit from in person weeks, but all staff is being pushed to comply with this new standard. Trying to find a way to get out of this while having minimal impact on my position. Any advice?


Told my manager about a coworker gossiping about me and this is what he said

Some things he said: •he called it a misunderstanding because this coworker had a sibling who was bullied at a previous job •said it doesn’t what people say or think about me, what matters is what he and the other managers think of me •said it was a generational thing (since the gossiping coworker is 20 and I’m in my 30s) •he talked about setting boundaries and forming work relationships, which is valid except when the coworker watches your every move and eavesdrops constantly (we work in customer service) Are any of these points (besides the boundaries) valid?


Boss wants to cut bonuses for 2024

I've been with this company now for almost 4 years my boss owns about 20 insurance broker offices in California. first we had two possible bonuses we could hit at the end of the month, 1 being a personal bonus for reaching your individual sales goal and then a 2nd you could get from your office(s) hitting their sales goal as a whole for the month. (Ex: Agent A Closed 52 Policies @ $170 Avg Broker Fee and the office also hit its goal of 250 policies @$160 avg) so 1st Bonus was $200 and 2nd Bonus the larger one was $300-$800 (depending on your position) so you could possible take home $1000 if you hit both bonuses. For upper managment (since we arent closing deals) our bonus was based on how many offices hit goal in the month we have a total of 20 offices at $50 per office…