
(News) woman sentenced to work fast food for throwing soup



I’m curious how everyone is planning for retirement? I worry about this often. I feel very behind. What are you doing to prepare? What is your situation like?


This is just pure capitalist greed

I can't believe my boss would do this I can't believe he didn't let me go to work after I was sick on top of my full time Reddit moderation job which takes hours of hard work, it's a shame some useless football player is paid millions but Reddit moderators who are integral to the fabric society aren't paid anything and are hated on by people who think there superior for having (self control) and (not being terminally online) it's just disgusting what capitalisim has done to society


Doed anyone else not desire climbing the corporate ladder for fear of losing your personality?

I work at a Fortune 500 firm and my job is okay, but part of me wants to remain an individual contributor forever. I have many reasons for wanting to remain an individual contributor, but a big one is this idea that I have in my head where you lose any kind of interesting personality traits the higher and higher, you advance up. Presumably, senior executives must have lives outside of work that includes their families, hobbies, etc. like anyone else. But whenever I see a senior executive expresss themselves in any kind of way or when they talk about things they do outside of work, they come across as incredibly dull, dry, boring people. Maybe part of it is the fakeness of the professional veil most people wear in the workplace, but it's irritating to me. They also seem to have the most conventional and boring lives: Family, white…


Really can’t take it anymore

It feels like the options are “work a job you will hate that dominates your entire life just to kinda scrape by but one financial mishap will destroy you for months” or “work a lot of odd jobs trying to make enough while trying to monetize stuff you enjoy and are actually good at until you hate those things too. “ At my age, my parents had two children, a house and steady pay with a healthy savings. If cost of living was lower, a job paying $20/hr with benefits would be a godsend, but in my area it’s barely enough for a single bedroom apartment, and forget raising a kid.


Crazy mom at work

So I work at a convenience store and today a lady came in with her three kids and grandkid. Basically, she was super loud and screaming at her kids like she was the only person in the store. She literally was berating her kids the whole time she was there. I had just walked out of the breakroom when i first saw her yelling at her child abt basically nothing(she was just asking a simple question). Later on she got in line to pay and as she was getting in she was yelling at her adult daughter to “get her stupid ass in the line or she'll leave her dumb ass in the store,” and basically kept shouting at her to get in line. The daughter took awhile to be ready to pay and her mom had just barely gotten rang up by a cashier. I was ringing up another…


Tone Deaf Companies Taking Up Holiday Donations

So I've worked at places that would put out collection boxes for toys. But most of their workers were well paid and they didn't solicit those donations. But I just received an e-mail today urging us to donate to families in need at the local school. Dude, many of the employees are families in need. Like, fucking really. We've got people in on parole, literal gang bangers… No mention of them donating or telling us how they're contributing to the community they want us to support. “It's so nice to give.” Yeah. How about give the workers a pay raise and give some toys to those families. The profits can support that.


New head custodian harassing us and putting his work on others.

We got a new head custodian in September. He was basically forced to moved from his last building for problems with his staff and now it’s starting here.we work nights 3-11 and we started taking pictures of our areas at the end of the night and no matter what we do he’s coming down on us for something we missed. On top of that there’s multiple nights where’s he’s asked us to do stuff in his area then would complain about our area the next day. He also has been doing overtime on the weekends without rotating through the staff and giving everyone a chance to do it. And he’s made comments to the girl that works doing the day with him claims he said” I don’t want either of them working in this building anymore”. As a supervisor he has never once helped or guided us in the right…


Yo. USA checking in.

It’s past time to shut this country down. NOW OR NEVER. FREE PALASTINE. We’re next.


My contracted site I work at wants to take away our access to water

I'll preface a little bit, the company I work for is contracted by a company to work at their site. My team works in a guard shack. We have internet, computers, restroom, and a few other quality of life things. I've started in May, hired as the supervisor, we've always had a supply of water bottles to put in our mini fridge. I was told today that was for the summer heat and their supply of water is low. In our contract, they are required to provide us with potable water other than a restroom faucet. My boss told me the restroom faucet is fine, but the literal piece of paper of our policy in my hand had in bold no restroom faucet. I was just talking with one of them this morning, they said “I wouldn't want to drink from the restroom faucet.” Me neither bro, I'm not drinking…