
Oh Manglement

(Small Rant) Small background ocean motion employee here rocking the three pm to 11pm shift. Today we had a meeting at 2:30pm. (Yay 30 mins of overtime!) Remember folks Manglement cannot require you to do a work related activity and NOT pay you.( At least in the US) (Clock in!) The course of this meeting was a refresher aka retraining. It proceeded boring as usual till 3:30. At the end of the meeting one of the higher ups mentioned the Busy list. Now while I have been an employee going on 2yrs. The company is big. They own multiple types of buildings across the local area as one does. But my building seemingly practiced these procedures and such more often and is always busy. However that busy list was made by the devil. We have a lobby that is maintained by the Fix it crew. Now yes we will do…


Is there a federal policy on gifts for supervisors and can someone help me draft an email?

The department snake wants us to donate money to gift our supervisor a gift card. I’m not that good with policies or drafting emails. On other threads I see “follow federal law” but I couldn’t find one. I found the army one and it says supervisor gifts are not allowed. I don’t think I should be giving my supervisor any money. We are all poor and make $20-22/ hr. Supervisors at our company start at 80K. If someone could help me please


Manager who scheduled me for 1 day brought me to HR for discussion today.

I work for this hotel that's 19 miles away and after new manager came in, he brought in his buddies to work and hired new people trying to get rid of others. Meanwhile some of the employees take their server job too seriously since they have been there for 30 years and act all territorial. I have been screamed at so many times for doing things differently when there is not a specific way to set up a buffet. Anyways I am on call and have other jobs. Previous management worked well on my availability. After new manager came in, some people quit because of stuff like that. Today he brought me randomly to HR finding BS excuses hoping I will quit on spot. Said indirectly that my coworkers don't like me but they have to pretend in a way to work like a team and about my limited availability.…


I’m going to be fired soon, I need advice

It's a very long story but I did really well at this job for about a year and a half, got transferred and something I had no experience doing was suddenly my primary responsibility. I suck at it. There are of course solutions but they require investing in me and I'm replacable so they're just going to fire me, probably at my next performance review. I've already been warned. I kind of have legal recourse in that my warning referred to a late report that was late because I took medical leave for a disability protected by the ADA. But they've been case building and it's an at will state and I don't have much money to fight. Let me put this all on the table. I will not go back to a homeless shelter. I am considering sex work or unaliving. Does anyone know any immediate legit remote online…


Poem I wrote about my frustrations with authority

Fool Come Touch this grass For what you thought Was full of life Is brittle death Dying the stain on your hands The culprit Flavored his words Sprayed this sin Watered salt on this land Where is he now? He could not face What he had done So he moved on Where am I? I could not look away I am weeping Reaping in this sight Where were you? Abstaining in your Absence? Abandoning in your Abundance? Abscessed in your Absolutism? He is the sun I am the farmer But you want to be called a god.


super lazy but im worried about financial

24 but extremely lazy in work, but at the same time, I am worried about financial too. It’s not like I cannot afford 3 meals a day without working but I’m just too worried about the future. But most of the time, I just want to quit, especially the moment I opened my eyes every morning. It honestly made me feel stressed out. Actually my current job is not THAT hard, but I just couldn’t handle constant communication with other people. I know that it’s weird but I just don’t know why. People would think that I’m weird or lazy when I said that I don’t like to communicate with new people. I would still do it if I’m forced to (like now, I have to do it because it’s part of my job), but I’m genuinely not happy about it. I’m aware that most of the jobs require verbal…


Mindfulness cures burnout

We just had our annual Town Hall meeting at work. One whole hour of it was a talk about “Mindfulness” (Absolutely mind numbing) by some yoga teacher/motivational speaker. At the end at the Q&A a guy said his team was burned out and asked about workload changes. Our boss replied “That's why we had the mindfulness talk” Apparently being burned out is on you, you have to just meditate your workload away (On your own time obviously)


If I put in my two weeks and my boss says, “you can just be done today.” Are they technically firing me?

As an hourly employee in USA. My boss has been known to push people out rather than fire them so she doesn’t have to pay unemployment. Last time someone gave their two weeks, she told them “you can just be done now (if you want to.)” is that technically her letting them go? I just want to know my rights when I give my two weeks if she starts pressuring me to “just be done now.”


I just hate working

Some people here say they love to work but honestly after working since 14 and now 37 – I hate it. A lot of it is to do with the burnout I’m experiencing from current charity job, I’m trying to strategically plan my exit before it implodes in an argument with the shitty leadership. But frankly I don’t know if I’ll last. This job is sucking the soul out of me. I HATE it. We no longer work to live, we live to work because life is so expensive. This whole system is bullshit and defeatist. Just when you think you’ve figured it out and can benefit from the situation it changes. The rug is ripped from beneath you /. With new crappy board members undermining the work you achieved. Just all feels pointless. Guess I should head to nihilistic sub? Lol Rant over.


I love entry-level jobs!