
Brag about record profits


We hate working for those who…


New attitude required in the workplace


Then don’t??


The growing crisis of the young American male could send home prices falling

This may not exactly belong here. But as much as the article frames it with doom and gloom, I dare say it’s kinda good news.


Businesses be like: no one wants to work anymore! Then pull stunts like this on their own hiring posts:

names censored for privacy but geniunely why would anyone want to work here after this response? I called them out over it lmao


Gen Xer quits because of Gen Z firing

After 25 years in tech, I started a new career working in a library literacy program. Soon after I joined, we had a wonderful intern Joana join our team. A position was in the process of being created for her because of her excellent work. A few weeks ago, she was yelled at by the program manager for no justifiable reason in front of students. When she stood up for herself, she found herself berated and blamed. This unfortunately was not new behavior from this manager – myself and other staff had also been spoken to similarly. I made a complaint to their supervisor and was assured it would be taken care of the next day, Instead, a few days later, Joana was fired. Two managers were responsible for this. As soon as I found out, I went into our program manager's office, resigned, told her she was an incompetent,…


Company I work for won’t hire my brother, yet my bosses are the CEO’s children

My conversation I had with the HR, I just found it bewildering that they cited preventing nepotism and favoritism as priorities, while it's apparent that the CEO's children have secure positions within the company and are slated to take over once the CEO steps down. Also I won't even be seeing my brother if he did get the job offer, he would be in a different building/department. Meanwhile my CEO and the children sit all comfortably together in the same office making the decisions. Fucking hippocrates man… By the way my team lead is dating the CEO's daughter which is the cherry on top!


Seems like a load of bs to me


Receiving this in the mail at work addressed to me talking about my boss (the dr). Small company so no HR. What do I do?