
You gotta serve somebody

Bob Dylan is right, but it's not my boss. The first person I must serve is me. Then, my family and those who I care for. Oh, and the cats. All others are just means to an end, I am not their servant. I want to provide for my family and me? Alright, I make a deal with my boss. 30-40 hours of my time and skill for x of his money. That is a normal transactional business, nothing more, nothing less. He needs work done, I have the skill, just a fair exchange. No-one has a large leverage of power. Of course we know the power shifts, when there's an abundance of workers or a lack thereof, but we still aren't servants.


Don’t you feel you’re wasting time sleeping instead of working?


Laid off due to outsourcing and this was the CEO’s unapologetic response

I found this after I was laid off via a public website and it’s infuriating 🤬


Season of Giving

My mom’s an elementary school teacher, and each day this month, admin is giving them some kind of “appreciation gift”. Tomorrow they’re privileged enough to get nice toilet paper.


Therapy and Antidepressants Still Cost Money Though


Left off the schedule and unemployment granted.

My 17y/o son was working for a popular family owned pizza restaurant. The scheduling manager made it clear she did not like him. After 8 months of declining hours she just left him off the schedule for 2 weeks in a row while they continued to hire and increase hours for others. He filed for unemployment and it was granted. They never contested it. What is the outcome for the company? Do they get dinged on unemployment insurance? Is there a penalty of some sort? Just curious what the financial ramifications are for the company.


A story, and a lesson.

So I have hopped many jobs since I left the military. My skills were/are in high demand, but the job ads have now incorporated completely different skillets that don't quite match mine. So naturally I'm at the end of my career path 10-30 years earlier than expected. I had secured a job mid 2010s that was in a prime location, pay was very very good, and role was acceptable on paper. I started the work, tried to sync with the team, even went to their lunches at hooters (tried to repeatedly steer them away from it but couldn't). Eventually the younger fresh college graduate maybe around 20-21 years old started saying to three other companies in a call we didn't have a (my skillset) on the team. This would happen with them staring me in the face. I shook my head, would correct them after the meeting and the leads…


Dealing with a family run business – senior role

Howdy all, I wanted to ask for some advice. I joined a boutique company under half a year ago in a senior position with a title I wanted for the next stage of my career, bringing over 10 years of experience in a niche skillset and an open mind. The trouble starts with the company being closely family run with executive positions filled by family and friends with 1-2 years or experience. They have the final say in things which dismisses a lot of my opinions and give blunt statements like “We've always done it this way”. I am able to freelance my own services without issue, so I know my opinions aren't from a bad place. The second issue being my direct manager and boss micro manage tardiness (1-5 minutes) even if you're in very early most of the week and micro-manage what's on your screen, expecting constant streams…


Corporate conspiracies

I’m at a job where i was really comfortable aside from some core lies about pay and newly implemented rules to get a pay raise (made it increasingly hard to get. I’ve given up). I wont lie, it had a lot of red flags upon being hired, but it had paid holidays and the ability to get a decent amount of pto. One day a manager became pregnant and was replaced by a temporary one that was carried around on a wheels (observing us via laptop. Crazy, right?) and that manager started giving write ups and firing people left and right for things everyone in the building did. An italian, a black woman, and now they’re targeting a hispanic. Several months later and the pregnant manager found out this had happened when she was supposed to come back and was angry enough to refuse to come back to the office.…


My mom when I told her about being ghosted by companies “Well that’s rude”

Lmao no fucking shit. She’s my mom, she raised me and I should be thankful but boy does she not understand what’s going on with the job market and the shit my generation (Gen Z) has to take. Bit of backstory: I’m only a couple years out of college, went through the whole pandemic and online classes thing, then had surgery after graduating so had a year of not be able to do anything because of recovery, then my parents and I moved to a different and I still live at home. But whatever not uncommon for someone my age. I took a little bit of time to settle in and figure shit out and I started searching for work and it took me forever. After struggling to find anything, dealing with some rejections, but mostly ghosting, I finally found a part time gig that I’ve been doing for only…