
The Toxic Culture at Tesla


I called in sick and now I owe over$6,000 in hospital fees.

There was a couple times where I had called In sick to work, and my manager had forced me to get a hospital paper saying what was wrong with me, or else I would be fired. There was one time where I had severe chest pain, and another where I had covid. My manager had made me go to the hospital (yes, hospital) to get a doctors note, stating that what I am saying was true. When I would call in sick, I would be 100% honest with him. If my stomach hurt, or if I was on my lady days. He never made me get a drs note. But for some reason, for these two reasons, he made me. And now I’m being charged hella bills. I have insert insurance, which is for low income peoples, but I’m still being charged. Is there anyway I can contact corporate, because…


Independent contractor issues- termination

I have been an IC for this company for going on 3 months. The first month my ‘Manager’ (he is referred to as this in my contract) was really responsive and proactive about giving me work. My contract is $22/hr for 20 hours a week. As the second month rolled along there were times where I’d email him and not even get a response for a week. I billed for 20 hours throughout this time whether he gave me work or not and sent my last invoice on March 29th. At one point over the phone he offered more hours for more money. I said I would be happy to do that but when it came up in emails, it was really him wanting me to do more hours for the same pay. He told me he would talk to the CEO and see if he could get the extra…


Should I stay at my low paying job?

I've been working at home Depot for about two years back when I had a semi reasonable pay being paid 15/hr and having enough for my school bill and my own needs but now the pay has gotten lower. While I was still working for financial reasons I did look for other jobs while still working but most of the time I barely get an interview (I had one that went well but I haven't heard anything back) and the reason why I still continue to stay at this job is my parent doesn't want me to quit until I find something with a more better pay, but the reason why I want to quit is that I'm spending more on Lyft getting to work and back instead on my needs. I try explaining to my dad about it in a rational way that I consistently look for jobs but…


“Use it or lose it”

If PTO is part of your compensation package, then effectively, it's part of your earned wages. When an employer implements restrictive use policies combined with a “use it or lose it” approach, it may prevent workers from fully benefiting from all aspects of their compensation. If you are unable to use earned PTO due to restrictive policies, or scheduling issues controlled by your employer, and then lose it due to expiration, it essentially means you’re not receiving the full compensation you worked for. When unused PTO is forfeited back to the employer, it can result in financial benefit for the employer at the expense of the employee. This might improve the employer’s bottom line, but it does so by withholding earned wages from employees. Fair compensation practices should ensure employees can either use or be compensated for the accrued benefits that they agreed to work for.


They are really trying to gaslight us into not retiring. Work until you die.


Ghost them

TL;dr I interviewed for a full-time tech job in my field which has fallen victim to AI. Pay was extremely low for the role. I declined after accepting with a brief email to the manager who is now pissed off and sending me shitty messages about “honoring my obligations.” I HAD intended to tell him the real reason was that their onboarding process was too exhausting for the pay. Lesson learned, ghost these fuckers. During the first interview with the somewhat hostile person from HR, I discovered it was a temporary part-time position with the possibility of going full time in two months. Maybe. You know, if I prove me self as a loyal corporate slave. I must confess that this started me out with a bad taste. The second interview with the manager went well. He was very professional and I could see they were desperate for someone they…


Boss giving me no shifts after I’ve put a complaint in him

So I put in a complain about my horrendous boss, he yelled at me in the work place over sometbing very small. I've complained to his manager and also said I have a feeling he just won't give me shifts now that I've complained and he assured me he can't do that even though I'm on a zero hour contract but been working 2-3 shifts every week for 3 years. And now the week after I've put a complaint I've got no shifts. Can anyone help me


MSM really wants us to hate on that new Cali minimum wage for fast food workers.

I'm so sick of all the bot written news articles made to make the public turn against higher wages for the poorest workers. They replaced workers with kiosks you say? Those kiosks have been here for a while now. They aren't new. Seriously, if you work or live In Cali, sound off below and tell what you're seeing in your neck of the woods.


Mandatory, but not scheduled meeting

Blue is the CEO of the purple workplace. Green is me. They announced the meeting the day before it was supposed to happen. I had to get a second job because they’d only been scheduling me two days a week as a server. Now, we’re four days into the scheduled week and, not only am I not on the schedule, but NONE of the servers have been scheduled for this weekend. Everyone else has, just not servers.