
Onboarding / contract question

Hello all!!! After 6 months of not working I'm getting into a new job for necessity, and while doing onboarding for the company (fast food chain) I spotted this in the paperwork. Isnt it illegal to instruct employees not to talk about their wages? I'm big in workplace communication and I always share my payrate with my coworkers in order to maintain fair pay and push those getting underpaid to do something about it. I know I'm the problem they're trying to stop with this rule, and I find it honestly disgusting. Do I have to abide by this ?


They’re trying a new tactic to bring people back into the office



Test with no right or wrong answers

I was doing one of the many online tests for this job and started doing one called “Cultural Fit”. There were warnings telling me that there were no right or wrong answers, and that I should be honest with my answers. Basically all 10 questions were about if a company should focus on profits or employees well-being. Each question had 4 alternatives and I should organize them in order of importance. The ones I considered more important should be number 1 and the least important number 4. They kept saying that there were no right or wrong all the time after every question. At the end of this test I got a SCORE of 17 (maximum 100), and I failed, obviously. So, there were right answers after all. They were lying all the time. And this was their only test with a score at the end. I don't understand why…


Contract employer reaching out after termination

Long story short, I did contract work and had to put in notice of 60 days (per my contract, which I never actually signed). I did that, and my employer responded saying “you can consider yourself relieved of your duties as of today.” Today, he reached out to me saying “we need to meet to discuss things we are unclear on regarding billing and payment plans” (the job was billing for a private practice). I don’t have to respond to him, correct? I consider my employment and contract terminated as of that respond from him, and I don’t really want to engage with him at all (lots of ethical issues, he hires his therapy clients including me lol). I know the answer is probably obvious, but he makes me anxious so I just needed to put it out there for someone else to also tell me I don’t need to…


laid off questions

When I signed the termination contract I sent it back in email but my manager hadn’t signed it yet. They didn’t even confirm that they received the email or reply with their signature. It’s already been almost two months and I received my cheques. So is ok to not question it and assume the contract is in place? My manager promised to give me a letter of recommendation when I was let go. It’s been a month and a half still haven’t received it. I’m not in a rush for it but do I need to send a reminder or just send over some good points about myself to help speed up the process? I think I was laid off cause of nepotism. Is there anything I can do other than move on?


Observation. Why does no one here name the company they work for in their posts?

So seeing post after post of allegedly terrible work environments I'm wondering why no one names the company they work for? A. If you're story is 100% true, there's nothing legally that can be done to you? Also, let's be honest here, no boss or HR department is going to be able to identify who you are from your random Reddit account. And B. Surely we as a community would want to warn others of potentially bad employers? I think it'd be great to let others know that hey “might want to avoid such and such because of this…” You know? Just a thought, I'm not trying to hate on anyone in anyway, I've just genuinely always wondered why no one names companies here.


The more brevity the merrier when posting

Helps on so many levels. I'd genuinely like to read more posts on this sub, but some are like seven paragraphs that take the reader through every single detail of the situation that is hard to understand without being familiar with the situation. It's so great to see people venting and working through their situation cathartically. I'd never want to push back against that, naturally. But maybe a post flair for rants and needing advice and whatnot. Sometimes it's hard to help when a story is wayward, coherent concise type posts ftw. Also emphasizing the crux of the situation. TLDRs always Hundreds of posts per hour here and so much information to take in nowadays in life, gosh.


So… Breaks

So I've never had a job with “breaks” before. Now to be fair the only other jobs I've had where: being paid with food, fabric, and the occasional $20 doing tech things for community theater & being a substitute teacher. For neither of these jobs did I have to punch a time clock… Nor did I have breaks where I wasn't expected to drop everything and help. But now I have a 9-5 “office” job (call center), and during training taking my breaks was easy because everyone would leave the room and trickle back in. But now that I'm at my own cubicle I struggle to remember I'm due for a 15 until it's after my scheduled lunch. I'm trying to do my best to remember, but the notification that pops up will show up 15 minutes before my scheduled time and I usually get a call (or 2) in…


How a ban on scab labor would level the playing field between employers and unions


Sexually Assaulted at work.

Last Monday, I was working in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Helping pull cable for a Parole and Probation office renovation. The end of our workday comes and I set about loading the ladders on the truck. Got the ladders nice and secured, and moved on to strapping down the work cart so it's not rolling around the truck. I noticed a homeless man walking up to me, thinking he was going to ask for money or ask to use the porta john, but gets really close, too close. I ask “what's up man!” And responds “I'm Aspen what's your name?” Gave him my name and he asks, “what are you doing?” “Working…?” I say. “Do you need any help?!”, he asks. I replied, “no, but thanks anyway, I really appreciate it!”. And he kinda laughs and says “haha hell yeah man!” And I stupidly thought that was the end of…