
Advice from a man in his 40s to younger folk

There is a great lie in the US: that you should spend the best years of your life working hard and building a nest egg for retirement around 65. However, studies show that 70% of people over 60 suffer from health problems and mental health challenges that significantly reduce their quality of life. This decline increases rapidly as the years roll on. You spend the best years of your life thinking you can enjoy it when you retire, but run the high risk of ending up miserable in retirement. 70%!, would you jump out of a plane if your parachute had a 70% chance of failing?. As a man in his 40s, I want to tell all you young folk, enjoy your youth while you have the strength and energy to enjoy life. Im in my mid 40s and Ive lost my libido, my energy levels are half of what…


Sick of insurance being tied to employment

I’m chronically ill and I work in healthcare because everyone said that’s where some of the best benefits are and it’s true. If I leave I’ll probably never have a better insurance plan but I hate healthcare. It only makes me sicker, I’m tired all the time and moody. Any of my friends who are self employed don’t have health insurance and I wish I had that same privilege to choose. I don’t know what else to do


A Follow Up Post to: My boss wouldn’t give me a 4 dollar raise, despite being a top performer

Lots of people were asking to do an update when I gave my employer my two weeks notice, so here it is: I wrote an email to my boss, the department head, and HR letting them know my last day. Let me tell you, their reaction was incredibly satisfying!! Funny enough, a position “suddenly” opened up for me. I eventually caved and told them how much my new job is paying me because they really wanted to make a counter offer and his response was “never mind. congrats”. No one is bugging me about it anymore and I still get to continue working for two weeks. I did not disclose the company I am moving to, as I am still waiting for my background check to clear, and I don't want my employer calling them up and lying about the quality of my work to force me to stay.


Just walked out after six years

I'm just here to vent. Stay and read my story if you want. I've worked for six years at a family-owned Ford dealership as the ISM. I handle the internet and phone leads for the sales department. I love my job, everyone gets along, and I'm paid well. I'm at the ceiling of what I can make in our market but being genrally happy with the enviornment kept me there. Last month we were bought out by a huge auto group that operates fifty-something stores in our area. It was dropped on us suddenly as our owners couldn't talk about the sale. Confrence room full of suits telling us that they bought us because we are successful; the team made it happen and they don't want to change a thing. Just give us more opportunity with more inventory spread through the fifty stores. Seems promising. I have a meeting with…


What’s your funniest work story?

This happened in 2013 when I was with a company in asia, which I think had more than 100,000 employees globally. So, there was this email distribution list that IT hadn't updated in ages. Someone from a different country sent an email to it around 8 PM my time. He inquired about something. By the time I started my shift the next day, my inbox was overflowing with more than 3,000 emails!!!! All in less than 12 hours! Turns out, every single one of the 100,000+ employees was on that list. Everyone was replying, “Please take me off this distribution list. I'm not the right contact person” to “Please stop replying to ALL!” I still have those emails. Whenever I need a laugh, I just revisit that email thread.


Thought you guys would like this nice little propaganda piece.


Vietnamese billionaire sentenced to death for $44bn fraud | BBC News

This seems like a great way to deal with the morbidly rich who steal wages.


What’s coverage? Non-existant.


When You’re Off Work, You’re OFF Work

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Managers tend to target loyal workers for exploitation, study finds