
“Beg the most customers into paying our taxes and we’ll pay you in exposure”


A Friend Of A Friend Works For A Small Business. Recently Their Clients Have Been Complaining About A Lack of Communication And My Friend And Her Coworkers Have Been Complaining About A Lack Of Communication From Their Boss. His Response:

My friend's friend's boss has taken more vacation time than he has spent days at work so far this year, he locks himself in his office all day except for meetings, he leaves work without telling anyone why, he gives himself more days off for holidays than his employees get, he promises clients services that the company doesn't provide and makes his employees figure it all out, he makes his son work in the office but his son smells terrible all the time and he doesn't listen to any ideas that the women who work for him have, only the men's ideas. He also purposefully picked the worst possible option for employer insurance that barely covers a thing. When multiple employees of his came to him to voice their concerns about all of this, he just lied to their faces and claimed none of it was happening and they were…


Help Me Understand A Rule Please Mods

Why is there a rule against text message screenshots (rule 3)? That doesnt make any sense. Its a way almost all employers communicate nowdays and it can be relevant to the help we are offering our fellow co-workers here. Surely we can amend this rule to allowed for screenshots with personal info marked out? Thank you for all the work you do. Not trying to cause trouble, just trying to have an understanding.


A judge answers all of our dreams in sentencing woman to retail work

For throwing food at a worker:


I created a site to keep companies who ghost candidates accountable –

Check out We launched a few days ago and already got almost 300 responses!


My bf’s job fired him for having a conversation with someone about finding a second job

Is this legal? We're in AR for reference. Is this grounds for wrongful termination?


Follow up from a work discrimination post

Ok so I was being harassed , constant watching and discriminated at work . I reported it to hr sent the videos I recorded and told them I was in fear working there and they agreed too . They put me on paid leave while they investigate .. what should I expect next ?


My boss is flirting with me

So I started this new job and so far I was really settling in and starting to like it then after a short while I started really getting along with my coworkers and boss. After a while my manager kind of started getting too friendly, then they Wanted to be actual friends, then they started drunk texting me, also I forgot to mention one of my coworkers had been dating my manger for multiple years. Anyways long story short they’ve been making weird remarks and hinting at wanting to leave their girlfriend and today they literally looked me up and down multiple times. They also constantly finds sexual topics to talk about. Honestly I was just trying to be nice in the beginning because I felt bad for her after she told me her sob story. But I really feel uncomfortable with how they take advantage of me i feel…


My boss won’t fire me.

Working in Nevada and I can feel myself reaching the end of my rope at this place. According to most of my co-workers, my boss doesn't fire people. He simply puts them “on call” and waits for them to quit so that he doesn't have to pay Unemployment Insurance. Is this legal? I read on the UI poster in the break room that I can apply if I have been terminated OR if my hours have been severely reduced. Would I still be able to make a claim? Why God? Do my prayers mean nothing to you?


Ex boss refusing to write check after 2 weeks now

I worked for this guy and i had to beg him every 2 weeks to pay me. Which was a week late everytime the money was solid but it was so insufferable working for him. Anyway, I did about 50-60 assignments a week and every job I completed I get a commission of it which he then calculates after 3 weeks and pays me by writing a check. It literally takes 10 minutes to add everything up. I’ve watched him do it before. He was rather bitter and confused that I put my 2 weeks notice in and went back to the company I was at before. I have a feeling he is making excuses and not paying me because I went to work somewhere else and he’s mad but I feel like this isn’t really legal? None of the checks he wrote were taxed or anything btw, just under…