
16 Gemini AI Videos in 1 Video – Fully Accurate Subtitles and Fully Chaptered – 4K – NEWS


Working in customer service in any industry sucks

I work in tech. Earlier this year I was working on administrative side of a startup, I loved having my own schedule, worked like 4hrs per day being the most productive Ive been, however the company dissolved and everyone got laid off. Fast forward a couple of months and I applied for a job that had a description very similar to what I was doing before, and I got it! However, upon signing my contract I realized it basically a customer support job with a fancy title and warped description. Fuck, I was actively avoiding all customer support related jobs because of their soul sucking nature but now it was too late, I had an offer and desperately needed the job. I hate the job. Even though I wfh, I have to be staring and the damn computer for requests and tickets 8 hours of my day. It’s an easy…


Team member who is a little too lifestyle focussed.

Hi everyone, This is not so much an anti work post as a situation where I'd love to approve something but where it inherently clashes with the type of work we as a team and as a business need done by this role and I'd love input from the other side of the fence. I have a small team , 3 inc me as supervisor, one who has been here 4 years and really contributes very well to the team and a new to industry graduate who's been with us for a year. The graduate has not yet finished their graduate program and wants to change their roster to one that is beneficial to them (much longer hours, more days off in a row) but not to our team or the business. Although I support the idea in theory, as we can't get someone to cover her time away on…


Ethics and legality question BCBA

Recently my wife was laid off from a company unexpectedly during 90 day review right before paid vacation, they didn't even give her a formal last day. They threatened to withhold pay if she didn't transfer ownership of documents on their virtual drive but deleted her access. She is not in physical possession of these documents and obviously an admin is capable of transferring ownership if they really wanted to do it themselves. It is literally written on the corrective action termination document that they will withhold the last paycheck if the demands weren't met. I thought such a thing was illegal in my State. They also said her BCBA supervision contract was void because she must be employed at least 10 hours. However the BCBA handbook states a two week notice must be given to end the relationship and the supervisor is co-owner of the company so they had…


Boss expects thank you for bonus no one knew about

At my last job, bonuses were used as motivators to “get your 40 hours.” People would say the boss would reward people who worked over 40 hours when bonus time came around. My first year there, about 4 months in, we all received a bonus on employee appreciation day (late afternoon on a Friday – this important for later). Just to note, I rarely worked more than 40 hours, and I later compared bonuses with people who worked there for years and consistently got over 40 and they got the same amount as me. We weren't notified about the bonus, it just came through our email in the same format as our payroll check stubs do. I normally didn't even check my paystub, unless I noticed something weird in my bank account when the direct deposit hit. I imagine several other people did the same. I only knew about the…


I can’t even get a part time job

I've applied to so many jobs so far, and nothing. I previously worked blue collar and am looking for a part time retail job while I go to college. I'm currently unemployed. But everything I apply to at least gets 50+ applicants, according to the indeed listings. Even the lower paid minimum wage jobs, get tons of applicants. Out of 66 applications I've only Got 3 call backs.


Why Doctors and Pharmacists Are in Revolt


Reporting a Glassdoor Review

I work at a company with a pretty awful boss. There were two old coworkers that I got pretty close to and we created a group chat. They both ended up leaving the company, but I’m still there. I still tell them the crazy stories about our boss and we vent and joke around about how crazy he is. Apparently one of those coworkers decided to write a negative review of the company on Glassdoor and included details about things that happened at the company after they left and mentioned info that could only have come from me. I asked them to remove a sentence or two from their review and they straight up refused. They’re claiming that it’s my fault for telling them about work, that they hate the owner more than they care about our friendship, and they’d be doing me a favor if I get fired because…


anyone else’s employer made major hour cuts for the next few weeks?

I know that target, lowe’s and nordstrom have. which is so insane since this is the time of year I’m usually pulling overtime. I am incredibly upset because I was heavily relying on those hours and now I’m getting less than I do during a normal week. I know many people have said this about many things but it feels like a sign…..


Low pay, no raise, no bonus, to do 2 jobs at once. Congrats on your new offer.

I've been at a large banking institution for a year and a half. I applied to an internal posting and was offered the position 4 weeks later. The pay was less than I expected and less than the minimum salary range. When I brought this up to the recruiter she said if I wanted to negotiate, I'd have to reject the offer and they could go with someone else. Seemed so weird to discourage any sort of salary negotiation like that by insinuating they'd just rescind your offer for trying. I did it anyways and wrote up a letter asking for a specific amount, less than 10% extra from the initial offer, and my justification. They rejected it the next day and said they wouldnt negotiate pay. I am below the range in my current position despite being a top performer which is the whole reason I applied to this…