
The evolution of my name badge at the nursing home is work at, for context I left dietary to be reception.


Not sure where this is, but I screenshot it off a YouTube video. Talk about misery and toxicity in the workplace.

I think this speaks for itself. Apparently taking a quick piss and removing your jacket constitutes time theft. Oh, and don’t forget anything in your work locker, time thief!


To be truthful but professional of course from now on in regardless or to please them and suppress?

I work in a toxic work place, can't leave anytime soon…tried both approaches and neither have been appreciated really I'm not a suck up person by nature I had to micromanage myself a lot unnecessary as they see all things I do problematic They have warpedly views such as direct professional truth being rude I'm beyond exhausted of micromanaging myself to please them etc especially when they don't but I'm concerned even though I'll be oeofesii ally direct and Frank I'll get disciplined as again its a toxic warped work So since there's a back lash and disciplinary concern what should I do be professionally truthful from now on in or not? Need advise ASAP as works early on in little over 24 hrs sorry ik it's cutting it fine unintentionally


Giving deadlines and sending tons of emails before even signing a contract

So I got the job, after my all broke but happy unemployment days I was happy to have a new job, celebrations blabla. Company called me on a Sunday afternoon and told me that I got the job and when I’m available to work. I said I’m available next week. They were ok with it. Next week on Monday they would start training me(we are 4 newbies) Then my trainer started to send at least 7 emails in a day about the job, things we need to read and watch, some materials and checklists. She also said deadline is Sunday night(before start training) Please help, this is gonna be my first professional role. I don’t think that’s normal at all. She just texted at 23.54 says “we don’t forget the deadline, right?” Do you think it’s normal, is it part of work life or something? She texts us all the…


How do people have kids? Is having kids still a thing?

Approaching my thirties and people ask me about when I’m having kids. With what time and money tho? How do people work 40+ hours a week with kids in today’s economy? I make a “middle-class” income and can barley support myself due to rent and bills alone. My work schedule is disgusting I’m allotted no personal time as with everyone else at the company. So how are people responsible for additional humans other than themselves? Do they even have kids anymore?


Why pay when you can pray?


My boss said she’s getting investigated by IRS and it’s my fault

My boss is a narcissist and has a severe savior complex. I work as a legal assistant in family law and have been for several years now. I gave my two weeks Monday because I just morally can’t work for this woman anymore. She lies to clients, to her employees, bills clients $500+ for personal meals because she ate there “after a hearing” and just so much more. It’s a terrible work environment and she’s by far the worse boss I’ve ever had. My co worker yesterday had a call with her regarding his insurance benefits. Apparently in the call she said something along the lines of, “I’m so pissed off. Because my name has worked multiple full time jobs this year, I’m getting investigated for money laundering.” For context, I worked a job for a while and moved to this job in May because it was an easier commute.…


Why yes, I’d love to fly with my work badge to Europe on my nonexistent vacation days!


My friend was sexually harassed at work by a supervisor and is now facing reprisals after speaking with HR

My friend, Anne, works as a delivery driver for a local restaurant. She was in a relationship with a coworker, Bob, she and Bob broke up about a month or so ago but are still friends. Her supervisor, Charlie, was one of Bob's friends and also had a crush on Anne. Charlie found out about a particular sexual kink of Bob's and, after an argument with Bob, sent a text to Anne threatening to out them to the rest of their coworkers. Naturally uncomfortable with this, as the particular kink would likely harm her reputation more than Bob's, Anne reported it to HR. In response HR began claiming that Charlie was never her superior in any way (she has text messages in which the store manager, David, says that she reports to Charlie), and that they will write Charlie up. David then wrote up Charlie. The next day, Anne goes…


I gave my notice and everyone freaked out. It was only halfway satisfying

I've been following these threads for a while because of my bizarre work situation. In my small department, there were 9 of us with the same certification and varying levels of experience. Since 2022, one person retired and two more left for other opportunities. The Director of my department did not post any positions and didn't promote anyone. Everyone became very overworked and frustrated. Director is notorious for being 1-2 years behind on reviews/raises as well, so that didn't help. I understand Director had plenty of budget but just chose not to do anything. I decided enough was enough and accepted another job. There was a pretty big panic. All of the sudden everyone cares about my team. Leadership took all the discretion from Director and is throwing money at everyone but me, naturally. I'm not having any second thoughts (best sleep in 5 years since I quit). But I'm…