
Anybody else deal with spying and gossiping as a new employee?

I checked my team lead for talking shit about me on my second day. Told her to tell me if there's something I need to know Later, she had her friends (other team leads and a manager) hold meetings about how we should already know everything from orientation (I was fired then rehired in the middle of orientation for a completely different position) And if we want our work to be supervised to ask because “closed mouths don't get fed” To this day, even though after the one time a different, uninvolved team lead saw that I needed help/tips and gave it to me (and one of her friends who held a meeting backing up her gossiping apologized to me and told me I should've been helped) I still catch her and another team lead still watch me and talk about me from a distance (its my 2nd week) Now,…


Is this behavior normal? Do I deserve it?

I started to work on digital marketing for the first time ever last year. At first my clients were very happy with my work. I struggled a lot because I had to learn as I went and felt very little support from the agency and my boss who knew I was no expert (she also happens to be my friend. I know, big mistake). Then this year started and I gave the clients what I thought was a good metrics report showing them that our strategy was working. They didnt think so and started changing and changing my plans. I had told them months earlier that i’d be moving to a different country in may and though hesitant, they agreed to me working remotely. My team made a few mistakes (nothing major) and the clients started getting more and more demanding and angry. Finally, they decided they didnt want me…


Have pneumonia from Covid boss is telling me I need to find someone to cover my shift.

The title basically explains it. I’m immunocompromised and I’ve been sick since Wednesday like the worst I’ve ever been in my life. I couldn’t get out of bed I passed out walking to the bathroom two separate times. Fever, chills, body aches a migraine that made me not able to even look at my phone. my face even swelled up which I’ve never had happen before. I was even hospitalized at one point. Obviously I haven’t been able to go into work for the past 3 days. every day my manager will ask numerous times if I’m coming in my responses were always “no I’m in the hospital” “No I’m still having trouble breathing” “No it’s pneumonia” they’ve been getting multiple coworkers to message me and call me. today they asked again and because I’m so tired of it I said I’ll see what I can do, they told me…


Tax Error Causes a Federal debt of $1332

So on Monday I get myself ready to file my taxes I had to print out my own W-2 as they've already failed to send it to me. I get everything ready and calculated it turns out I owe $1332 federally. I believe this is wrong and go to my HR team, They tell me it's because Federally my status is Married and Filing jointly (I haven't even dated). My W-4 states single my state status is single. This was apparently caused due to an error that commonly occurred around the time of my hiring last year, they corrected the system in December of last year, and didn't think to check their employee records and get them corrected, didn't think to send out a mass email, didn't do a thing to make sure that I wouldn't be getting screwed. Still have yet to fully file in the hope that this…


I want to leave my job. unethical environment and feel worthless for not being american

I work at an American company that claims to be ~~ decentralized ~~. I work with marketing-related stuff and am based in Latin America. they pay me 1000 USD/month for a ''contractor'' full-time position, but with no benefits, all remote. They recently hired someone with less experience than me to be my boss and paid her 10x more than they paid me, just for not being in the USA. It is a start-up with around 12 people working at it, I'm the only person that is not hired. I'm also the only person outside ''first-world'' countries. they just hired another contractor, also from Latam, who also has a bad salary. Last year they all went offsite and I was the ONLY PERSON on the team who didn't go. because it was only for people who were actual employees. ​ I worked there for a year and only got one raise…


Lazy huh? What does that make men taking paternity leave?


So relatable…


I think my GM is lying about Sonic drive in policies. Any advice or suggestions apon confrontation?

So I've been working at Sonic for 1 while year, gotten really good at the job and enjoy doing my work. However, my GM has been telling me that meals are not free. No food is free. Even when I'm starving (because I've been down on my funds due to a really bad financial hole I'm in trying to dig myself out of. Successfully mind you.) and says that he does that because “it's in our policy to only give employees a 50% discount. I've blindly agreed until recently. I got into an argument with a 16 year old manager about how in AZ it's a law for minors working to be entitled to a break. (Because she denied a minor a break 5 hours in to his 7 hour shift.) And she got mad and said “I'm just doing my job!” And eventually after everyone was gathered around shaking…


out of the box time wasting ideas

I work at a storage facility. Most days it’s just me and one coworker/friend who also likes to waste time. The catch is, even though no one is on property with us the cameras monitor the office and elevator entrances (but not hallways) and they check our internet usage. I’m looking for FUN time wasting activities because we have gone through so many, from reading books to puzzles and binge watching documentaries.


Do not work for boy scouts of america.

They put money over safety I have seen it with my own eyes…No bullying is BS