
Employee handbook says that they won’t pay overtime? Is this legal??

I am a direct care worker for an agency in ohio, i just got hired. The employee handbook says “all overtime pay will be your hourly wage” the only way I can take that is that they won't pay for overtime. Aditionally, overtime is mandatory. On Christmas and Christmas weekend, I'll be working 88 hours in 4 days, so that would really suck if I don't even get paid 1.5x for it. They also say that if you quit without a 2 week notice, they will retroactively reduce your remaining wages to minimum wage. I was wondering if any of this is legal or not?? If not what do I do??


Got bamboozled out of a promotion !!

So long story short, had a discussion with my manger about future personal growth and was informed that after taking my exam i will be promoted to a project coordinator. Found out this morning that the operational structure changed with my being in same position and people with less experience in the company being the project coordinator without taking the exam. Ive been in this company for 4.5 years. ​ Having a discussion with my boss this friday, just wanted to get some ideas from you guys about potential talking abouts to reinforce what i want to say, anything that might help ?


I think I just discovered working hard is stupid. It’s about working smart. At what point did you make the distinction?

Once I realized I am just an employee, I sort of stopped giving a shit. They’ll find someone else to replace me immediately. I noticed it in the military as well. My replacement was in boot camp the minute I got to my secondary school. Why work hard if get the same check? Yeah, I’ve seen coworkers talk shit if you’re lazy but dude, we get the EXACT same pay check. Then they’ll try to manipulate you with the “ it’s about taking pride in your work “ DAWG I GET PAID $15 an hour there is no pride. I imagine if I had a unique career like I was an attorney with my own law firm or something niche and high paying I’d be more invested but I just can’t find it in me to care about the jobs I’ve worked. I know my boss is shopping for the…


Gaslit for Being Overburdened?

Long story fairly short: Job contains several roles for the same pay that is about $7 below what it should be. Management gaslights us for cracking under the stress. This almost feels like an abusive relationship in which the abuser constantly tries to make the victim question their self worth. No thanks


Best things you’ve seen bargained in?

My Canadian industrial workplace has been unionized for 50 years, but we'll be bargaining our next contract again in 2 years. What's one of the best things you've seen bargained in?


A Friend Of A Friend Works For A Small Business. Recently Their Clients Have Been Complaining About A Lack of Communication. My Friend’s Friend And Her Coworkers Have Been Complaining About A Lack Of Communication From Their Boss As Well. His Response:

My friend's friend's boss has taken more vacation days this year than he has spent days working, he leaves work without telling anyone all the time, he gives himself more days off for holidays than he gives his employees, he promises clients services that the company doesn't provide and then makes his employees figure it out. He refuses to entertain any ideas that the women who work for him have, only the men's ideas get considered by him. He purposefully picked the cheapest insurance available and it barely covers a thing. When multiple employees came to him to voice their concerns about these things, he denied any of it happened and then deleted his calendar so they couldn't track his vacation time anymore because he was embarrassed he got caught. He makes his son work at the company but his son doesn't shower so nobody wants to work around him.…


My holiday pay was withheld because I “ruined” Black Friday.

So I work for an independent store that has a storefront and online webstore. I oversee graphic design and assist with marketing, as well as be the owner’s personal assistant.the owner and I got into a fight about a month back because I was working from home a few hours a week and she wanted me to stop, so I stopped- but she’s been passive aggressive since. Ok fast forward, company wide everyone gets holidays paid. I just got my paystub expecting 8 hours of holiday pay for Thanksgiving. Everyone got the holiday pay except for me. She claims it’s because I was out of town for the holiday which caused “Black Friday to be ruined” but there were two other people out of town that got their holiday pay. Before I left town I had all my work finished in advance so we would be prepared. I feel like…


PingID? Safe to install on personal devices

So my company is rolling out the PingID app to use for connecting to the VPN when working remotely. If you don't have a company phone like majority of employees you are being told to install it on your personal phone. So I am wondering if there are any known issues with the app in terms of permissions and having camera access? I'm not a fan of having to use a personal device work don't pay for for work purposes but that's besides the point. Also I feel like it's implementation is under the guise of security but rolled out only a few months after announcing everyone across the globe has to return onsite at least 2.5 days a week. So a way to make us not want to WFH.


Executive Director wants me to apologize for cussing in a private meeting after a terrible day

I am in a C level position at a non profit and yesterday I had a terrible day. One staff that has been very toxic finally resigned but with no notice and in a fairly dramatic manner. Then another staff in the same department made a an accusation against me after I had to reprimand her for a no call no show. My direct supervisor is the ED and I asked to meet with him and our HR director about both events. I was so frustrated and fatigued in the meeting and did not feel my ED was supportive at all and at one point I said “today was a f$&@ing $h1tty day”. My ED says he will not tolerate that and wants me to apologize. He is not focused or supportive in the other matters, just focused on the cursing. I did not make a derogatory comment in my…


I’m being forced to do overtime

I started a part time job 2 weeks ago. I am contracted to work 27.75 hours but my work Roster next year from january puts me at a minimum of 30 hours a week going up to 37.5 a week for quite a few months through out the year. I told my manager I wasn’t happy with the hours and after a couple days he said the new roster can’t be changed. And it will continue to be like that. The company is one I have been trying to get in for a while and I don’t want to pee anyone off. I don’t have any flexibility/overtime clauses in my contract at all. What is the best way to approach this? What can I do to resolve this issue? I started a part time job to work part time not full time…