
Organization wants to change my flat rate for a special event after the fact. A rate that was agreed to beforehand and was the same rate for the same event last year. Halp pls.


My uncle is getting taken advantage of by his workers.

My uncle has been a building houses for over 15 years and two years ago he went his own way. He’s a great builder but terrible at employee management. He hired me as a day labourer during the summer and saw how his employees were working. We never mentioned that we were related to keep things more fair, as a labourer I was at the bottom. So my job was to fetch tools, carry, clean, and bring coffee/heat the lunch for the guys. They worked 4 hours out of the 10 and extended their paid 1 hour break by another hour, some would disappear when he went to his other sites or office, and they treated the company tools like garbage. In a week, we probably damaged about $1,500 worth of tools. When I spoke up about it, they responded with “don’t worry kid, it’s the boss man’s tools. He’s…


Pain in the assessment

I 35F have been job hunting for the past two weeks trying to find new employment and so far I haven't even gotten a call let alone an interview and I think I know why. Those assessment tests. How the heck are these assessments really helping? In fact how are they legal because apparently there are supposed to be laws in place to ensure Equal Employment Opportunity policies are being followed but I looked it up these laws weren't put into place until 2021! Most of these websites have had these tests for over a decade. Like if you apply for a job almost all applications are online and instead of practical test they give you an “assessment” on how you'd react to certain generic situations. How does this help? “Oh there are no wrong answers.” Yes there are because you can fail them and they don't say how or…


Job wants to cut my pay for the 2nd year in a row.

So, to preface this, I've been working for this company for 7 years now, at the end of 2022 I relocated to a different facility within the same company. When I got my yearly review at the end of 2022, I was essentially a new employee to their standards I took a pay cut for it. At the beginning of this year, I received a 3 day unpaid suspension for a safety violation. I don't feel like I deserved that either since I never got any warnings for safety related incidents in the past between the two locations but regardless, I took it and moved on. Now for my yearly review this year, which will affect my pay in 2024, they want to cut my pay again because of the safety violation I received months ago. I refused to sign the review but they say they will meet with me…


This seems excessive?

I just want a few days to go visit my family around the holidays


Employment Length; what’s acceptable now?

15 years ago starting my career I was expected to not 'job hop' – I however did lol over and over. Averaging 2 years at each place. ​ These days it seems job hopping is commonplace – so what's the average lifespan of our employment per place? 1 year? 3?


Fired for looking for a job

I know employers have a LOT of rights in right to work states, but can they legally fire for cause if they find out you’re looking for a new job? Or not for cause but just weeks after threatening to do so? We’re having a “meeting” shortly. Frankly I would not mind a 6 month paid vacation but tacking something on would not be a bad thing.


I’m trying to set a higher wage standard in my area.

I repair forklifts and other heavy machinery. I have a very strong resume and experience. So I've had 4 interviews, all of which they seemed really excited I walked in the door. Then they ask how much I want. I tell them at least $30/hr and their faces drop. 30 is not unheard of for this kind of job, the senior guys make more than that sometimes. These companies have raised their customer billing rates, and parts mark up significantly in the last 3 years. Why should wages be the only thing NOT affected by inflation. I'll keep looking till someone's willing to play ball. And hopefully these companies will learn and give the next guy a decent offer, if they can even find another decent candidate. Idk if I'm making a difference but one place I interviewed did change their ad and post a pay range.


Saved the company from losing several million dollars, being harassed because of it

Some background, small team and small company. There was a junior, a senior (me), and our tech lead. Our lead quit and someone without a tech background took over. The person who took over is very vulnerable to yes men and the junior is an extremely confident and very well liked person. This has led to what seem like almost daily instances of him convincing my boss to do something, me objecting, and my boss overruling me. Then finding out a couple days later that it was a terrible decision. Some of these decisions led to something I knew had a risk of downing our entire platform (we’re a software as a service company). The update was going to be pushed through in the middle of the night. I did my best to warn them and really dragged my feet on it, begging them to not go through with it.…


Canceled vacation

Looking for some feedback on a situation. Work in GA, USA. Company just canceled vacation for the remainder of the year in order to hit goals. (read: greed) Anyways, vacation was canceled. Anyone who went on vacation (since canceled) or refused to come back while on vacation, was fired. I have an employee that was on a cruise so he was physically unable to return. I reached out and they said not to worry, he was good to go. Once he got back, they removed 3 of his vacation days (only 3 days were scheduled after the announcement of cancelation) and didn't pay him for it. They will eventually buy it back from him in January. Are there laws that protect from things like this?