
People in their 30s: Aren’t you tired of job search?

I just want to rant today. The struggle for job seems never ending. Gaining humble experiences, lowering job expectations, facing rejections, but at the end of the day it is all depressing. Months are passing by, but job market is not improving. What are your thoughts?


Our Union is being bullied and about to lose the fight

I cannot believe this, it is actually crazy. We voted on a contract that included some marginally decent benefits, 6% raise, keeping health insurance costs low, and new boots…This contract went back and forth and ultimately this is what was agreed upon by both parties, so we thought. Well guess what, just because we voted yes on it doesn’t mean my employer is accepting it. This was in January, and the 6% raise was agreed to be retroactive for the start of 2024. Now after some hard realizations about there poor budgeting, they are saying they have no money or means to honor this contract and are walking back everything they agreed upon in the contract and steam rolling the union. Well it’s about to get interesting but ultimately I believe the 400 + blue collar workers under this contract will be shafted all while the people who are now…


Life after being fired

I’ve always had difficulty making friends, and even more difficulty holding onto them. How this translates to the workplace is I tend to keep to myself at first, and it either stays that way because I don’t think we’d get along or I open up a little if I think we will. So what happens when one gets fired? How are you supposed to feel and act if one of your friends gets fired? Do you comfort them, encourage them not to give up? Confront the boss in some way? Or do you distance yourself, for fear of potential repercussions to your own employment or shame for your former coworkers conduct? How about if you’re the one that gets fired? Do you reach out to your former coworkers for support or to just reminisce? Or should you wait and see if they’ll reach out first? Does it mean anything if…


Boss pays me $ 14 an hour and asks me to buy her Chanel bag off of her

I’m in my final year of law school and work at a law firm on the side. I am being paid $ 14 and can’t take sick days or paid leave. My boss told me she’s selling her Chanel bag and asked me if I was interested, at first I thought she was kidding so I laughed it off and said no, and now she keeps sending me pics of it. She also wants to sell me her worn designer clothes and keeps sending me pictures of them.. I can barely afford food….


Wage-theft reparations? When are we going to make corporate pay back all the money they stole from us?


I am close to tears

I am so unbelievably exhausted from trying to get a job. I got laid off in December and since then I can’t get interviews. The only thing that’s come my way is a job wanting to interview me for -10k what I was making. I can’t survive off of 40k I can’t even survive off of 50k. I am substitute teaching during the day and working at a restaurant at night. The restaurant got shitty with the scheduling manager for scheduling me to have a day off on Saturday or Sunday once every blue moon. Cuz they want me to be available every day and if they can cut me then I’ll get a day off. I’m at this school today. The same class I was at two days ago. I left at 2:30 and they told me I could leave at 2:30 on Friday. I have an interview for…


Nostalgia Critic Quits! Doug Walker on the News 20/20 (2013)

If he can do it, we can do it


I have been working my butt off for almost a year at this company….

When I was hired I was told pto accrued after 6 months. I'm about to move and wanted to use pto so I don't miss out on pay. I understand it isn't required for employers to offer pto, but come on. The reasoning makes no sense to me. In my time working here I only took 3 days off for my birthday. But apparently that's too much.


Was just fired out of nowhere- how the hell do I get unemployment?

I have been at my job for about 8 months now, have gone above & beyond, and have received nothing but praise from my 2 bosses. I recently found out that the other employee makes the same wage as me, despite having zero experience, while I have years of experience in this very niche trade. She was hired because she is good friends with my bosses. I brought this up to the main boss and she agreed, my productivity was much higher, I had much more experience, and the hard work I had been doing deserved a raise. However, after speaking with the other boss, they declined my request for a raise. About 2 weeks after this (yesterday), they brought me in and told me I was being fired due to my productivity going down since I was denied the raise. My last day at work my boss installed a…


I just need to vent/rant..

This is probably going to be long, sorry, but the context is pretty necessary. I do want to start out by saying that my job is really not as terrible as most of the posts I see in this sub and I generally enjoy it most of the time. My manager just made a passive aggressive comment today and I'm irritated about it. For context- I was in an accident in early March (while on my lunch break- not at my workplace) that resulted in my right hand being broken and me needing to have surgery on it (I'm also right handed). My job requires pretty much constant use of my hands. I've been back to work for a few weeks but I'm on restrictions per my surgeon as far as my hours (I'm currently not working 8 hour days), and I'm also currently not physically able to do a…