
Boss Thinks I’m Lazy Because I Don’t Go Out of my Way to Work for Free

I’m a 2nd year lawyer who has been working at my current firm for about 6 months now. It’s a very small firm: the head attorney, me, and two legal assistants. That’s it. A large reason why our staff is so small is because my boss is an insufferable, neurotic, incompetent asshole who runs through employees like golf balls at a driving range. He has had 30 support staff come and go over the past 3 years. When I started, there were 3 other support staff here; they have all since quit, making me the longest tenured employee here (other than my boss) at 6 months. I’m admittedly learning a lot and my workload is manageable, so I enjoy the work itself for the most part, but my boss is so shitty it genuinely sucks the life out of all of us to be in the office every day. I…


Forced to Stay at Work and do Nothing for 10 Hours

Hot off the heels of being accused of insubordination for stapling photocopies, today was the polar opposite. So I guess it's an improvement? I did nothing. All day today. In fact, I'm still here, typing a short rant on Reddit about it. I have to be here from 8-6. 10 hours a day, 4 days a week. There was not a single thing to do today. No classes, no meetings, no reports to fill out, not even an email to respond to. Hell, even my shitty supervisor left 2 hours ago. But Heavens forbid I leave at 4. But, since they decided I don't get micromanaged enough, as retribution for my last insubordination, I am now forced to document hour by hour what I do for work. How am I supposed to fill a 10 hour schedule with nothing? I wasn't even given anything to do at all today, beyond…


Feeling sad about Spotify folks?

Why does social media suddenly has an outburst of posts where people are feeling sad about laid off Spotify folks. They were not the only people working hard. So many other companies laid off thousands of folks we should feel equally bad for them. And then there are people who are posting that Spotify did the firing appropriately- there Firing framework was right. What is this world! People will make posts out of anything and everything they get.


This probably belongs here


I just started a 16 hour job and my boss is putting me on 26hr. Help!

So I started a new job last week and I started it because it was a 16 hour job. However, today I noticed that my manager was changing the times on my schedule. I asked him if he could change them back because I have a second job that will be complicated and he said no because “he’s doing this to everyone” I enjoy the job but don’t want to be bent over and used like this. What should I answer with? Should I resign?? (Side note – I have hypermobility and shouldn’t stand for too long, and have ASD so need to mentally prepare for shifts.) Thank you for reading


Thanks for inspiring me

Just want to say thank you. I joined this subreddit some years back and it inspired me to work considerably less hard at my job and use the saved energy to build something for myself. I made a chess game. Had never made a game before but thought it would be fun. It now averages around $10 a day, which isn't mind-blowing but it certainly takes the edge off the inflation. I look at it as an extra months pay per year, which is really nice. I would totally recommend starting your own small business. No boss is ever going to pay you properly and earning a passive income feels great even if its not much!


Company is tying annual reviews based on how we score our company.

So over the last year we have not been giving great scores to our company as a whole, usually low twos when we do surveys which are coming more frequent. So now we see our annual review is now tied to our scores, we have to hit a score of 3.97/5 in order to hit this goal. FML


Looking back, the only time I have been genuinely happy since leaving school/college 15 years ago, was during the Covid lockdowns…

I'm just not built to be at work man, it makes me depressed as hell, even in jobs I don't hate, and people say being stuck at home would make that even worse, but honestly, during the lockdowns, I was the happiest I have ever been since school age, I looked forward to waking up and wondering what I would do with each day with a kind of excitement… that version of me died as soon as I returned to work and I just felt myself craving those days again today like some kind of nostalgia… I now just want to sleep as soon as I get home, and then hate waking up, I'm just on auto pilot and bored out of my mind with the same old work, eat, sleep days… to the point if I saw on the news now that a meteor was heading to Earth I'd…


Constantly pressured to work more hours

I’m the only parent to my five year old. I recently started working 5 days a week after working part time for years. I work with my mom and stepdad at a warehouse. At first, I was only supposed to work three days a week. My mom suggested this because she didn’t want me to get burnt out quickly. After a few weeks, they started asking me to work five days a week. I said I would do 4 so I had a day for appointments and to run errands while my child is at school. Another few weeks go by, and they’re asking me to work five days just to get through Black Friday. I did, and now it’s just kind of become expected that I come in five days a week. Then, they start pressuring me to work weekends on top of working five days. I don’t have…


PSA: Bootlicker brigade incoming – please take the time to report

That is all.