
The myth of Sweden

As someone who has experienced life threatening practices due to sudden changes in politics, I get sad when people claim that “all politicians are the same” or that it doesn’t matter who you vote for. I live in Sweden, a country long known for its successful mixture of capitalism and democratic socialism. Here, every working citizen (still) has a guaranteed health insurance. If you get sick you can still pay your rent instead of being homeless, adding more bills to the community through increased use of free public health care, more emergency calls, police investigations etc. If your pay was any good you can even live relatively comfortably, at least for a year or two, depending on your standards before you got sick. And if your health doesn’t improve, you can go in to early retirement even from a very young age, and live a minimalistic but safe life. As…


Pto vs sick leave

In CA a law was passed that employees get 5 days of sick time. My questions is if you have plenty of PTO to use can a you be fired for using PTO as sick time, if you have used all of your sick time already


Taking two mental health days in a row

Title pretty much sums is up. I’m working a job I hate right now and know I shouldn’t feel bad about taking 2 mental health days in a row but I still feel guilty about it. I’m the lowest ranking member of my team and I hardly do much but menial tasks. Is this just how the job system is meant to make us feel?


It’s sick and cruel 150 days between paid holidays

What kind of sick demented leadership has no paid holidays between New Years and Memorial Day. (I know government workers and Europeans have 97 paid days off per year but we don’t.)


Outsourced to “help with busy season only”

Surprising exactly no one the company laid off about 20% of the team the day after busy season ended today. They refuse to answer if this will be the only round, who was laid off (20% is a guess based on how many people are missing from the team chat), or give any other useful information. When they announced the outsourcing they said it was for the busy season only, that they would be able to ramp up and down the support, and that no jobs were at risk despite what I said at the start of the post I'm amazed and horrified by how many co-workers were surprised by this. The next phase will be attrition and they'll make a living hell for all of us. Super looking forward to it.


Work demotion

I reported to a C suite level executive. Suddenly they’re changing the reporting structure so I report to this guy one rung lower on the totem pole. They pitched it as “your work has dried up, you need to do different work around here, you’ll work with this guy & then you can be his successor.” Also removed my one direct report who also now reports to this guy. Obviously am furious. If you wanted me to leave why not just severance me out? Already working on my exit plan. At least pay is the same. Don’t you think they’re trying to get me to leave?


Bait and switch? Not paying attention?


Forbes Billionaires 2024

scratching neck Y’all got any of that $preadsheet!?


TIL that in 1944 the CIA created a manual on sabotaging organizations. Among other things, it suggests to “make speeches… at great length”, “refer all matters to committees”, “make committees as large as possible”, “insist on perfect work in relatively unimportant products”


People die in workplace incidents all the time and no one bats an eye, but one CEO just drops dead at work and it makes headlines.