
Does anyone else find it suspicious when job descriptions put “other duties as assigned” in the list of responsibilities?

Why so secretive? I can’t help but think that implies having to do things that aren’t typically a part of the job and they just put that on there so they can get away with asking ridiculous things from employees.


For remote/hybrid workers, how is your organization monitoring your activity?

Hi All, I've recently started working remotely and wondered how organizations usually monitor remote/hybrid workers. Obviously Teams is snitching whenever I am not at the laptop for 10 minutes or so by showing me as “away”. Btw, any solutions to the Teams issue? ​ Thanks!


Stupid and/or pointless question that are on every job app?

“Do you have reliable transportation?” Who the fuck is going to say no even if they really don't have reliable transportation. Is the company going to sue me if I keeping showing up late because of car trouble if I put yes?


Sam Seder: Squatters’ Rights Debate is a Distraction

I hope it's ok to share this yt vid. A few months ago I noticed a weird uptick in “squatter” videos on YT. They universally portray squatters as dirty parasites who steal homes from good taxpaying Americans. Squatters' rights laws do get abused once in a while, I know this.. but for every story like that there are ten, or maybe hundreds of people who didn't get thrown out of their apartment or the home they've mortgaged the last twenty years because of squatters' rights. I think that banks and landlords want us polarized against squatters' rights so that we'll abolish our own protection.. basically the last domino between us and China's all-rent property-ownership model. If you know anyone who's crusading against squatters, in spite of never having seen or heard of one in their life… please set them straight. ​ BTW I've heard some arguments for the other side.…


Nearly one-third of large US companies are considering 4-day workweeks, according to a KPMG survey of CEOs.


Internship hours

Sorry not work related but close. I go to college and they require an internship for 6 weeks for a minimum of 30 hours per week. So my question is should I do 30 hours including my lunch hour or lunch hours do not count as internship hours? I know I sound lazy but my internship is not paid and I have a job in the evening and honestly I just want to the minimum I’m so tired. I’d love to tell my supervisor that my lunch hours do counts if he asks because technically I’m obligated to do my internship so it should count? I have a teacher at my college who supervises but won’t be where i’ll do my internship and a supervisor at the company where i’ll be for the 6 weeks, so I don’t think my teacher at the college will notice that my lunch hours…


Wife got a pay raise for her 10 year anniversary (x-post)



I’m so sick of this work culture bullshit in America. You say one bad thing about the place you work and your immediately reported by your fellow coworkers who are suppose to be your team. Nope that’s a lie always has been everyone and I mean everyone will take whatever chance they can to run you out or get you fired to get the upper hand. I’m so sick of this fucking lifestyle of just being a drone/pawn.


I’m gonna go feral

I replied to a job position by sending my resume online and then calling them the same day saying I sent them a resume to look at 'cause I'm really interested in the job offer. They call me 2 days later saying someone responsible will call me within 5 days. A full week goes by, still no call. I finally get an E-MAIL 8 days later for an INTERVIEW, the form asking what time would be best is broken so I have to reply to say the form doesn't work. They reply asking if FRIDAY at 2PM (3 days from then) is OK for an INTERVIEW and I say yes. Cut to FRIDAY/TODAY and I get a call at 1PM asking me questions CLEARLY ANWSERED TWICE IN MY INITIAL APPLICATION AND IN MY RESUME THEY DIDN'T BOTHER TO LOOK AT FOR MORE THAN 3 SECONDS and tell me if next…


Choices, choices