
Paycheck to paycheck lifestyle is driving me to the edge.

In my late 30s and still working dead end, minimum wage jobs. I hold a bachelor's degree in a field I once had steady contract work for before the pandemic. Everything went into limbo after that and now I struggle to have a stable career, considering now I can't find work in the field. Constant rejection emails on top of rare job listings. My day job is soul crushing and it's a non-livable wage. I'm left with less than 300 after bills and rent. I suffered a recent financial blow with expensive car repairs. I'm losing my mind and the very little hope I had dangling on a string is about to snap. I recently started studying for a different field that promises work in demand, but that will take a year to accomplish around the very little free time I have not slaving away. And patience im losing. I'm…


Gave 30 days notice and my manager is worse than she was before…

I have only worked at this place for 6 months but it's been so toxic in those 6 months, the kind where most of the employees talk about how toxic it is. I made the decision to leave due to that and things I was witnessing go on that I knew was wrong. I'm not going to get into that part. After I wrote my resignation letter and gave it to my boss she was very miffed by me. She offered one of my teammates( I was there boss) my postion and when I offered to help in the transition to train them her response was thats not your business and between me and them. I want to break my own resignation letter and quit now but sadly I feel like I'll be sticking it out for another 3 weeks. But honestly who says that to an employee when they…


Im not sure if this is cool to share here. I was having a musical throwback night and this song came on. I remember hearing it for the first time and just being suddenly pissed. I was 17ish. The song faded from my memory but the anger didnt.


Kind of a complicated situation. But hours are being cut from about 38 to 18.(Right to work state)

To start out i work for one of the biggest companies in my state. Texas (HEB) now i tot this job about 4 or so months ago. One of the reasons i wanted this job was because i need health insurance. And the conditions are i have to work a certain amount of hours with the company before they offer the option even for part timers. One of the agreements with the hiring manager that i discussed was that i working at least 35 hours. And was informed that after 3 month i would qualify for benefits other than just insurance. (PTO stock options ect.) So far its been 4 months and i have learned because im part time i wont be recieving pto. And not sure whats gonna happen insurance wise. Now my hours have been cut from about 38 average a week to just 18. Im starting to…


Burnout for Applying to Jobs

I think a lot of people are struggling with this. I've applied to hundreds and hundreds of jobs over the last six months or so after I stopped working with my father (I'm trans and he no like). I've applied to so many jobs, for such an extended period of time that I'm completely burnt out. Legit I have three degrees, History, Classics, Classical Civ, and although I get how they might not be applicable in most environments, it should at least show I stuck with a triple degree schedule while maintaining a full time job for five years, Lord almighty! I'm back at my O.G. sandwich shop from my teenage years, as well as front desk at a hotel because neither will give me full time. Any similar experiences; or am I just living in the matrix?


We already called it. Taylor Swift’s 1989 is the album of the century. No need to work in the music industry for the next 77 years. We can stop now. 2100 we’ll try again.

Just in case anyone has forgot. Taylor Swift's father is “a descendant of three generations of bank presidents” for Merrill Lynch financial firm. At age 14, her family moved to Nashville where her father purchased a large stake in Big Machine, the label to which Swift was first signed. Be careful who you idolize and don't believe the “hard work” propagandists who spend a lot of money to confuse people into thinking this woman is progressive. There are no progressive billionaires. They don't exist.


I’m done with capitalism

I came out of the psych ward last week. Had to communicate to my job that I was in the hospital and turned in a doctor's note. Instant email from my manager is “We need you to call” so no paper trail??? Hmm… then immediately I need paperwork. I get it you have a job, but you couldn't even acknowledge that I was in the hospital for several days. I emailed my supervisor the one chance I got. Why didn't he let you know? Why do I now have to call in? Hmm… I probably wouldn't be here now and all you care about is me working? Maybe if you fixed the departments that keep throwing money down the drain you wouldn't have to worry about me so much


Screen record during work hours

My company decided to install a software on all employee computers that screen records our entire day on our computers. They told us that the screen record was an option, but it was not currently being used. I found out today, that is not the case and they’re screen recording us at all times without us knowing. That includes all personal teams messages and everything. Does anyone know if they can do this without providing us with any sort of written notice or us signing anything? We all live across the US, but I am in Virginia.


I’ve been played like a fool

I started working at a fast casual noodle chain since before the pandemic. Two weeks later I got furloughed because the store shut down due to “and unprecedented loss of business” due to COVID. I was asked to come back once the store opened in a half capacity and six feet apart state because “we really need people” and I said yes. Things were rough with management and other restaurant service job drama for the past few years but I’ve stuck though it all eventually becoming a manager myself. Not once did I ask for a raise, constantly covered shifts and came in my days off to salvage the walk in due to power outages. I recognized that despite being working here for almost 4 years I was making less than the newly hired mangers. Mind you a large portion of these managers hardly know how to do “manager stuff”…


Sentenced to employment

Imagine working hard earning an honest living and someone who committed a crime was prosecuted and sentenced to…. your daily existence at work.